path: root/app/src/web
diff options
authorAllan Wang <me@allanwang.ca>2019-12-29 22:11:41 -0800
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2019-12-29 22:11:41 -0800
commitfdad3a280d1ca15d09558d9ae4d053cda315d22c (patch)
tree07f9b199d3bbeb02d4dfafe3e8b4b4c02a81372a /app/src/web
parent65d527155ed456b14de6cc036e95d5c6ade696ba (diff)
Theme (#1602)
* Various theme updates * Update org messages theme
Diffstat (limited to 'app/src/web')
4 files changed, 33 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/app/src/web/scss/core/_core_bg.scss b/app/src/web/scss/core/_core_bg.scss
index 2c76cfaf..01d3517c 100644
--- a/app/src/web/scss/core/_core_bg.scss
+++ b/app/src/web/scss/core/_core_bg.scss
@@ -2,15 +2,16 @@
background: $background !important;
-html, body, :root, #root, #header, #MComposer, ._1upc, input, ._2f9r, ._59e9, ._5pz4, ._5lp4, div[style*="background-color: #FFFFFF"],
+html, body, :root, #root, #header, #MComposer, ._1upc, input, ._2f9r, ._59e9, ._5pz4, ._5lp4,
+[style*="background-color: #FFFFFF"], [style*="background-color: #E4E6EB"],
._5lp5, .container, .subpage, ._5n_f, #static_templates, ._22_8, ._1t4h, ._uoq, ._3qdh, ._8ca, ._3h8i,
._6-l ._2us7, ._6-l ._6-p:not([style*="background-image:"]), ._333v, div.sharerSelector, ._529j, ._305j, ._1pph, ._3t_l, ._4pvz,
-._1g05, .acy, ._51-g, ._533c, ._ib-, .sharerAttachmentEmpty, .sharerBottomWrapper, ._24e1,
-._3bg5 ._56do, ._5hfh, ._52e-, .mQuestionsPollResultsBar, ._5hoc, ._5oxw, ._32_4, ._1hiz, ._53_-,
+._1g05, .acy, ._51-g, ._533c, ._ib-, .sharerAttachmentEmpty, .sharerBottomWrapper, ._24e1, ._7g4m, ._bub,
+._3bg5 ._56do, ._5hfh, ._52e-, .mQuestionsPollResultsBar, ._5hoc, ._5oxw, ._32_4, ._1hiz, ._53_-, ._4ut9,
._38do, .bo, .cq, ._234-, ._a-5, ._2zh4, ._15ks, ._3oyc, ._36dc, ._3iyw ._3iyx, ._6bes, ._55wo, ._4-dy,
-.tlBody, #timelineBody, .timelineX, .timeline, .feed, .tlPrelude, .tlFeedPlaceholder, ._4_d0,
-.al, ._1gkq, ._5c5b, ._1qxg, ._5luf, ._2new, ._cld, ._3zvb, ._2nk0, .btnD, .btnI, ._2bdb, ._3ci9,
-._11ub, ._5p7j, ._55wm, ._5rgs, ._5xuj, ._1sv1, ._45fu, ._18qg, ._1_ac, ._5w3g, ._3e18, ._6be7,
+.tlBody, #timelineBody, .timelineX, .timeline, .feed, .tlPrelude, .tlFeedPlaceholder, ._4_d0, ._2wn5,
+.al, ._1gkq, ._5c5b, ._1qxg, ._5luf, ._2new, ._cld, ._3zvb, ._2nk0, .btnD, .btnI, ._2bdb, ._3ci9, ._2_gy,
+._11ub, ._5p7j, ._55wm, ._5rgs, ._5xuj, ._1sv1, ._45fu, ._18qg, ._1_ac, ._5w3g, ._3e18, ._6be7, ._-kp, ._-kq,
._5q_r, ._5yt8, ._idb, ._2ip_, ._f6s, ._2l5v, ._8i2, ._kr5, ._2q7u, ._2q7v, ._5xp2, div.fullwidthMore,
._577z, ._2u4w, ._3u9p, ._3u9t, ._cw4, ._5_y-, ._5_y_, ._5_z3, ._cwy, ._5_z0, ._voz, ._vos,
._5_z1, ._5_z2, ._2mtc, ._206a, ._1_-1, ._1ybg, .appCenterCategorySelectorButton, ._5_ee, ._3clk,
@@ -27,7 +28,8 @@ html, body, :root, #root, #header, #MComposer, ._1upc, input, ._2f9r, ._59e9, ._
//card related
