/* * Copyright 2018 Allan Wang * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package com.pitchedapps.frost.web import android.graphics.Bitmap import android.graphics.Color import android.webkit.WebResourceRequest import android.webkit.WebResourceResponse import android.webkit.WebView import android.webkit.WebViewClient import ca.allanwang.kau.utils.withAlpha import com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook.FACEBOOK_BASE_COM import com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook.FbCookie import com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook.FbItem import com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook.WWW_FACEBOOK_COM import com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook.formattedFbUrl import com.pitchedapps.frost.injectors.CssHider import com.pitchedapps.frost.injectors.CssSmallAssets import com.pitchedapps.frost.injectors.JsActions import com.pitchedapps.frost.injectors.JsAssets import com.pitchedapps.frost.injectors.jsInject import com.pitchedapps.frost.utils.L import com.pitchedapps.frost.utils.Prefs import com.pitchedapps.frost.utils.isExplicitIntent import com.pitchedapps.frost.utils.isFacebookUrl import com.pitchedapps.frost.utils.isImageUrl import com.pitchedapps.frost.utils.isIndirectImageUrl import com.pitchedapps.frost.utils.launchImageActivity import com.pitchedapps.frost.utils.resolveActivityForUri import com.pitchedapps.frost.views.FrostWebView import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.SendChannel /** * Created by Allan Wang on 2017-05-31. * * Collection of webview clients */ /** * The base of all webview clients * Used to ensure that resources are properly intercepted */ open class BaseWebViewClient : WebViewClient() { override fun shouldInterceptRequest( view: WebView, request: WebResourceRequest ): WebResourceResponse? = view.shouldFrostInterceptRequest(request) } /** * The default webview client */ open class FrostWebViewClient(val web: FrostWebView) : BaseWebViewClient() { private val fbCookie: FbCookie get() = web.fbCookie private val prefs: Prefs get() = web.prefs private val refresh: SendChannel = web.parent.refreshChannel private val isMain = web.parent.baseEnum != null /** * True if current url supports refresh. See [doUpdateVisitedHistory] for updates */ internal var urlSupportsRefresh: Boolean = true override fun doUpdateVisitedHistory(view: WebView, url: String?, isReload: Boolean) { super.doUpdateVisitedHistory(view, url, isReload) urlSupportsRefresh = urlSupportsRefresh(url) web.parent.swipeEnabled = urlSupportsRefresh view.jsInject(JsAssets.AUTO_RESIZE_TEXTAREA, prefs = prefs) v { "History $url; refresh $urlSupportsRefresh" } } private fun urlSupportsRefresh(url: String?): Boolean { if (url == null) return false if (!url.isFacebookUrl) return true if (url.contains("soft=composer")) return false if (url.contains("sharer.php") || url.contains("sharer-dialog.php")) return false return true } protected inline fun v(crossinline message: () -> Any?) = L.v { "web client: ${message()}" } override fun onPageStarted(view: WebView, url: String?, favicon: Bitmap?) { super.onPageStarted(view, url, favicon) if (url == null) return v { "loading $url ${web.settings.userAgentString}" } refresh.offer(true) } private fun injectBackgroundColor() { web.setBackgroundColor( when { isMain -> Color.TRANSPARENT web.url.isFacebookUrl -> prefs.bgColor.withAlpha(255) else -> Color.WHITE } ) } override fun onPageCommitVisible(view: WebView, url: String?) { super.onPageCommitVisible(view, url) injectBackgroundColor() if (url.isFacebookUrl) { view.jsInject( // CssHider.CORE, CssHider.HEADER, CssHider.COMPOSER.maybe(!prefs.showComposer), CssHider.STORIES.maybe(!prefs.showStories), CssHider.PEOPLE_YOU_MAY_KNOW.maybe(!prefs.showSuggestedFriends), CssHider.SUGGESTED_GROUPS.maybe(!prefs.showSuggestedGroups), prefs.themeInjector, CssHider.NON_RECENT.maybe( (web.url?.contains("?sk=h_chr") ?: false) && prefs.aggressiveRecents ), CssHider.ADS.maybe(!prefs.showFacebookAds), CssSmallAssets.FullSizeImage.maybe(prefs.fullSizeImage), JsAssets.DOCUMENT_WATCHER, JsAssets.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLING, JsAssets.AUTO_RESIZE_TEXTAREA, JsAssets.CLICK_A, JsAssets.CONTEXT_A, JsAssets.MEDIA, prefs = prefs ) } else { refresh.offer(false) } } override fun onPageFinished(view: WebView, url: String?) { url ?: return v { "finished $url" } if (!url.isFacebookUrl) { refresh.offer(false) return } onPageFinishedActions(url) } internal open fun onPageFinishedActions(url: String) { if (url.startsWith("${FbItem.MESSAGES.url}/read/") && prefs.messageScrollToBottom) { web.pageDown(true) } injectAndFinish() } internal fun injectAndFinish() { v { "page finished reveal" } refresh.offer(false) injectBackgroundColor() web.jsInject( JsActions.LOGIN_CHECK, JsAssets.TEXTAREA_LISTENER, JsAssets.HEADER_BADGES.maybe(isMain), prefs = prefs ) } open fun handleHtml(html: String?) { L.d { "Handle Html" } } open fun emit(flag: Int) { L.d { "Emit $flag" } } /** * Helper to format the request and launch it * returns true to override the url * returns false if we are already in an overlaying activity */ private fun launchRequest(request: WebResourceRequest): Boolean { v { "Launching url: ${request.url}" } return web.requestWebOverlay(request.url.toString()) } private fun launchImage(url: String, text: String? = null, cookie: String? = null): Boolean { v { "Launching image: $url" } web.context.launchImageActivity(url, text, cookie) if (web.canGoBack()) web.goBack() return true } override fun shouldOverrideUrlLoading(view: WebView, request: WebResourceRequest): Boolean { v { "Url loading: ${request.url}" } val path = request.url?.path ?: return super.shouldOverrideUrlLoading(view, request) v { "Url path $path" } val url = request.url.toString() if (url.isExplicitIntent) { view.context.resolveActivityForUri(request.url) return true } if (path.startsWith("/composer/")) { return launchRequest(request) } if (url.isIndirectImageUrl) { return launchImage(url.formattedFbUrl, cookie = fbCookie.webCookie) } if (url.isImageUrl) { return launchImage(url.formattedFbUrl) } if (prefs.linksInDefaultApp && view.context.resolveActivityForUri(request.url)) { return true } // Convert desktop urls to mobile ones if (url.contains("https://www.facebook.com") && urlSupportsRefresh(url)) { view.loadUrl(url.replace(WWW_FACEBOOK_COM, FACEBOOK_BASE_COM)) return true } return super.shouldOverrideUrlLoading(view, request) } } private const val EMIT_THEME = 0b1 private const val EMIT_ID = 0b10 private const val EMIT_COMPLETE = EMIT_THEME or EMIT_ID private const val EMIT_FINISH = 0 /** * Client variant for the menu view */ class FrostWebViewClientMenu(web: FrostWebView) : FrostWebViewClient(web) { private val prefs: Prefs get() = web.prefs override fun onPageFinished(view: WebView, url: String?) { super.onPageFinished(view, url) if (url == null) { return } jsInject(JsAssets.MENU, prefs = prefs) } override fun emit(flag: Int) { super.emit(flag) when (flag) { EMIT_FINISH -> { super.injectAndFinish() } } } override fun onPageFinishedActions(url: String) { // Skip } }