"use strict"; (function () { // binds callbacks to an invisible webview to take in the search events var finished, x; finished = false; x = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { var _f_thread; _f_thread = document.querySelector("#threadlist_rows"); if (!_f_thread) { return; } console.log("Found message threads " + _f_thread.outerHTML); if (typeof Frost !== "undefined" && Frost !== null) { Frost.handleHtml(_f_thread.outerHTML); } finished = true; x.disconnect(); }); x.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true }); setTimeout(function () { if (!finished) { finished = true; console.log("Message thread timeout cancellation"); if (typeof Frost !== "undefined" && Frost !== null) { Frost.handleHtml(""); } } }, 20000); }).call(undefined);