package com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook import com.pitchedapps.frost.utils.L /** * Created by Allan Wang on 2017-07-07. * * Custom url builder so we can easily test it without the Android framework */ val String.formattedFbUrl: String get() = FbUrlFormatter(this).toString() class FbUrlFormatter(url: String) { val queries = mutableMapOf() val cleaned: String init { if (url.isNullOrBlank()) cleaned = "" else { var cleanedUrl = url discardable.forEach { cleanedUrl = cleanedUrl.replace(it, "", true) } val changed = cleanedUrl != url //note that discardables strip away the first ? decoder.forEach { (k, v) -> cleanedUrl = cleanedUrl.replace(k, v, true) } val qm = cleanedUrl.indexOf(if (changed) "&" else "?") if (qm > -1) { cleanedUrl.substring(qm + 1).split("&").forEach { val p = it.split("=") queries.put(p[0], p.elementAtOrNull(1) ?: "") } cleanedUrl = cleanedUrl.substring(0, qm) } discardableQueries.forEach { queries.remove(it) } if (cleanedUrl.startsWith("#!/")) cleanedUrl = cleanedUrl.substring(2) if (cleanedUrl.startsWith("/")) cleanedUrl = FB_URL_BASE + cleanedUrl.substring(1) cleanedUrl = cleanedUrl.replaceFirst("", "") //sometimes we are given a bad url L.v(null, "Formatted url from $url to $cleanedUrl") cleaned = cleanedUrl } } override fun toString(): String { val builder = StringBuilder() builder.append(cleaned) if (queries.isNotEmpty()) { builder.append("?") queries.forEach { (k, v) -> builder.append("$k=$v&") } } return builder.removeSuffix("&").toString() } fun toLogList(): List { val list = mutableListOf(cleaned) queries.forEach { (k, v) -> list.add("- $k\t=\t$v") } return list } companion object { /** * Items here are explicitly removed from the url * Taken from FaceSlim * */ @JvmStatic val discardable = arrayOf( "", "", "", "", "", "", "/video_redirect/?src=" ) @JvmStatic val discardableQueries = arrayOf("ref", "refid") @JvmStatic val decoder = mapOf( "%3C" to "<", "%3E" to ">", "%23" to "#", "%25" to "%", "%7B" to "{", "%7D" to "}", "%7C" to "|", "%5C" to "\\", "%5E" to "^", "%7E" to "~", "%5B" to "[", "%5D" to "]", "%60" to "`", "%3B" to ";", "%2F" to "/", "%3F" to "?", "%3A" to ":", "%40" to "@", "%3D" to "=", "%26" to "&", "%24" to "$", "%2B" to "+", "%22" to "\"", "%2C" to ",", "%20" to " ", //css "\\3C " to "<", "\\3E " to ">", "\\23 " to "#", "\\25 " to "%", "\\7B " to "{", "\\7D " to "}", "\\7C " to "|", "\\5C " to "\\", "\\5E " to "^", "\\7E " to "~", "\\5B " to "[", "\\5D " to "]", "\\60 " to "`", "\\3B " to ";", "\\2F " to "/", "\\3F " to "?", "\\3A " to ":", "\\40 " to "@", "\\3D " to "=", "\\26 " to "&", "\\24 " to "$", "\\2B " to "+", "\\22 " to "\"", "\\2C " to ",", "\\20 " to " " ) } }