package com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook /** * Created by Allan Wang on 21/12/17. * * Collection of regex matchers * Input text must be properly unescaped * * See [StringEscapeUtils] */ /** * Matches the fb_dtsg component of a page containing it as a hidden value */ val FB_DTSG_MATCHER: Regex by lazy { Regex("name=\"fb_dtsg\" value=\"(.*?)\"") } val FB_REV_MATCHER: Regex by lazy{Regex("\"app_version\":\"(.*?)\"")} /** * Matches user id from cookie */ val FB_USER_MATCHER: Regex by lazy { Regex("c_user=([0-9]*);") } val FB_EPOCH_MATCHER: Regex by lazy { Regex(":([0-9]+)") } val FB_NOTIF_ID_MATCHER: Regex by lazy { Regex("notif_id\":([0-9]+)") } val FB_MESSAGE_NOTIF_ID_MATCHER: Regex by lazy { Regex("[thread|user]_fbid_([0-9]+)") } val FB_CSS_URL_MATCHER: Regex by lazy { Regex("url\\([\"|'](.*?)[\"|']\\)") } operator fun MatchResult?.get(groupIndex: Int) = this?.groupValues?.get(groupIndex)