DONE IN 4.7 ------------- Don't display "null" as artist in now playing. Fixed crash on Java 7 caused by wrong sorting implementation. Added Settings > General > Sort albums by year Try with different encodings when importing playlists. Admins should be able to manage all playlists (that is visible to them) Use "album artist" tag if present. Updated Slovenian translation, courtesy of Jan Jamšek Automatically import all playlists on start-up. Show all playlist metadata. Fixed problem with no files being showed if removing and re-adding a media folder with scans in between. Added "Settings > Media folders > Clean-up database" Fixed slow "Top rated". TODO IN 4.7 ----------------- Backup database in installer. Add "Force rescan" option. Problems importing playlists (BKKKPewsey) Video files not displayed? Displayed album year doesn't update when editing corresponding tag (Foyaxe) Album art broken on IE8. Test that sorting by track ID actually work, also when title doesn't contain track number. Make it possible to refresh left frame? At least bypass browser cache. Go thru bug reports. Retest playlist import (different encodings) Something wrong with matching players/users in Now Playing. ConcurrentModificationException Collapse long list of playlists. Update documention wrt port 4040 on Windows. REST doc: create getVideos example. Setup crashplan. Postponed: - Show toast when saving queue as playlist (and when saving settings) - Increase line height in playlist.jsp - Rename to play queue in Settings > Player. - Show "isPublic", #songs, duration in playlist.jsp. - Show message if nothing is starred. - Show message if no songs are selected when doing add to playlist. - Encourage users to save email addresses, also for admin. Explain why. - Update apps to include PlayBook version. - REST: Add example links to demo server. - Blacklist abusers of my email. - Eliminate HomeController.Album. - Clicking play button on a video podcast doesn't work. Handle albums without artist. Don't create them? Support comment and ratings for Album table. JSON exception with ampersand. minisub doesn't play. Test getPlaylist vs old-style IDs. Include minisub Fix broken REST scrobbling, as reported by Ben. JWPlayer subtitle plugin - HTTP Live Streaming ffmpeg segmenting Evaluate HTML5. Extend demo music, and add video. Support ISO files. wtv support Add "-map_meta_data 0:0" to transcoding? Test with IE 9 Don't hardcode c:/subsonic in windows installer. Audio problems on Linux. Coniq: subcl: Better video quality when sharing Show license details in About. Support custom domain name in sharing (Settings > Advanced) Rename "offsetSeconds" to "timeOffset" in StreamController, and update API doc. Add "byteOffset" parameter as well. Add rating attributes to in getMusicDirectory. Subsonic Chumby REST: add method to get everything in search index (binary, compressed)? Favorite rather than rating? Bookmark support (for audiobooks, podcasts) Stream from devices Instant playlist Go through tracker. Does canaca allow outgoing port 4040? Backend service to email license keys on request. Recursive getFolders API method? Checkbox, combobox bg color REST: scrobble should increment the internal playcounters too. Show lyrics in tags. Hide log for non-admin users? ffmpeg processes not stopped in opera. Sharing (facebook, twitter++) Test video sharing Add some space towards bottom of main.jsp todos in externalplayer.jsp Make it work if no songs are selected Add "append" parameter to createPlaylist REST method. (or create appendPlaylist method) Handle non-square cover art Cover arts not always aligned in grid Upgrade ffmpeg and support wtv. Add browser notification AdMob Show library statistics for video. Playing only first three seconds of podcast GPU-accellerated ffmpeg Add to playlist from main.jsp Sencha Touch Subsonic for Boxee Linux locale issue DONE IN ANDROID 3.4 -------------------- Ensure readable text in notification when background is dark. Fix crash when using fast scrolling. Enable fast scrolling of playlists, search results and songs. Improve caching of artist list. TODO IN ANDROID 3.4 -------------------- Patch "Host name cannot be null" Support Bluetooth play/pause buttons in ICS. Problem if underscore/dash in server name. Music controls in notification. Holo theme Update artist list in background. ICS theme Browser / web page widget for Android Maintain track order for offline files. Check for lingering .partial files. Don't pause on incoming call if RC. PayPal integration Change generic album art. In ICS, doesn't pause when disconnected from Bluetooth. Bug if switching to RC and back for a song that is currently downloading. Add OFL button. Handle togglig OFL and RC. Include German translation. Google TV? Test BlackBerry runtime Android 4.0: Support Audio