-._31nf, ._2v9s, ._d4i, article._55wo, ._10c_, ._2jl2, ._6150, ._50mi, ._4-dw, ._4_2z, ._5m_s, ._13fn, ._7kxe {
+._31nf, ._2v9s, ._d4i, article._55wo, ._10c_, ._2jl2, ._6150, ._50mi, ._4-dw, ._4_2z, ._5m_s, ._13fn, ._7kxe, [style*="background-color: #F5F8FF"],
+._84lx {
background: $card !important;
@@ -46,7 +48,7 @@ html, body, :root, #root, #header, #MComposer, ._1upc, input, ._2f9r, ._59e9, ._
background: transparent !important;
-.jewel, .flyout, ._52z5, ._13e_, ._5-lw, ._5c0e, .jx-result, ._336p, .mentions-suggest-item, ._2suk, ._-j7,
+.jewel, .flyout, ._52z5, ._13e_, ._5-lw, ._5c0e, .jx-result, ._336p, .mentions-suggest-item, ._2suk, ._-j7, ._4d0v, ._4d0m,
.mentions-suggest, ._1xoz, ._1xow {
background: $bg_opaque !important;
@@ -56,9 +58,9 @@ html, body, :root, #root, #header, #MComposer, ._1upc, input, ._2f9r, ._59e9, ._
button:not([style*=image]):not(.privacyButtons), button::before, .touch ._56bt, ._56be::before, .btnS, .touch::before,
-._590n, ._4g8h, ._2cpp, ._58a0.touched:after,
+._590n, ._4g8h, ._2cpp, ._58a0.touched:after, ._7hfd,
.timeline .timelinePublisher, .touched, .sharerAttachment,
-.item a.primary.touched .primarywrap, ._537a, ._7cui,
+.item a.primary.touched .primarywrap, ._537a, ._7cui, ._785,
._5xo2, ._5u5a::before, ._4u3j, ._15ks, ._5hua, ._59tt, ._41ft, .jx-tokenizer, ._55fj,
.excessItem, .acr, ._5-lx, ._3g9-, ._55ws, ._6dsj ._3gin, ._69aj,
._4e8n, ._5pxa._3uj9, ._5n_5, ._u2d, ._56bu::before, ._5h8f, ._d00, ._2066, ._2k51,
@@ -70,7 +72,7 @@ button:not([style*=image]):not(.privacyButtons), button::before, .touch ._56bt,
background: $background2 !important;
-.mQuestionsPollResultsBar .shaded {
+.mQuestionsPollResultsBar .shaded, ._1r00 {
background: $accent !important;
diff --git a/app/src/web/scss/core/_core_border.scss b/app/src/web/scss/core/_core_border.scss
index c7d21adf..595fbbbf 100644
--- a/app/src/web/scss/core/_core_border.scss
+++ b/app/src/web/scss/core/_core_border.scss
@@ -14,19 +14,19 @@
._2pbp, ._5rou:first-child, ._egf:first-child, ._io2, ._3qdi ._48_m::after, ._46dd::before,
._15n_, ._3-2-, ._27ve, ._2s20, ._gui, ._2s21 > *::after, ._32qk, ._d00, ._d01, ._38o9,
._3u9t, ._55fj, .mEventProfileSection.useBorder td, ._3ils, ._5as0, ._5as2, ._5-lw,
-._2s1_:before, ._143z::before, ._143z::after,
+._2s1_:before, ._143z::before, ._143z::after, ._4d0x, ._5_gz, ._5_ev, ._63ur,
._52x1, ._3wjp, ._usq, ._2cul:before, ._13e_, .jewel .flyout, ._3bg5 ._52x6, ._56d8, .al {
border-top: 1px solid $divider !important;
._15ny::after, ._z-w, ._8i2, ._2nk0, ._22_8, ._1t4h, ._37fd, ._1ha, ._3bg5 ._56do, ._8he,
-._400s, ._5hoc, ._1bhn, ._5ag6, ._4pvz, ._31y5,
-._301x, ._x08 ._x0a:after, ._36dc, ._6-l ._57jn, ._527k, ._g_k,
+._400s, ._5hoc, ._1bhn, ._5ag6, ._4pvz, ._31y5, ._7gxb, ._-kp, ._6_q3::after, ._3al1, ._4d0w, ._4d0k,
+._301x, ._x08 ._x0a:after, ._36dc, ._6-l ._57jn, ._527k, ._g_k, ._7i8v, ._7k1c, ._2_gy,
