package com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook.requests import com.bumptech.glide.Priority import com.bumptech.glide.RequestBuilder import com.bumptech.glide.load.DataSource import com.bumptech.glide.load.Options import import com.bumptech.glide.load.model.ModelLoader import com.bumptech.glide.load.model.ModelLoaderFactory import com.bumptech.glide.load.model.MultiModelLoaderFactory import com.bumptech.glide.request.RequestOptions import import com.bumptech.glide.signature.ObjectKey import com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook.* import io.reactivex.Maybe import okhttp3.Call import okhttp3.Request import import /** * Created by Allan Wang on 29/12/17. */ fun RequestAuth.getFullSizedImage(fbid: Long) = frostRequest(::getJsonUrl) { url("${FB_URL_BASE}photo/view_full_size/?fbid=$fbid&__ajax__=&__user=$userId") get() } val test: () -> InputStream? = { null } /** * Attempts to get the fbcdn url of the supplied image redirect url */ fun String.getFullSizedImageUrl(url: String): Maybe = Maybe.fromCallable { val redirect = requestBuilder().url(url).get().call() .execute().body()?.string() ?: return@fromCallable null return@fromCallable FB_REDIRECT_URL_MATCHER.find(redirect)[1]?.formattedFbUrl ?: return@fromCallable null }.onErrorComplete() /** * Request loader for a potentially hd version of a url * In this case, each url may potentially return an id, * which may potentially be used to fetch a higher res image url * The following aims to allow such loading while adhering to Glide's lifecycle */ data class HdImageMaybe(val url: String, val cookie: String) { val id: Long by lazy { FB_IMAGE_ID_MATCHER.find(url)[1]?.toLongOrNull() ?: -1 } val isValid: Boolean by lazy { id != -1L && cookie.isNotBlank() } } /* * The following was a test to see if hd image loading would work * * It's working and tested, though the improvements aren't really worth the extra data use * and reload */ class HdImageLoadingFactory : ModelLoaderFactory { override fun build(multiFactory: MultiModelLoaderFactory) = HdImageLoading() override fun teardown() = Unit } fun RequestBuilder.loadWithPotentialHd(model: HdImageMaybe) = thumbnail(clone().load(model.url)) .load(model) .apply(RequestOptions().override(Target.SIZE_ORIGINAL)) class HdImageLoading : ModelLoader { override fun buildLoadData(model: HdImageMaybe, width: Int, height: Int, options: Options): ModelLoader.LoadData? = if (!model.isValid) null else ModelLoader.LoadData(ObjectKey(model), HdImageFetcher(model)) override fun handles(model: HdImageMaybe) = model.isValid } class HdImageFetcher(private val model: HdImageMaybe) : DataFetcher { @Volatile private var cancelled: Boolean = false private var urlCall: Call? = null private var inputStream: InputStream? = null private fun String) { onLoadFailed(RuntimeException(msg)) } override fun getDataClass(): Class = override fun getDataSource(): DataSource = DataSource.REMOTE override fun loadData(priority: Priority, callback: DataFetcher.DataCallback) { if (!model.isValid) return"Model is invalid") model.cookie.fbRequest(fail = {"Invalid auth") }) { if (cancelled) return@fbRequest"Cancelled") val url = getFullSizedImage( ?: return@fbRequest"Null url") if (cancelled) return@fbRequest"Cancelled") if (!url.contains("png") && !url.contains("jpg")) return@fbRequest"Invalid format") urlCall = Request.Builder().url(url).get().call() inputStream = try { urlCall?.execute()?.body()?.byteStream() } catch (e: IOException) { null } callback.onDataReady(inputStream) } } override fun cleanup() { try { inputStream?.close() } catch (e: IOException) { } finally { inputStream = null } } override fun cancel() { cancelled = true urlCall?.cancel() urlCall = null cleanup() } }