remote controls Handle files in root folder. EQ resets when switching between online/offline. Don't stop playback when switching between online/offline. Screen reader support for play, pause, etc Fix other crashes. In-app purchase. Graphic accelerate. Make Pin work if completefile exists, also if not online. Support API level > 10. Show title bar if Honeycomb? Sharing support. Podcast support. Offline shuffle play broken. Test: New setting: "Wi-Fi streaming only" New Pin/unpin icons. Enable honeycomb actionbar Access other music on phone. Make it possible to select multiple root folders. Browse structure? android.intent.action.PICK "Save offline media in" /sdcard/subsonic/music "Also show media in" /sdcard/Music Make sure to create folder when changed. Rename "Select server" to "Media source". Server 1 Server 2 Server 3 Offline media Does repeat button work in landscape mode? DownloadServiceImpl: ignore a mysterious MediaPlayer error Error when using foo:3030 as server url. Avoid more than one instance. Use new intents in widget. Reset shuffle play buffer when changing server. Long-click: Long-click artist -> Play random Lyrics Use popup for voice search? Test voice search. Simplify code in SelectAlbumActivity? Improve horizontal layout, move tab buttons to the right. Shuffle play turned back on when rotating phone. (onNewIntent?) Better handling of full SD card. Unnecessary initial pause when starting partially downloaded songs. Reuse AlbumViews (in EntryAdapter) Cooler button in slider (polished steel) Nicer icon for music library. Skipping problem Disk-full patch from Chad Improve behaviour when SD card is mounted. Detect Bluetooth disconnect android.bluetooth.intent.action.HEADSET_STATE_CHANGED android.bluetooth.intent.HEADSET_STATE android.bluetooth.headset.action.STATE_CHANGED Test "Save on phone" in offline mode. Bookmark location in long files. Save coverart when caching music. (and reuse it rather than doing http) Remove logic from MediaStoreService. Go through caching logic. File load/save should be done in CachedMusicService. Fix crashes Optionally hide music from other players (.nomedia) Long-click download ogg support Cover art download doesn't cancel properly. Extend playlist menu (Clear, Save...) Skipping broken when downloading file. Crashes if plugging in usb while downloading. Only retry if network error. Select music folder in server settings. (Including "All"). Use combination of progress bar and slide bar. Bluetooth and audio button control support. Max bitrate settings: Differentiate between 3G and non-3G Add icons to server popup. Album art border, ala wimp Reuse list item views in SelectAlbumActivity? Colors: PLAYLIST -------- Show playlists in left column. Checkbox in main.jsp + combobox with options. Save playlists in database? Access rights. More prominent display. Automatically import iTunes playlists. Dynamic playlists, Message from zeekay. Personal playlists Playlist summary. New playlist REST methods? WiMP, iTunes SITE ---- Tutorial, windows shared folders. Slideshow How it works, slide from presentation ("Stream music straight from your home computer") Update video slide. Update Android Market description VIDEO ----- Hide timeOffset if duration unknown. Longer buffer (bufferlength flashvar) Hide slider. Add .divx Select inital bitrate based on network type. Buy new JW license FORUM UPGRADE --------------- x Drop phpbb2 and phpbb3 databases. x Delete existing phpbb3 forum. x Create new phpbb3 installation. x Create index.php on x Reboot x Disable forums. x Export sql. x Rewrite URLs in sql. x Convert x Update search index. x Unlock forums. x Change style. x Change logo. x Enable attachments. x Verify x Create php forwarding pages on x Update links in pages. x Update DNS. x Create announcement. Investigate backup. Give courtesy to Anti-spam tools x Search on REST method for rating. Amahi Add link to ReadyNAS add-on Initial delay when playing in JW Player. Rename "mask" to "file types". (And change implementation to handle missing periods.) Subsonic Premium Singleton jukebox (at least in REST) Flowplayer jSub Maven 3 Investigate mapped network drives. Show recommended songs, based on Run Subsonic on Dreamplug Invoice: Suggestions from Gary: 1) Many users suggest, and I concur, that making the drop down for the number of albums displayed, “sticky” so that it remembers your last selection. Many users ask how to change the default from 10. 2) Auto update of album art. This seems to be declining in interest, but was an issue a while ago. Not a problem for me personally, but I do visit sites that are missing quite a bit of artwork. I know, and use a 3rd party program to do library updates, but I’m sure there are many users who would like to see an auto select for missing album art. 3) Folder permissions for users. This has been pretty big recently. I know I use public and private sites to segregate material, but I too could eliminate one site if I could control which users had access to which folders. 