package import import import import import android.content.ComponentName import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import android.os.BaseBundle import android.os.PersistableBundle import com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook.RequestAuth import com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook.fbRequest import com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook.markNotificationRead import com.pitchedapps.frost.utils.EnumBundle import com.pitchedapps.frost.utils.EnumBundleCompanion import com.pitchedapps.frost.utils.EnumCompanion import com.pitchedapps.frost.utils.L import org.jetbrains.anko.doAsync import java.util.concurrent.Future /** * Created by Allan Wang on 28/12/17. */ /** * Private helper data */ private enum class FrostRequestCommands : EnumBundle { NOTIF_READ { override fun invoke(auth: RequestAuth, bundle: PersistableBundle) { val id = bundle.getLong(ARG_0, -1L) val success = auth.markNotificationRead(id).invoke() L.d("Marked notif $id as read: $success") } override fun propagate(bundle: BaseBundle) = FrostRunnable.prepareMarkNotificationRead( bundle.getLong(ARG_0), bundle.getCookie()) }; override val bundleContract: EnumBundleCompanion get() = Companion /** * Call request with arguments inside bundle */ abstract fun invoke(auth: RequestAuth, bundle: PersistableBundle) /** * Return bundle builder given arguments in the old bundle * Must not write to old bundle! */ abstract fun propagate(bundle: BaseBundle): BaseBundle.() -> Unit companion object : EnumCompanion("frost_arg_commands", values()) } private const val ARG_COMMAND = "frost_request_command" private const val ARG_COOKIE = "frost_request_cookie" private const val ARG_0 = "frost_request_arg_0" private const val ARG_1 = "frost_request_arg_1" private const val ARG_2 = "frost_request_arg_2" private const val ARG_3 = "frost_request_arg_3" private const val JOB_REQUEST_BASE = 928 private fun BaseBundle.getCookie() = getString(ARG_COOKIE) private fun BaseBundle.putCookie(cookie: String) = putString(ARG_COOKIE, cookie) /** * Singleton handler for running requests in [FrostRequestService] * Requests are typically completely decoupled from the UI, * and are optional enhancers. * * Nothing guarantees the completion time, or whether it even executes at all * * Design: * prepare function - creates a bundle binder * actor function - calls the service with the given arguments * * Global: * propagator - given a bundle with a command, extracts and executes the requests */ object FrostRunnable { fun prepareMarkNotificationRead(id: Long, cookie: String): BaseBundle.() -> Unit = { FrostRequestCommands.NOTIF_READ.put(this) putLong(ARG_0, id) putCookie(cookie) } fun markNotificationRead(context: Context, id: Long, cookie: String): Boolean { if (id <= 0) { L.d("Invalid notification id $id for marking as read") return false } return schedule(context, FrostRequestCommands.NOTIF_READ, prepareMarkNotificationRead(id, cookie)) } fun propagate(context: Context, intent: Intent?) { intent?.extras ?: return val command = FrostRequestCommands[intent] ?: return intent.removeExtra(ARG_COMMAND) // reset L.d("Propagating command ${}") val builder = command.propagate(intent.extras) schedule(context, command, builder) } private fun schedule(context: Context, command: FrostRequestCommands, bundleBuilder: PersistableBundle.() -> Unit): Boolean { val scheduler = context.getSystemService(Context.JOB_SCHEDULER_SERVICE) as JobScheduler val serviceComponent = ComponentName(context, val bundle = PersistableBundle() bundle.bundleBuilder() bundle.putString(ARG_COMMAND, if (bundle.getCookie().isNullOrBlank()) { L.e("Scheduled frost request with empty cookie)") return false } val builder = JobInfo.Builder(JOB_REQUEST_BASE + command.ordinal, serviceComponent) .setMinimumLatency(0L) .setExtras(bundle) .setOverrideDeadline(2000L) .setRequiredNetworkType(JobInfo.NETWORK_TYPE_ANY) val result = scheduler.schedule( if (result <= 0) { L.eThrow("FrostRequestService scheduler failed for ${}") return false } L.d("Scheduled ${}") return true } } class FrostRequestService : JobService() { var future: Future? = null override fun onStopJob(params: JobParameters?): Boolean { future?.cancel(true) future = null return false } override fun onStartJob(params: JobParameters?): Boolean { val bundle = params?.extras if (bundle == null) { L.eThrow("Launched ${} without param data") return false } val cookie = bundle.getCookie() if (cookie.isNullOrBlank()) { L.eThrow("Launched ${} without cookie") return false } val command = FrostRequestCommands[bundle] if (command == null) { L.eThrow("Launched ${} without command") return false } val now = System.currentTimeMillis() future = doAsync { cookie.fbRequest { L.d("Requesting frost service for ${}") command.invoke(this, bundle) } L.d("Finished frost service for ${} in ${System.currentTimeMillis() - now} ms") jobFinished(params, false) } return true } }