package com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook.parsers import com.pitchedapps.frost.dbflow.CookieModel import com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook.FB_CSS_URL_MATCHER import com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook.formattedFbUrl import com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook.get import import com.pitchedapps.frost.utils.frostJsoup import org.jsoup.Jsoup import org.jsoup.nodes.Document import org.jsoup.nodes.Element import /** * Created by Allan Wang on 2017-10-06. * * Interface for a given parser * Use cases should be attached as delegates to objects that implement this interface * * In all cases, parsing will be done from a JSoup document * Variants accepting strings are also permitted, and they will be converted to documents accordingly * The return type must be nonnull if no parsing errors occurred, as null signifies a parse error * If null really must be allowed, use Optionals */ interface FrostParser { /** * Name associated to parser * Purely for display */ var nameRes: Int /** * Url to request from */ val url: String /** * Call parsing with default implementation using cookie */ fun parse(cookie: String?): ParseResponse? /** * Call parsing with given document */ fun parse(cookie: String?, document: Document): ParseResponse? /** * Call parsing using jsoup to fetch from given url */ fun parseFromUrl(cookie: String?, url: String): ParseResponse? /** * Call parsing with given data */ fun parseFromData(cookie: String?, text: String): ParseResponse? } const val FALLBACK_TIME_MOD = 1000000 data class FrostLink(val text: String, val href: String) data class ParseResponse(val cookie: String, val data: T) { override fun toString() = "ParseResponse\ncookie: $cookie\ndata:\n$data" } interface ParseNotification { fun getUnreadNotifications(data: CookieModel): List } internal fun List.toJsonString(tag: String, indent: Int) = StringBuilder().apply { val tabs = "\t".repeat(indent) append("$tabs$tag: [\n\t$tabs") append(this@toJsonString.joinToString("\n\t$tabs")) append("\n$tabs]\n") }.toString() /** * T should have a readable toString() function * [redirectToText] dictates whether all data should be converted to text then back to document before parsing */ internal abstract class FrostParserBase(private val redirectToText: Boolean) : FrostParser { final override fun parse(cookie: String?) = parseFromUrl(cookie, url) final override fun parseFromData(cookie: String?, text: String): ParseResponse? { cookie ?: return null val doc = textToDoc(text) ?: return null val data = parseImpl(doc) ?: return null return ParseResponse(cookie, data) } final override fun parseFromUrl(cookie: String?, url: String): ParseResponse? = parse(cookie, frostJsoup(cookie, url)) override fun parse(cookie: String?, document: Document): ParseResponse? { cookie ?: return null if (redirectToText) return parseFromData(cookie, document.toString()) val data = parseImpl(document) ?: return null return ParseResponse(cookie, data) } protected abstract fun parseImpl(doc: Document): T? /** * Attempts to find inner element with some style containing a url * Returns the formatted url, or an empty string if nothing was found */ protected fun Element.getInnerImgStyle(): String? = select("i.img[style*=url]").getStyleUrl() protected fun Elements.getStyleUrl(): String? = FB_CSS_URL_MATCHER.find(attr("style"))[1]?.formattedFbUrl protected open fun textToDoc(text: String): Document? = if (!redirectToText) Jsoup.parse(text) else throw RuntimeException("${} requires text redirect but did not implement textToDoc") protected fun parseLink(element: Element?): FrostLink? { val a = element?.getElementsByTag("a")?.first() ?: return null return FrostLink(a.text(), a.attr("href")) } }