4) Personal suggestion – make Internet TV/Radio section in the left hand column collapsible. Maybe not a bad idea for the letter sections as well. 5) Photo Album section. This would make SS the complete home media front end if it could handle a photo library, perhaps with slideshow capability. html multiple file upload. Build ffmpeg for x86 on Mac ./configure --disable-shared --disable-mmx --arch=x86_64 ./configure --arch=ppc --enable-altivec --extra-cflags="-arch ppc" --extra-ldflags="-arch ppc" --enable-cross-compile --target-os=darwin According to Petter, overriding SUBSONIC_HOME doesn't work in Debian. Estimate content-length for transcoded/downsampled files. Complete getjar registration. Test non-ascii transcoding on linux. For transcoded files, display both source and target formats in gui. REST method supporting "Play random", or shuffle for a sub-tree Disable scrobbling while downloading; Add new scrobble command? Select wrong player when clicking "Settings" in playlist frame. Upgrade DWR to 3.0rc2 when in becomes available (to make it work with Tomcat 7) Keyboard shortcuts. HTML5/iPad Add REST method to add license key. Subsonic Premium Add one-liner intro in web page, a la o No monthly fees, no uploading, no syncing Change icons all around. Add trialExpires to REST API. Change font in logo? Add "append" parameter to createPlaylist REST method. Modify port number and memory on Mac. Make port 4040 the default on Windows installations not 80 Write tip in Google group about redirect optimization. Update Getting Started, Create translation tool for backend. Downsample command used for non-mp3. New screenshots for themes. Go thru About page. Change documentation of subsonic_home. Use popup? Make maven build from root work. Java silent installation: WiX: Add track count REST. Upgrade JWPlayer Fix bug with executor in networkservice. Disable ads first 30 days? Show status in getting started. Test lyrics with non-ascii. Global option to disable chat. Admin should be able to remove individual messages. Scrobbling broken for transcoded songs? Bug: Double-scrobbling when transcoding. Restart BasicPlayer for each song in playlist. ANDROID ----------------------- Android: Fix bugs reported by Market. Android: Suggest switching to offline mode if network error. Android: Make offline mode more visible. Android: Reorder playlist Android: Queue Next + Queue Last Swipe album art to go to prev/next track. Seeking fails when playing partial file. seekTo() should test if playing from partial. Only show fullscreen when applicable. Create Norwegian translation. Use IOUtils, StringUtils. List of bugs/requests from cwilliams: Use CancellableTask in BackgroundTask. Check for isCancelled in loops. Improve design of DownloadFile.getCompleteFile() etc. Remember position for podcasts. Use Droid-Fu? Android: Long-click on song list. Android: Option to auto-sync certain directories or playlists. Android: Option to tag certain directories as favorite. Fix encoding problems in Subsonic Demo files. Must resolve content type in StreamController, even if "suffix" is not given. VIDEO ----- Air Video Create separate "Video folder" definition? Be able to select stretching type. Fix window popup. Database support. Use provider=video for playing back AAC/M4A. Don't set duration if unknown. Add "transcodedFormat" to PlaylistService. Don't transcode aac/m4a by default. Test playback on Android. c:/subsonic-dev/transcode/ffmpeg.exe -i in.avi -vcodec libx264 -fpre libx264-normal.ffpreset out.mp4 Copy x264 preset files to HOME or something. Encode audio as mp3? Manually put videos in transcoding queue? JWPlayer popup, Don't set duration to zero. Set proper size. ffmpeg flv transcoding. When adding a transcoding with default=true, enable it for all players. Don't audioscrobble videos. Test new JW Player on Mac and Linux. Also with Flash plugin 9.0 mp4 tag parser BACKLOG ========================== Show song title in Browser Title Bar, Next to Lyrics link, add "Share" link with permalink? ( auto-detect links in chat. Chat broken on Safari Add "Copy settings from user" option. Improve menus in web pages. Make sub menus. Add FLAC>WAV transcoding Add "Add random" to main.view and "Add to playlist" in more.view Use signed requests against Amazon. Exclusion filter (*.svn, *.log, *.pun) Select music folder / playlist folder in Windows installer. Add links to Facebook group from home page and Help page. Bad performance, low bandwidth. Avoid underlined image links in menu bar (FF, Chrome) Nightly build. Write installation note on how to setup internet access. Mention