package com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook.requests import com.pitchedapps.frost.BuildConfig import com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook.* import com.pitchedapps.frost.utils.L import io.reactivex.Single import io.reactivex.schedulers.Schedulers import okhttp3.* import okhttp3.logging.HttpLoggingInterceptor import org.apache.commons.text.StringEscapeUtils /** * Created by Allan Wang on 21/12/17. */ private val authMap: MutableMap = mutableMapOf() /** * Synchronously fetch [RequestAuth] from cookie * [action] will only be called if a valid auth is found. * Otherwise, [fail] will be called */ fun String?.fbRequest(fail: () -> Unit = {}, action: RequestAuth.() -> Unit) { if (this == null) return fail() val savedAuth = authMap[this] if (savedAuth != null) { savedAuth.action() } else { val auth = getAuth() if (!auth.isValid) { L.e { "Attempted fbrequest with invalid auth" } return fail() } authMap.put(this, auth) L._i { "Found auth $auth" } auth.action() } } /** * Underlying container for all fb requests */ data class RequestAuth(val userId: Long = -1, val cookie: String = "", val fb_dtsg: String = "", val rev: String = "") { val isValid get() = userId > 0 && cookie.isNotEmpty() && fb_dtsg.isNotEmpty() && rev.isNotEmpty() } /** * Request container with the execution call */ class FrostRequest(val call: Call, private val invoke: (Call) -> T) { fun invoke() = invoke(call) } internal inline fun RequestAuth.frostRequest( noinline invoke: (Call) -> T, builder: Request.Builder.() -> Request.Builder // to ensure we don't do anything extra at the end ): FrostRequest { val request = cookie.requestBuilder() request.builder() return FrostRequest(, invoke) } private val client: OkHttpClient by lazy { val builder = OkHttpClient.Builder() if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) builder.addInterceptor(HttpLoggingInterceptor() .setLevel(HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BASIC)) } internal fun List>.toForm(): FormBody { val builder = FormBody.Builder() forEach { (key, value) -> val v = value?.toString() ?: "" builder.add(key, v) } return } internal fun List>.withEmptyData(vararg key: String): List> { val newList = toMutableList() newList.addAll( { it to null }) return newList } private fun String.requestBuilder() = Request.Builder() .header("Cookie", this) .header("User-Agent", USER_AGENT_BASIC) .cacheControl(CacheControl.FORCE_NETWORK) fun = client.newCall(build())!! fun String.getAuth(): RequestAuth { var auth = RequestAuth(cookie = this) val id = FB_USER_MATCHER.find(this)[1]?.toLong() ?: return auth auth = auth.copy(userId = id) val call = this.requestBuilder() .url(FB_URL_BASE) .get() .call() call.execute().body()?.charStream()?.useLines { it.forEach { val text = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeEcmaScript(it) val fb_dtsg = FB_DTSG_MATCHER.find(text)[1] if (fb_dtsg != null) { L._d { "fb_dtsg for ${auth.userId}: $fb_dtsg" } auth = auth.copy(fb_dtsg = fb_dtsg) if (auth.isValid) return auth } val rev = FB_REV_MATCHER.find(text)[1] if (rev != null) { L._d { "rev for ${auth.userId}: $rev" } auth = auth.copy(rev = rev) if (auth.isValid) return auth } } } return auth } inline fun mapper: (List) -> O, crossinline caller: (T) -> R): Single { val singles = map { Single.fromCallable { caller(it) }.subscribeOn( } return { val results = it.mapNotNull { it as? R } mapper(results) } } /** * Execute the call and attempt to check validity * Valid = not blank & no "error" instance */ fun executeForNoError(call: Call): Boolean { val body = call.execute().body() ?: return false var empty = true body.charStream().useLines { it.forEach { if (it.contains("error")) return false if (empty && it.isNotEmpty()) empty = false } } return !empty } fun getJsonUrl(call: Call): String? { val body = call.execute().body() ?: return null val url = FB_JSON_URL_MATCHER.find(body.string())[1] ?: return null return StringEscapeUtils.unescapeEcmaScript(url) }