
Since 1.8.0

Updates a playlist. Only the owner of a playlist is allowed to update it.

<%--TODO: Add later--%> <%----%> <%----%> <%----%> <%----%> <%----%> <%----%> <%----%> <%----%> <%----%> <%----%> <%----%> <%----%>
Parameter Required Default Comment
playlistId Yes The playlist ID.
name No The human-readable name of the playlist.
comment No The playlist comment.
usernameToAddNoAllow this user to listen to this playlist. Multiple parameters allowed.
usernameToRemoveNoDisallow this user to listen to this playlist. Multiple parameters allowed.
songIdToAdd No Add this song with this ID to the playlist. Multiple parameters allowed.
songIndexToRemove No Remove the song at this position in the playlist. Multiple parameters allowed.

Returns an empty <subsonic-response> element on success.