package com.pitchedapps.frost.utils import android.content.Context import ca.allanwang.kau.utils.copyToClipboard import ca.allanwang.kau.utils.shareText import ca.allanwang.kau.utils.string import ca.allanwang.kau.utils.toast import com.pitchedapps.frost.R import com.pitchedapps.frost.activities.MainActivity /** * Created by Allan Wang on 2017-07-07. */ fun Context.showWebContextMenu(wc: WebContext) { var title = wc.url title = title.substring(title.indexOf("m/") + 1) //just so if defaults to 0 in case it's not .com/ if (title.length > 100) title = title.substring(0, 100) + '\u2026' materialDialogThemed { title(title) items( { if (it == WebContextType.COPY_TEXT && wc.text == null) return@map null this@showWebContextMenu.string(it.textId) }.filterNotNull()) itemsCallback { _, _, position, _ -> WebContextType[position].onClick(this@showWebContextMenu, wc) } dismissListener { //showing the dialog interrupts the touch down event, so we must ensure that the viewpager's swipe is enabled (this@showWebContextMenu as? MainActivity)?.viewPager?.enableSwipe = true } } } class WebContext(val url: String, val text: String?) enum class WebContextType(val textId: Int, val onClick: (c: Context, wc: WebContext) -> Unit) { COPY_LINK(R.string.copy_link, { c, wc -> c.copyToClipboard(wc.url) }), COPY_TEXT(R.string.copy_text, { c, wc -> if (wc.text != null) c.copyToClipboard(wc.text) else c.toast(R.string.no_text) }), SHARE_LINK(R.string.share_link, { c, wc -> c.shareText(wc.url) }) ; companion object { val values = values() operator fun get(index: Int) = values[index] } }