package com.pitchedapps.frost.utils.iab import import android.content.Context import ca.allanwang.kau.utils.isFromGooglePlay import import com.pitchedapps.frost.BuildConfig import com.pitchedapps.frost.SettingsActivity import com.pitchedapps.frost.utils.L import com.pitchedapps.frost.utils.Prefs import com.pitchedapps.frost.utils.frostAnswers import com.pitchedapps.frost.utils.frostAnswersCustom /** * Created by Allan Wang on 2017-06-23. */ object IAB { var helper: IabHelper? = null fun setupAsync(activity: Activity) { if (helper == null) { L.d("IAB setup async") if (!activity.isFromGooglePlay && !BuildConfig.DEBUG) return L.d("IAB not from google play") try { helper = IabHelper(activity.applicationContext, PUBLIC_BILLING_KEY) helper!!.enableDebugLogging(BuildConfig.DEBUG, "Frost:") helper!!.startSetup { result -> L.d("IAB result ${result.message}") if (!result.isSuccess) L.eThrow("IAB Setup error: $result") } } catch (e: Exception) { L.e(e, "IAB error") activity.playStoreNoLongerPro() } } } /** * If user has pro, check if it's valid and destroy the helper */ fun validatePro(activity: Activity) { } } private const val FROST_PRO = "frost_pro" val IS_FROST_PRO: Boolean get() = (BuildConfig.DEBUG && Prefs.debugPro) || Prefs.previouslyPro private val Context.isFrostPlay: Boolean get() = isFromGooglePlay || BuildConfig.DEBUG fun SettingsActivity.restorePurchases() { } fun Activity.openPlayProPurchase(code: Int) = openPlayPurchase(FROST_PRO, code) { Prefs.previouslyPro = true } fun Activity.openPlayPurchase(key: String, code: Int, onSuccess: (key: String) -> Unit) { L.d("Open play purchase $key $code") if (!isFrostPlay) return playStoreNotFound() frostAnswersCustom("PLAY_PURCHASE") { putCustomAttribute("Key", key) } L.d("IAB flag end async") IAB.helper?.flagEndAsync() ?: return playStoreGenericError("Null flag end async") L.d("IAB query inv async") try { IAB.helper!!.queryInventoryAsync { res, inv -> if (res.isFailure) return@queryInventoryAsync playStoreGenericError("Query res error") if (inv?.getSkuDetails(key) != null) return@queryInventoryAsync playStoreAlreadyPurchased(key) L.d("IAB: inventory ${inv.allOwnedSkus}") IAB.helper!!.launchPurchaseFlow(this@openPlayPurchase, key, code) { result, _ -> if (result.isSuccess) { onSuccess(key) playStorePurchasedSuccessfully(key) } frostAnswers { logPurchase(PurchaseEvent() .putItemId(key) .putCustomAttribute("result", result.message) .putSuccess(result.isSuccess)) } } } } catch(e: IabHelper.IabAsyncInProgressException) { L.e(e, "IAB query dup") } }