package com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook import com.pitchedapps.frost.BuildConfig import com.pitchedapps.frost.utils.L import io.reactivex.Single import io.reactivex.schedulers.Schedulers import okhttp3.* import okhttp3.logging.HttpLoggingInterceptor import org.apache.commons.text.StringEscapeUtils /** * Created by Allan Wang on 21/12/17. */ data class RequestAuth(val userId: Long = -1, val cookie: String = "", val fb_dtsg: String = "") private val client: OkHttpClient by lazy { val builder = OkHttpClient.Builder() if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) builder.addInterceptor(HttpLoggingInterceptor() .setLevel(HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BASIC)) } private fun List>.toForm(): RequestBody { val builder = FormBody.Builder() forEach { (key, value) -> val v = value?.toString() ?: "" builder.add(key, v) } return } private fun String.requestBuilder() = Request.Builder() .header("Cookie", this) .header("User-Agent", USER_AGENT_BASIC) .cacheControl(CacheControl.FORCE_NETWORK) private fun = client.newCall(build()) fun Pair.getAuth(): RequestAuth? { val (userId, cookie) = this val call = cookie.requestBuilder() .url(FB_URL_BASE) .get() .call() call.execute().body()?.charStream()?.useLines { it.forEach { val text = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeEcmaScript(it) val result = FB_DTSG_MATCHER.find(text) val fb_dtsg = result?.groupValues?.get(1) if (fb_dtsg != null) { L.d(null, "fb_dtsg for $userId: $fb_dtsg") return RequestAuth(userId, cookie, fb_dtsg) } } } return null } fun RequestAuth.markNotificationRead(notifId: Long): Call { val body = listOf( "click_type" to "notification_click", "id" to notifId, "target_id" to "null", "m_sess" to null, "fb_dtsg" to fb_dtsg, "__dyn" to null, "__req" to null, "__ajax__" to null, "__user" to userId ) return cookie.requestBuilder() .url("${FB_URL_BASE}a/jewel_notifications_log.php") .post(body.toForm()) .call() } private inline fun zip(data: Array, crossinline mapper: (List) -> O, crossinline caller: (T) -> R): Single { val singles = { Single.fromCallable { caller(it) }.subscribeOn( } return { val results = it.mapNotNull { it as? R } mapper(results) } } fun RequestAuth.markNotificationsRead(vararg notifId: Long) = zip(notifId.toTypedArray(), { it.count { it } }) { val response = markNotificationRead(it).execute() val buffer = CharArray(20) response.body()?.charStream()?.read(buffer) ?: return@zip false !buffer.toString().contains("error") }