package com.pitchedapps.frost.utils.iab import import android.content.Intent import import import import com.pitchedapps.frost.BuildConfig import com.pitchedapps.frost.utils.L import com.pitchedapps.frost.utils.Prefs import com.pitchedapps.frost.utils.frostAnswers import org.jetbrains.anko.doAsync import org.jetbrains.anko.onComplete import org.jetbrains.anko.uiThread import java.lang.ref.WeakReference import java.math.BigDecimal import java.util.* /** * Created by Allan Wang on 2017-07-22. */ private const val FROST_PRO = "frost_pro" /** * Implemented pro checker with a hook for debug builds * Use this when checking if the pro feature is enabled */ val IS_FROST_PRO: Boolean get() = (BuildConfig.DEBUG && Prefs.debugPro) || interface FrostBilling : BillingProcessor.IBillingHandler { fun Activity.onCreateBilling() fun onDestroyBilling() fun purchasePro() fun restorePurchases() fun onActivityResultBilling(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?): Boolean } abstract class IABBinder : FrostBilling { var bp: BillingProcessor? = null lateinit var activityRef: WeakReference val activity get() = activityRef.get() override final fun Activity.onCreateBilling() { activityRef = WeakReference(this) doAsync { bp = BillingProcessor.newBillingProcessor(this@onCreateBilling, PUBLIC_BILLING_KEY, this@IABBinder) bp?.initialize() } } override fun onDestroyBilling() { bp?.release() bp = null activityRef.clear() } override fun onBillingInitialized() = L.i("IAB initialized") override fun onPurchaseHistoryRestored() = L.d("IAB restored") override fun onProductPurchased(productId: String, details: TransactionDetails?) { bp.doAsync { L.i("IAB $productId purchased") val listing = weakRef.get()?.getPurchaseListingDetails(productId) ?: return@doAsync val currency = try { Currency.getInstance(listing.currency) } catch (e: Exception) { null } frostAnswers { logPurchase(PurchaseEvent().apply { putItemId(productId) putSuccess(true) if (currency != null) { putCurrency(Currency.getInstance(Locale.getDefault())) putItemType(productId) putItemPrice(BigDecimal.valueOf(listing.priceValue)) } }) } } } override fun onBillingError(errorCode: Int, error: Throwable?) { frostAnswers { logPurchase(PurchaseEvent() .putCustomAttribute("result", errorCode.toString()) .putSuccess(false)) } L.e(error, "IAB error $errorCode") } override fun onActivityResultBilling(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?): Boolean = bp?.handleActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data) ?: false override fun purchasePro() { if (bp == null) { frostAnswers { logPurchase(PurchaseEvent() .putCustomAttribute("result", "null bp") .putSuccess(false)) } L.eThrow("IAB null bp on purchase attempt") return } if (!(bp?.isOneTimePurchaseSupported ?: false)) activity?.playStorePurchaseUnsupported() else bp?.purchase(activity, FROST_PRO) } } class IABSettings : IABBinder() { override fun onProductPurchased(productId: String, details: TransactionDetails?) { super.onProductPurchased(productId, details) activity?.playStorePurchasedSuccessfully(productId) } override fun onBillingError(errorCode: Int, error: Throwable?) { super.onBillingError(errorCode, error) activity?.playStoreGenericError(null) } /** * Attempts to get pro, or launch purchase flow if user doesn't have it */ override fun restorePurchases() { bp.doAsync { val load = weakRef.get()?.loadOwnedPurchasesFromGoogle() ?: return@doAsync L.d("IAB settings load from google $load") uiThread { if (!(weakRef.get()?.isPurchased(FROST_PRO) ?: return@uiThread)) { if ( activity.playStoreNoLongerPro() else purchasePro() } else { if (! activity.playStoreFoundPro() else activity?.purchaseRestored() } } } } } class IABMain : IABBinder() { override fun onBillingInitialized() { super.onBillingInitialized() restorePurchases() } override fun onPurchaseHistoryRestored() { super.onPurchaseHistoryRestored() restorePurchases() } private var restored = false /** * Checks for pro and only does so once * A null check is added but it should never happen * given that this is only called with bp is ready */ override fun restorePurchases() { if (restored || bp == null) return restored = true bp.doAsync { val load = weakRef.get()?.loadOwnedPurchasesFromGoogle() ?: false L.d("IAB main load from google $load") onComplete { if (!(weakRef.get()?.isPurchased(FROST_PRO) ?: false)) { if ( activity.playStoreNoLongerPro() } else { if (! activity.playStoreFoundPro() } onDestroyBilling() } } } }