package com.pitchedapps.frost.activities import android.annotation.SuppressLint import android.content.Intent import import import android.os.Bundle import import import import android.view.Menu import android.view.MenuItem import android.webkit.ValueCallback import android.webkit.WebChromeClient import android.widget.FrameLayout import ca.allanwang.kau.swipe.kauSwipeOnCreate import ca.allanwang.kau.swipe.kauSwipeOnDestroy import ca.allanwang.kau.utils.* import com.mikepenz.community_material_typeface_library.CommunityMaterial import com.mikepenz.google_material_typeface_library.GoogleMaterial import com.pitchedapps.frost.R import com.pitchedapps.frost.contracts.* import com.pitchedapps.frost.enums.OverlayContext import com.pitchedapps.frost.facebook.* import import com.pitchedapps.frost.utils.* import com.pitchedapps.frost.views.FrostContentWeb import com.pitchedapps.frost.views.FrostVideoViewer import com.pitchedapps.frost.views.FrostWebView import import io.reactivex.disposables.Disposable import okhttp3.HttpUrl /** * Created by Allan Wang on 2017-06-01. * * Collection of overlay activities for Frost * * Each one is largely the same layout, but is separated so they may run is separate single tasks * All overlays support user switches */ /** * Used by notifications. Unlike the other overlays, this runs as a singleInstance * Going back will bring you back to the previous app */ class FrostWebActivity : WebOverlayActivityBase(false) { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { val requiresAction = !parseActionSend() super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) if (requiresAction) { /* * Signifies that we need to let the user know of a bad url * We will subscribe to the load cycle once, * and pop a dialog giving the user the option to copy the shared text */ var disposable: Disposable? = null disposable = content.refreshObservable.subscribe { disposable?.dispose() materialDialogThemed { title(R.string.invalid_share_url) content(R.string.invalid_share_url_desc) } } } } /** * Attempts to parse the action url * Returns [true] if no action exists or if the action has been consumed, [false] if we need to notify the user of a bad action */ private fun parseActionSend(): Boolean { if (intent.action != Intent.ACTION_SEND || intent.type != "text/plain") return true val text = intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT) ?: return true val url = HttpUrl.parse(text)?.toString() if (url == null) { L.i { "Attempted to share a non-url" } L._i { "Shared text: $text" } copyToClipboard(text, "Text to Share", showToast = false) intent.putExtra(ARG_URL, FbItem.FEED.url) return false } else { L.i { "Sharing url through overlay" } L._i { "Url: $url" } intent.putExtra(ARG_URL, "${FB_URL_BASE}/sharer/sharer.php?u=$url") return true } } } /** * Variant that forces a basic user agent. This is largely internal, * and is only necessary when we are launching from an existing [WebOverlayActivityBase] */ class WebOverlayBasicActivity : WebOverlayActivityBase(true) /** * Internal overlay for the app; this is tied with the main task and is singleTop as opposed to singleInstance */ class WebOverlayActivity : WebOverlayActivityBase(false) @SuppressLint("Registered") open class WebOverlayActivityBase(private val forceBasicAgent: Boolean) : BaseActivity(), ActivityContract, FrostContentContainer, VideoViewHolder, FileChooserContract by FileChooserDelegate() { override val frameWrapper: FrameLayout by bindView( val toolbar: Toolbar by bindView( val content: FrostContentWeb by bindView( val web: FrostWebView get() = content.coreView val coordinator: CoordinatorLayout by bindView( private inline val urlTest: String? get() = intent.getStringExtra(ARG_URL) ?: intent.dataString override val baseUrl: String get() = (intent.getStringExtra(ARG_URL) ?: intent.dataString).formattedFbUrl override val baseEnum: FbItem? = null private inline val userId: Long get() = intent.getLongExtra(ARG_USER_ID, Prefs.userId) private val overlayContext: OverlayContext? get() = OverlayContext[intent.extras] override fun setTitle(title: String) { toolbar.title = title } override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) if (urlTest == null) { L.e { "Empty link on web overlay" } toast(R.string.null_url_overlay) finish() return } setFrameContentView(R.layout.activity_web_overlay) setSupportActionBar(toolbar) supportActionBar?.setDisplayShowHomeEnabled(true) supportActionBar?.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true) toolbar.navigationIcon = GoogleMaterial.Icon.gmd_close.toDrawable(this, 16, Prefs.iconColor) toolbar.setNavigationOnClickListener { finishSlideOut() } setFrostColors { toolbar(toolbar) themeWindow = false } coordinator.setBackgroundColor(Prefs.bgColor.withAlpha(255)) content.bind(this) web.reloadBase(true) content.titleObservable .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .subscribe { toolbar.title = it } with(web) { if (forceBasicAgent) userAgentString = USER_AGENT_BASIC Prefs.prevId = Prefs.userId if (userId != Prefs.userId) FbCookie.switchUser(userId) { reloadBase(true) } else reloadBase(true) if (Showcase.firstWebOverlay) { coordinator.frostSnackbar(R.string.web_overlay_swipe_hint) { duration = Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE setAction(R.string.kau_got_it) { _ -> this.dismiss() } } } } FrostRunnable.propagate(this, intent) L.e { "Done propagation" } kauSwipeOnCreate { if (!Prefs.overlayFullScreenSwipe) edgeSize = 20.dpToPx transitionSystemBars = false } } /** * Manage url loadings * This is usually only called when multiple listeners are added and inject the same url * We will avoid reloading if the url is the same */ override fun onNewIntent(intent: Intent) { super.onNewIntent(intent) val newUrl = (intent.getStringExtra(ARG_URL) ?: intent.dataString ?: return).formattedFbUrl L.d { "New intent" } if (baseUrl != newUrl) { this.intent = intent content.baseUrl = newUrl web.reloadBase(true) } } override fun backConsumer(): Boolean { if (!web.onBackPressed()) finishSlideOut() return true } /** * Our theme for the overlay should be fully opaque */ fun theme() { val opaqueAccent = Prefs.headerColor.withAlpha(255) statusBarColor = opaqueAccent.darken() navigationBarColor = opaqueAccent toolbar.setBackgroundColor(opaqueAccent) toolbar.setTitleTextColor(Prefs.iconColor) coordinator.setBackgroundColor(Prefs.bgColor.withAlpha(255)) toolbar.overflowIcon?.setTint(Prefs.iconColor) } override fun onResume() { super.onResume() web.resumeTimers() } override fun onPause() { web.pauseTimers() L.v { "Pause overlay web timers" } super.onPause() } override fun onDestroy() { web.destroy() super.onDestroy() kauSwipeOnDestroy() } override fun openFileChooser(filePathCallback: ValueCallback?>, fileChooserParams: WebChromeClient.FileChooserParams) { openMediaPicker(filePathCallback, fileChooserParams) } override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) { if (onActivityResultWeb(requestCode, resultCode, data)) return } override fun onCreateOptionsMenu(menu: Menu): Boolean { menuInflater.inflate(, menu) overlayContext?.onMenuCreate(this, menu) toolbar.tint(Prefs.iconColor) setMenuIcons(menu, Prefs.iconColor, to CommunityMaterial.Icon.cmd_share, to GoogleMaterial.Icon.gmd_content_copy) return true } override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean { when (item.itemId) { -> copyToClipboard(web.currentUrl) -> shareText(web.currentUrl) else -> if (!OverlayContext.onOptionsItemSelected(web, item.itemId)) return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item) } return true } /* * ---------------------------------------------------- * Video Contract * ---------------------------------------------------- */ override var videoViewer: FrostVideoViewer? = null override val lowerVideoPadding: PointF = PointF(0f, 0f) }