package com.pitchedapps.frost.utils import import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import import import import import import import import android.view.View import android.widget.FrameLayout import android.widget.TextView import ca.allanwang.kau.mediapicker.createMediaFile import ca.allanwang.kau.mediapicker.createPrivateMediaFile import ca.allanwang.kau.utils.* import ca.allanwang.kau.xml.showChangelog import com.afollestad.materialdialogs.MaterialDialog import com.bumptech.glide.RequestBuilder import com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.CircleCrop import com.bumptech.glide.request.RequestOptions import import import com.pitchedapps.frost.BuildConfig import com.pitchedapps.frost.R import com.pitchedapps.frost.activities.* import com.pitchedapps.frost.dbflow.CookieModel import com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook.FACEBOOK_COM import com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook.FbCookie import com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook.FbItem import com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook.formattedFbUrl import import java.util.* /** * Created by Allan Wang on 2017-06-03. */ const val EXTRA_COOKIES = "extra_cookies" const val ARG_URL = "arg_url" const val ARG_USER_ID = "arg_user_id" const val ARG_IMAGE_URL = "arg_image_url" const val ARG_TEXT = "arg_text" const val ARG_OVERLAY_CONTEXT = "arg_overlay_context" fun Context.launchNewTask(clazz: Class, cookieList: ArrayList = arrayListOf(), clearStack: Boolean = false) { startActivity(clazz, clearStack, intentBuilder = { putParcelableArrayListExtra(EXTRA_COOKIES, cookieList) }) } fun Context.launchLogin(cookieList: ArrayList, clearStack: Boolean = true) { if (cookieList.isNotEmpty()) launchNewTask(, cookieList, clearStack) else launchNewTask(, clearStack = clearStack) } fun Activity.cookies(): ArrayList { return intent?.extras?.getParcelableArrayList(EXTRA_COOKIES) ?: arrayListOf() } /** * Launches the given url in a new overlay (if it already isn't in an overlay) * Note that most requests may need to first check if the url can be launched as an overlay * See [requestWebOverlay] to verify the launch */ fun Context.launchWebOverlay(url: String, clazz: Class = { val argUrl = url.formattedFbUrl L.v("Launch received", url) L.i("Launch web overlay", argUrl) if (argUrl.isFacebookUrl && argUrl.contains("/logout.php")) FbCookie.logout(this) else if (!(Prefs.linksInDefaultApp && resolveActivityForUri(Uri.parse(argUrl)))) startActivity(clazz, false, intentBuilder = { putExtra(ARG_URL, argUrl) }) } fun Context.launchImageActivity(imageUrl: String, text: String?) { startActivity(, intentBuilder = { putExtra(ARG_IMAGE_URL, imageUrl) putExtra(ARG_TEXT, text) }) } fun Activity.launchIntroActivity(cookieList: ArrayList) = launchNewTask(, cookieList, true) fun WebOverlayActivity.url(): String { return intent.extras?.getString(ARG_URL) ?: FbItem.FEED.url } fun Context.materialDialogThemed(action: MaterialDialog.Builder.() -> Unit): MaterialDialog { val builder = MaterialDialog.Builder(this).theme() builder.action() return } fun MaterialDialog.Builder.theme(): MaterialDialog.Builder { val dimmerTextColor = Prefs.textColor.adjustAlpha(0.8f) titleColor(Prefs.textColor) contentColor(dimmerTextColor) widgetColor(dimmerTextColor) backgroundColor(Prefs.bgColor.lighten(0.1f).withMinAlpha(200)) positiveColor(Prefs.textColor) negativeColor(Prefs.textColor) neutralColor(Prefs.textColor) return this } fun Activity.setFrostTheme(forceTransparent: Boolean = false) { val isTransparent = (Color.alpha(Prefs.bgColor) != 255) || forceTransparent if (Prefs.bgColor.isColorDark) setTheme(if (isTransparent) else else setTheme(if (isTransparent) else } fun Activity.setFrostColors(toolbar: Toolbar? = null, themeWindow: Boolean = true, texts: Array = arrayOf(), headers: Array = arrayOf(), backgrounds: Array = arrayOf()) { statusBarColor = Prefs.headerColor.darken(0.1f).withAlpha(255) if (Prefs.tintNavBar) navigationBarColor = Prefs.headerColor if (themeWindow) window.setBackgroundDrawable(ColorDrawable(Prefs.bgColor)) toolbar?.setBackgroundColor(Prefs.headerColor) toolbar?.setTitleTextColor(Prefs.iconColor) toolbar?.overflowIcon?.setTint(Prefs.iconColor) texts.forEach { it.setTextColor(Prefs.textColor) } headers.forEach { it.setBackgroundColor(Prefs.headerColor) } backgrounds.forEach { it.setBackgroundColor(Prefs.bgColor) } } fun frostAnswers(action: Answers.() -> Unit) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG || ! return Answers.getInstance().action() } fun frostAnswersCustom(name: String, vararg events: Pair) { frostAnswers { logCustom(CustomEvent("Frost $name").apply { events.forEach { (key, value) -> if (value is Number) putCustomAttribute(key, value) else putCustomAttribute(key, value.toString()) } }) } } /** * Helper method to quietly keep track of throwable issues */ fun Throwable?.logFrostAnswers(text: String) { val msg = if (this == null) text else "$text: $message" L.e(msg) frostAnswersCustom("Errors", "text" to text, "message" to (this?.message ?: "NA")) } fun Activity.frostSnackbar(@StringRes text: Int, builder: Snackbar.() -> Unit = {}) = snackbar(text, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG, frostSnackbar(builder)) fun View.frostSnackbar(@StringRes text: Int, builder: Snackbar.() -> Unit = {}) = snackbar(text, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG, frostSnackbar(builder)) private inline fun frostSnackbar(crossinline builder: Snackbar.() -> Unit): Snackbar.() -> Unit = { builder() //hacky workaround, but it has proper checks and shouldn't crash ((view as? FrameLayout)?.getChildAt(0) as? SnackbarContentLayout)?.apply { messageView.setTextColor(Prefs.textColor) actionView.setTextColor(Prefs.accentColor) //only set if previous text colors are set view.setBackgroundColor(Prefs.bgColor.withAlpha(255).colorToForeground(0.1f)) } } fun Activity.frostNavigationBar() { navigationBarColor = if (Prefs.tintNavBar) Prefs.headerColor else Color.BLACK } fun RequestBuilder.withRoundIcon() = apply(RequestOptions().transform(CircleCrop()))!! @Throws(IOException::class) fun createMediaFile(extension: String) = createMediaFile("Frost", extension) @Throws(IOException::class) fun Context.createPrivateMediaFile(extension: String) = createPrivateMediaFile("Frost", extension) /** * Tries to send the uri to the proper activity via an intent * @returns {@code true} if activity is resolved, {@code false} otherwise */ fun Context.resolveActivityForUri(uri: Uri): Boolean { if (uri.toString().isFacebookUrl && !uri.toString().contains("intent:")) return false //ignore response as we will be triggering ourself val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri) if (intent.resolveActivity(packageManager) == null) return false startActivity(intent) return true } inline val String?.isFacebookUrl get() = this != null && this.contains(FACEBOOK_COM) fun Context.frostChangelog() = showChangelog(R.xml.frost_changelog, Prefs.textColor) { theme() if (System.currentTimeMillis() - Prefs.installDate > 2592000000) { //show after 1 month neutralText(R.string.kau_rate) onNeutral { _, _ -> startPlayStoreLink(R.string.play_store_package_id) } } }