package com.pitchedapps.frost.utils import import androidx.annotation.DrawableRes import android.widget.ImageView import ca.allanwang.kau.utils.drawable /** * Created by Allan Wang on 2017-07-29. * * Delegate for animated vector drawables with two states (start and end) * Drawables are added lazily depending on the animation direction, and are verified upon load * Should the bounded view not have an animated drawable upon animating, it is assumed * that the user has switched the resource themselves and the delegate will not switch the resource */ interface AnimatedVectorContract { fun animate() fun animateReverse() fun animateToggle() val isAtStart: Boolean fun bind(view: ImageView) var animatedVectorListener: ((avd: AnimatedVectorDrawable, forwards: Boolean) -> Unit)? } class AnimatedVectorDelegate( /** * The res for the starting resource; must have parent tag animated-vector */ @param:DrawableRes val avdStart: Int, /** * The res for the ending resource; must have parent tag animated-vector */ @param:DrawableRes val avdEnd: Int, /** * The delegate will automatically set the start resource when bound * If [emitOnBind] is true, it will also trigger the listener */ val emitOnBind: Boolean = true, /** * The optional listener that will be triggered every time the avd is switched by the delegate */ override var animatedVectorListener: ((avd: AnimatedVectorDrawable, forwards: Boolean) -> Unit)? = null ) : AnimatedVectorContract { lateinit var view: ImageView private var atStart = true override val isAtStart: Boolean get() = atStart private val avd: AnimatedVectorDrawable? get() = view.drawable as? AnimatedVectorDrawable override fun bind(view: ImageView) { this.view = view view.context.drawable(avdStart) as? AnimatedVectorDrawable ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("AnimatedVectorDelegate has a starting drawable that isn't an avd") view.context.drawable(avdEnd) as? AnimatedVectorDrawable ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("AnimatedVectorDelegate has an ending drawable that isn't an avd") view.setImageResource(avdStart) if (emitOnBind) animatedVectorListener?.invoke(avd!!, false) } override fun animate() = animateImpl(false) override fun animateReverse() = animateImpl(true) override fun animateToggle() = animateImpl(!atStart) private fun animateImpl(toStart: Boolean) { if ((atStart == toStart)) return L.d { "AVD already at ${if (toStart) "start" else "end"}" } if (avd == null) return L.d { "AVD null resource" }//no longer using animated vector; do not modify avd?.stop() view.setImageResource(if (toStart) avdEnd else avdStart) animatedVectorListener?.invoke(avd!!, !toStart) atStart = toStart avd?.start() } }