
Since 1.1.0

Creates a new Subsonic user, using the following parameters:

Parameter Required Default Comment
username Yes The name of the new user.
password Yes The password of the new user, either in clear text of hex-encoded (see above).
email Yes The email address of the new user.
ldapAuthenticated No false Whether the user is authenicated in LDAP.
adminRole No false Whether the user is administrator.
settingsRole No true Whether the user is allowed to change settings and password.
streamRole No true Whether the user is allowed to play files.
jukeboxRole No false Whether the user is allowed to play files in jukebox mode.
downloadRole No false Whether the user is allowed to download files.
uploadRole No false Whether the user is allowed to upload files.
playlistRole No false Whether the user is allowed to create and delete playlists. Since 1.8.0, changing this role has no effect.
coverArtRole No false Whether the user is allowed to change cover art and tags.
commentRole No false Whether the user is allowed to create and edit comments and ratings.
podcastRole No false Whether the user is allowed to administrate Podcasts.
shareRole No false (Since 1.8.0)Whether the user is allowed to share files with anyone.

Returns an empty <subsonic-response> element on success.