._577z:not(:last-child) ._ygd, ._3u9u, ._3mgz, ._52x6, ._2066, ._5luf, ._2bdc, ._3ci9,
.mAppCenterFatLabel, .appCenterCategorySelectorButton, ._1q6v, ._5q_r, ._5yt8, ._38do, ._38dt,
._ap1, ._52x1, ._59tu, ._usq, ._13e_, ._59f6._55so::before, ._4gj3, .error, ._35--, ._1wev,
-.jx-result, ._1f9d, ._vef, ._55x2 > *, .al, ._44qk, ._5rgs, ._5xuj, ._1sv1, ._idb,
-._5lp5, ._3-2-, ._3to6, ._ir5, ._4nw6, ._4nwh, ._27ve, div._51v6::before, ._5hu6,
+.jx-result, ._1f9d, ._vef, ._55x2 > *, .al, ._44qk, ._5rgs, ._5xuj, ._1sv1, ._idb, ._5_g-,
+._5lp5, ._3-2-, ._3to6, ._ir5, ._4nw6, ._4nwh, ._27ve, div._51v6::before, ._5hu6, ._2wn5,
._3c9h::before, ._2s20, ._gui, ._5jku, ._2foa, ._2y60, ._5fu3, ._4en9, ._1kb:not(:last-child) ._1kc,
._5pz4, ._5lp4, ._5lp5, ._5h6z, ._5h6x, ._2om4, ._5fjw > div, ._5fjv > :first-child,
._5fjw > :first-child {
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
.item a.primary.touched .primarywrap, ._4dwt ._5y33, ._1ih_, ._5_50, ._6beq, ._69aj, ._3iyw ._37fb,
-._5fjv, ._3on6, ._2u4w, ._2om3, ._2ol-, ._5fjw, ._4z83, ._1gkq, ._4-dy {
+._5fjv, ._3on6, ._2u4w, ._2om3, ._2ol-, ._5fjw, ._4z83, ._1gkq, ._4-dy, ._bub {
border-top: 1px solid $divider !important;
border-bottom: 1px solid $divider !important;
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
//link card bottom border
-._4o58::after, .acr, ._t21, ._2bdb,
+._4o58::after, .acr, ._t21, ._2bdb, ._4ks>li,
.acw, .aclb, ._4qax, ._5h8f {
border-color: $divider !important;
@@ -95,6 +95,6 @@
border-bottom: 1px solid $text !important;
-._484w.selected ._6zf {
+._484w.selected ._6zf, ._7gxa, ._2wn2 {
border-bottom: 2px solid $accent !important;
diff --git a/app/src/web/scss/core/_core_text.scss b/app/src/web/scss/core/_core_text.scss
index 140ba32d..f6823cd4 100644
--- a/app/src/web/scss/core/_core_text.scss
+++ b/app/src/web/scss/core/_core_text.scss
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
html, body, input, ._42rv, ._4qau, ._dwm .descArea, ._eu5,
-._1tcc, ._3g9-, ._29z_, ._3xz7, ._ib-, ._3bg5 ._56dq, ._477i, ._2vxk,
-.touched *, ._1_yj, ._1_yl, ._4pj9, ._2bdc, ._3qdh ._3qdn ._3qdk, ._3qdk ._48_q,
-._z-z, ._z-v, ._1e8d, ._36nl, ._36nm, ._2_11, ._2_rf, ._2ip_, ._403p, .cq, ._usr,
-._5xu2, ._3ml8, ._3mla, ._50vk, ._1m2u, ._31y7, ._4kcb, ._1lf6, ._1lf5,
-._1lf4, ._1hiz, ._xod, ._5ag5, ._zmk, ._3t_h, ._5lm6, ._3clv, ._3zlc, ._36rd, ._6oby,
+._1tcc, ._3g9-, ._29z_, ._3xz7, ._ib-, ._3bg5 ._56dq, ._477i, ._2vxk, ._29e6,
+.touched *, ._1_yj, ._1_yl, ._4pj9, ._2bdc, ._3qdh ._3qdn ._3qdk, ._3qdk ._48_q, ._7iah,
+._z-z, ._z-v, ._1e8d, ._36nl, ._36nm, ._2_11, ._2_rf, ._2ip_, ._403p, .cq, ._usr, #mErrorView .message,
+._5xu2, ._3ml8, ._3mla, ._50vk, ._1m2u, ._31y7, ._4kcb, ._1lf6, ._1lf5, ._7-1j, ._4ajz,
+._1lf4, ._1hiz, ._xod, ._5ag5, ._zmk, ._3t_h, ._5lm6, ._3clv, ._3zlc, ._36rd, ._6oby, ._6_qk,
