// icons courtesy of https://material.io/icons/ $camera: ''; // status upload image ._50uu { @include background-svg($camera); } $video: ''; // status upload video ._50uw { @include background-svg($video); } $like: ''; $like_selected: ''; /* * 2018/12/29 * Previously ._15km ._15ko::before and ._15km ._15ko._77la::before; however, reaction changes no longer affect this element * The robust measure seems to be the parent of a[data-sigil~="like-reaction-flyout"] along with [data-sigil~="like"] for an unliked post * and [data-sigil~="unlike"] for a liked post */ ._15km ._15ko::before { @include background-svg($like); background-position: center !important; } ._15km ._15ko._77la::before { @include background-svg($like_selected); background-position: center !important; } $comment: ''; ._15km ._15kq::before { @include background-svg($comment); background-position: center !important; } $share: ''; ._15km ._15kr::before { @include background-svg($share); background-position: center !important; } $more_horiz: ''; $menus: ".sp_89zNula0Qh5", ".sp_MP2OtCXORz9", ".sp_NIWBacTn8LF", // 2018/12/31 ".sp_9ZFVhnFyWsw"; $menu_collector: (); @each $menu in $menus { $menu_collector: append($menu_collector, unquote('#{$menu}'), 'comma'); $menu_collector: append($menu_collector, unquote('#{$menu}_2x'), 'comma'); $menu_collector: append($menu_collector, unquote('#{$menu}_3x'), 'comma'); } #{$menu_collector} { @include background-svg($more_horiz); background-position: center !important; }