package com.pitchedapps.frost.parsers import com.pitchedapps.frost.dbflow.CookieModel import com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook.* import import com.pitchedapps.frost.utils.L import org.jsoup.nodes.Document import org.jsoup.nodes.Element /** * Created by Allan Wang on 2017-12-25. * */ object NotifParser : FrostParser by NotifParserImpl() data class FrostNotifs( val notifs: List, val seeMore: FrostLink? ) : ParseNotification { override fun toString() = StringBuilder().apply { append("FrostNotifs {\n") append(notifs.toJsonString("notifs", 1)) append("\tsee more: $seeMore\n") append("}") }.toString() override fun getUnreadNotifications(data: CookieModel) = notifs.filter(FrostNotif::unread).map { with(it) { NotificationContent( data = data, notifId = Math.abs(id.toInt()), href = url, title = null, text = content ?: "", timestamp = time, profileUrl = img ) } } } /** * [id] notif id, or current time fallback * [img] parsed url for profile img * [time] time of message * [url] link to thread * [unread] true if image is unread, false otherwise * [content] optional string for thread */ data class FrostNotif(val id: Long, val img: String, val time: Long, val url: String, val unread: Boolean, val content: String?) private class NotifParserImpl : FrostParserBase(false) { override val url = FbItem.NOTIFICATIONS.url override fun parseImpl(doc: Document): FrostNotifs? { val notificationList = doc.getElementById("notifications_list") ?: return null val notifications = notificationList.getElementsByAttributeValueContaining("id", "list_notif_") .mapNotNull { parseNotif(it) } val seeMore = parseLink(doc.getElementsByAttributeValue("href", "/notifications.php?more").first()) return FrostNotifs(notifications, seeMore) } private fun parseNotif(element: Element): FrostNotif? { val a = element.getElementsByTag("a").first() ?: return null val abbr = element.getElementsByTag("abbr") val epoch = FB_EPOCH_MATCHER.find(abbr.attr("data-store"))[1]?.toLongOrNull() ?: -1L //fetch id val id = FB_NOTIF_ID_MATCHER.find([1]?.toLongOrNull() ?: System.currentTimeMillis() val img = element.getInnerImgStyle() val timeString = abbr.text() val content = a.text().replace("\u00a0", " ").removeSuffix(timeString).trim() //remove   L.v("url", a.attr("href")) return FrostNotif( id = id, img = img, time = epoch, url = a.attr("href").formattedFbUrl, unread = !element.hasClass("acw"), content = content ) } }