._31zk, ._31zl, ._3xsa, ._3xs9, ._2-4s, ._2fzz ul, ._3z10, ._4mo, ._2om6, ._33r5, ._82y3, ._82y1,
-._43mh, .touch .btn, .fcg, button, ._52j9, ._52jb, ._52ja, ._5j35, ._ctg, ._5300, ._5302,
+._43mh, .touch .btn, .fcg, button, ._52j9, ._52jb, ._52ja, ._5j35, ._ctg, ._5300, ._5302, ._5_o0,
._rnk, ._24u0, ._1g06, ._14ye, .fcb, ._56cz._56c_, ._1gk_, ._55fj, ._45fu, ._7kx4, ._20zd, ._egh, ._egi,
._18qg, ._1_ac, ._529p, ._4dwt ._1vh3, ._4a5f, ._23_t, ._2rzc, ._23_s, ._2rzd, ._6obp, ._2iiu, ._1s06,
-._5aga, ._5ag9, ._537a, .acy, ._5ro_, ._6-l ._2us7, ._4mp, ._2b08, ._36e0, ._4-dy,
+._5aga, ._5ag9, ._537a, .acy, ._5ro_, ._6-l ._2us7, ._4mp, ._2b08, ._36e0, ._4-dy, ._55i1, ._2wn6,
._14v5 ._14v8, ._1440, ._1442, ._1448, ._4ks_, .mCount, ._27vc, ._24e1, ._2rbw, ._3iyw ._3mzw,
textarea:not([style*="color: rgb"]), ._24pi, ._4en9, ._1kb, ._5p7j, ._2klz, ._5780, ._5781, ._5782,
._3u9u, ._3u9_, ._3u9s, ._1hcx, ._2066, ._1_-1, ._cv_, ._1nbx, ._2cuh, ._6--d, ._77p7, ._7h_g,
._4ms9, ._4ms5, ._4ms6, ._31b4, ._31b5, ._5q_r, ._idb, ._38d-, ._3n8y, ._38dt, ._3oyg, ._21dc,
-._27vp, ._4nwe, ._4nw9, ._27vi, .appCenterAppInfo, .appCenterPermissions, ._6xqt, ._7cui,
+._27vp, ._4nwe, ._4nw9, ._27vi, .appCenterAppInfo, .appCenterPermissions, ._6xqt, ._7cui, ._84lx [style*="color: rgb"],
._3c9l, ._3c9m, ._4jn_, ._32qt, ._3mom, ._3moo, ._-7o, ._d00, ._d01, ._559g, ._7cdj, ._1_yd, ._1_yc,
._2new, .appCenterCategorySelectorButton, ._1ksq, ._1kt6, ._6ber, ._mxb, ._3oyd, ._3gir, ._3gis,
div.sharerSelector, .footer, ._4pv_, ._1dbp, ._3kad, ._20zc, ._2i5v, ._2i5w, ._6zf, ._mhg,
@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
color: $text !important;
-strong > a, a > ._2vyr, a[data-sigil~="unlike"], ._15ks ._2q8z._2q8z, ._1e3e, .blueName, ._5kqs ._55sr, ._484w.selected ._6zf {
+strong > a, a > ._2vyr, a[data-sigil~="unlike"], ._15ks ._2q8z._2q8z, ._1e3e, .blueName, ._5kqs ._55sr, ._484w.selected ._6zf, ._6_qj, ._2wn3,
+._by_, ._1r05 {
color: $accent !important;
diff --git a/app/src/web/scss/core/_svg.scss b/app/src/web/scss/core/_svg.scss
index 8c714438..9ed25433 100644
--- a/app/src/web/scss/core/_svg.scss
+++ b/app/src/web/scss/core/_svg.scss
@@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ $like_selected: '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="#{$accent}" viewB
// Previously ._15km ._15ko::before and ._15km ._15ko._77la::before; however, reaction changes no longer affect this element
// The robust measure seems to be the parent of a[data-sigil~="like-reaction-flyout"] along with [data-sigil~="like"] for an unliked post
// and [data-sigil~="unlike"] for a liked post
-._15km ._15ko::before {
+a._15ko::before {
@include background-svg($like);
background-position: center !important;
-._15km ._15ko._77la::before {
+a._15ko._77la::before {
@include background-svg($like_selected);
background-position: center !important;