path: root/shared/src/commonMain/kotlin/mx/trackermap/TrackerMap/client/infrastructure/ApiClient.kt
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Diffstat (limited to 'shared/src/commonMain/kotlin/mx/trackermap/TrackerMap/client/infrastructure/ApiClient.kt')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/shared/src/commonMain/kotlin/mx/trackermap/TrackerMap/client/infrastructure/ApiClient.kt b/shared/src/commonMain/kotlin/mx/trackermap/TrackerMap/client/infrastructure/ApiClient.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa4e45f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shared/src/commonMain/kotlin/mx/trackermap/TrackerMap/client/infrastructure/ApiClient.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+package mx.trackermap.TrackerMap.client.infrastructure
+import io.swagger.client.infrastructure.*
+import okhttp3.*
+import okhttp3.HttpUrl.Companion.toHttpUrlOrNull
+import okhttp3.MediaType.Companion.toMediaTypeOrNull
+import java.io.File
+open class ApiClient(val baseUrl: String) {
+ companion object {
+ protected const val ContentType = "Content-Type"
+ protected const val Accept = "Accept"
+ protected const val JsonMediaType = "application/json"
+ protected const val FormDataMediaType = "multipart/form-data"
+ protected const val XmlMediaType = "application/xml"
+ @JvmStatic
+ val client: OkHttpClient = OkHttpClient()
+ @JvmStatic
+ var defaultHeaders: Map<String, String> by ApplicationDelegates.setOnce(
+ mapOf(
+ ContentType to JsonMediaType,
+ Accept to JsonMediaType
+ )
+ )
+ @JvmStatic
+ val jsonHeaders: Map<String, String> = mapOf(ContentType to JsonMediaType, Accept to JsonMediaType)
+ }
+ protected inline fun <reified T> requestBody(content: T, mediaType: String = JsonMediaType): RequestBody =
+ when {
+ content is File -> RequestBody.create(mediaType.toMediaTypeOrNull(), content)
+ mediaType == FormDataMediaType -> {
+ var builder = FormBody.Builder()
+ // content's type *must* be Map<String, Any>
+ @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")
+ (content as Map<String, String>).forEach { key, value ->
+ builder = builder.add(key, value)
+ }
+ builder.build()
+ }
+ mediaType == JsonMediaType -> RequestBody.create(
+ mediaType.toMediaTypeOrNull(), Serializer.moshi.adapter(T::class.java).toJson(content)
+ )
+ mediaType == XmlMediaType -> TODO("xml not currently supported.")
+ // TODO: this should be extended with other serializers
+ else -> TODO("requestBody currently only supports JSON body and File body.")
+ }
+ protected inline fun <reified T : Any?> responseBody(body: ResponseBody?, mediaType: String = JsonMediaType): T? {
+ if (body == null) return null
+ return when (mediaType) {
+ JsonMediaType -> Serializer.moshi.adapter(T::class.java).fromJson(body.source())
+ else -> TODO()
+ }
+ }
+ protected inline fun <reified T : Any?> request(requestConfig: RequestConfig, body: Any? = null): ApiInfrastructureResponse<T?> {
+ val httpUrl = baseUrl.toHttpUrlOrNull() ?: throw IllegalStateException("baseUrl is invalid.")
+ var urlBuilder = httpUrl.newBuilder()
+ .addPathSegments(requestConfig.path.trimStart('/'))
+ requestConfig.query.forEach { query ->
+ query.value.forEach { queryValue ->
+ urlBuilder = urlBuilder.addQueryParameter(query.key, queryValue)
+ }
+ }
+ val url = urlBuilder.build()
+ val headers = requestConfig.headers + defaultHeaders
+ if (headers[ContentType] ?: "" == "") {
+ throw kotlin.IllegalStateException("Missing Content-Type header. This is required.")
+ }
+ if (headers[Accept] ?: "" == "") {
+ throw kotlin.IllegalStateException("Missing Accept header. This is required.")
+ }
+ // TODO: support multiple contentType,accept options here.
+ val contentType = (headers[ContentType] as String).substringBefore(";").toLowerCase()
+ val accept = (headers[Accept] as String).substringBefore(";").toLowerCase()
+ var request: Request.Builder = when (requestConfig.method) {
+ RequestMethod.DELETE -> Request.Builder().url(url).delete()
+ RequestMethod.GET -> Request.Builder().url(url)
+ RequestMethod.HEAD -> Request.Builder().url(url).head()
+ RequestMethod.PATCH -> Request.Builder().url(url).patch(requestBody(body, contentType))
+ RequestMethod.PUT -> Request.Builder().url(url).put(requestBody(body, contentType))
+ RequestMethod.POST -> Request.Builder().url(url).post(requestBody(body, contentType))
+ RequestMethod.OPTIONS -> Request.Builder().url(url).method("OPTIONS", null)
+ }
+ headers.forEach { header -> request = request.addHeader(header.key, header.value.toString()) }
+ val realRequest = request.build()
+ val response = client.newCall(realRequest).execute()
+ // TODO: handle specific mapping types. e.g. Map<int, Class<?>>
+ when {
+ response.isRedirect -> return Redirection(
+ response.code,
+ response.headers.toMultimap()
+ )
+ response.isInformational -> return Informational(
+ response.message,
+ response.code,
+ response.headers.toMultimap()
+ )
+ response.isSuccessful -> return Success(
+ responseBody(response.body, accept),
+ response.code,
+ response.headers.toMultimap()
+ )
+ response.isClientError -> return ClientError(
+ response.body?.string(),
+ response.code,
+ response.headers.toMultimap()
+ )
+ else -> return ServerError(
+ null,
+ response.body?.string(),
+ response.code,
+ response.headers.toMultimap()
+ )
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file