Amahi in web pages. Contact Amahi Run agent as admin in Windows 7. Does subsonic_exclude.txt work for indexing? User registration. Further search improvements, e.g., "search all". Improve year range in random playlist generator. Maybe provide to and from fields. Improve Midnight Fun theme. Google Image Search or Yahoo search Automatically enable/disable "Notify me about new versions" option when new users are created. Show who's online. Error when path contains "&" Simplify Media. How does it avoid opening ports in router? Integration with Spotify/Despotify/Jotify. Create Jing screencast. Specify upload directory per user. Option to delete files? Coverflow,, Problems with player resolution for guest users when behind proxy. Use SoundManager 2 to implement inline song preview. Somehow indicate player type in playlist. Make contiuous random mode work in jukebox mode. Use reverse ajax for Now Playing? Recover/reset forgotten password. IE 8 error. Enable auto-random mode for jukebox. Reduce jukebox logging. Validate transitional dtd. Profile for bottlenecks Selected music folder not remembered. Now playing broken? "grep -v" in Updates to Podcast broken? Bug when adding new tracks to playlist, Refactor SearchService.getRandomSongs()? Problem when streaming 2gb+ files, Change default cover image. Read .txt and .nfo for artist/album reviews. Change LAME download url. PHPBB authentication. Ignore files/directories by name (e.g., ".svn"), FilenameUtils.wildcardMatch(), Jetty download performance, Add to Ubuntu repo. Podcast : Playing Direct from URL, iPod/iPhone support. Artist/Album level comments, ability to read from txt file, "External player" problem described by ghjames in "Sign up" feature. Introduce "Default transcoding bitrate" instead of hardcoding it to 128 kbps. Message system ( NoCache for login.view? Optionally hide media library statistics. Remember number of albums to show in home.jsp. Either persistent or per session. Remove RipServer support. More > Random playlist doesn't autostart in Flash player. Log when people log in. Precompile JSPs in Jetty mode. Show name of currently playing song in Flash player. Upgrade to latest JW player? Wrong duration in transcoded wma. Create Linux package installer. "Remember me" broken with LDAP auth? Selected podcasts not cleared when deleting. top.view cached erronously? Fix layout in player settings. Implement Slim protocol. Tag editing breaks embedded cover art. Double-write tag info? Error with new LAME version? Sort albums by year. (And show year). getCoverArt() should be made non-recursive. Support FLV. Support AVI etc? Add Show/Hide Video? Minimize/maximize playlist frame. Create support for default player type per user. Show active users. Option to specify extensions not to be included when downloading directories. Playlist drag'n drop "Featured" albums. Avoid logging of DWR stuff. Add logging from Subsonic service. Create tutorial of how to build from source. Set multiple icons when using Java 6(?) Show who played a track last. Permalink support? Support "play more random songs" if web player. After logon, go to originally requested page. Fix broken SSL, Simplify URL rewriting. Always use relative links if that works. Log error if podcast delete file doesn't succeed. Podcast duplicate files. nrk_verdt_aa_vite_2008-0820-1203_24459.mp3 + nrk_verdt_aa_vite_2008-0820-1203_244590.mp3 User/music folder authorization. Show percent complete for translations. In web page at least. Improve getting started. Look at maven release plugin. problem. Show total playlist duration. Remove player dynamic ip property? Upgrade to Spring Security. Bundle with open-source UPnP app? Uninstaller should optionally delete c:\subsonic Nicer popup for lyrics and online help. Add option for one player per user Verify that LastModified works for avatars. Create per-channel podcast settings. At least enable/disable. Should make it possible to retrieve avatars without reading the binary column. Per-song rating. Use filter for subsonic version in site xml's. Add download/upload speedometer. Implement LastModified in main.jsp (Must test on FF). Must add timestamp on music_file_info. Problem with cover art scheme. Party mode: Go into random mode if the playlist is finished. Retag track number in podcasts. Make background image repeat in x-direction? Use YUI menus: Spacing in home.jsp Use em instead of pt when padding. DAAP support. Random radio mode ( Option for unlimited download/upload if on LAN. Remember to support proxies. Integrate with Amazon mp3. Make some features available to donors only. Caching bug, selected music folder. At least in IE and FF. RejectedExecutionHandler handling in ThreadPoolExecutor constructor. Precompile JSPs for Dekoh. Separate modules "subsonic-precompiled-jetty" and "subsonic-precompiled-dekoh". Fix javascript error in playlist in IE. Display the sub folder count next to the artist folder ( Facebook integration Show/Hide Podcast channel description (e.g., Java Posse) Show mini coverarts "Next/Prev Album". Add check for admin rights in installer. Add "play count" to Podcasts. ASX ( Make it possible to cancel/resume Podcast downloads. ("Cancel selected") Select all in textfield for settings image url (and other textfields?) Remove stream status after end of playlist is reached. Ajax-ify Amazon pages. Wrong progress for Resumable Podcast downloads. "Random" very slow when no music folders. Test if dwr javascripts are cached in browser (especially for "now playing") Better IE support in playlist checkbox stuff. Instead of disabling (which isn't supported in IE, set font color to gray). Test playlist checkbox stuff, in particular download auth. Move "logout" under search search field. Reformat all java code. Check out non-Latin ID3 problem ( Track titles that begin with numbers ( (For instance "13 humler") Fault-tolerant transcoding FLAC>MP3 ( Drag'n'drop in playlist. Fix description in Freshmeat. ID3 problems ( Make sure podcast works with playlist names with non-latin chars. Test Google Web Toolkit? Show next/prev 100 hits. Create checkbox and combobox menu in main.jsp. FLAC > OGG audioscrobbling problem ( Support MUSICBRAINZ_TRACKID ( Check out Check out asx/asf: Make podcast work in iTunes. Longer cache expiry period for images. RSS feed for newest content. Web proxy support (for audioscrobbler, amazon etc)? Missing refresh when changing from no cover art. Resolve problem with MetaData NullPointerException. Don't show empty statistics. AJAX error dialog from Dave. Remove "user" column from status.jsp? Sometimes a song is started twice. Two m3u's sent? Profiling ( Invalidate browser cache when changing cover art image. Mails from Dave (IP change problem). Why is a String, not an Integer? Upload broken in IE. Upload popup? Add transcoder for cell phone etc. aacPlus. Seeking. Display running time, as well as elapsed time for current song. Playback buttons. Stop, play, pause, resume, next, previous. Create "Electron Blue" theme ( Startour? Use cookie.setPath()? cookie.setPath(request.getContextPath()); Use AJAX to change random albums on home page, one at a time. Implement pure AJAX version of playlist.jsp. Check Javascript error on IE. Photo support? User-based folder access Replace methods in my StringUtil with corresponding in Spring. Batch download of cover arts. Use Rico for rounded edges. Use cewolf? Use dialog popup for online help. Make another theme with smaller fonts. Make fancy css background for playlist toolbar. Use CSS overflow: auto for scrolling in playlist? Use Spring StringUtils.cleanPath()? Option to show exception details in error log. Quick link to "#" doesn't work. Should receive feedback when changing passwords, creating users etc. C:\music\The Alan Parsons Project\The Best of The Alan Parsons Project\folder.jpg (Access is denied) Use HTML 4.01, validate all pages. Create taglib for help popup. Make it work on Java Application Server 8.1. (web.xml element order) Make it work on Geronimo. Drop ResourceBundle_en. Upload quota per user. Support reverse proxies. Send url as parameter. (Trykk her) Support forward proxies. Hvis spilleren har "Auto-control enabled" skrudd av, så vises det en ny knapp "Stream" i playlista som kan brukes for å få m3u-en. Replace use of arrays with type-safe collections. "Mini" interface for phones, pda's etc. Longer log file. Option to not display DEBUG lines in help.jsp. Kant rundt hele vinduet, som i forum. Always show playlist menu. Let number of columns be dynamic in home page. Performance monitoring. Use MusicFile.isAlbum() Simplify new/random in SearchService. If the album-name contains an apostrof ( ' ), then I get an error when I search for cover-art Provide links to podcast, settings, help, message board, wishlist on home page. Check that multi-discs are not included in random and newest albums. Change implementation of isAlbum. Integrate Windows Media Player in web page. Fetch current version asynchronously. UPnP Register at Link to Pandora ( Check Jinzora features. Add Cancel button to Save Playlist. Håndtere galt format samt manglende filer i playlister. Håndtere playere med navn som ikke er iht httpurl. Rydd opp i http-parameternavn. Gjøre sidene XHTML-kompatibel. Validaton of index specification. Make playlist loading more robust. (Fails on url's, for instance.) Make PDA skin. Bug: Going back adds songs to playlist multiple times. Quiz Emulator 3G-telefon XHTML Mobile Profile Add mp3-player as applet. Parse tags for wma etc. No SHOUTcast if playlist is empty. i18n of enums. -> Registrert 10. mai 2005 Option to create structure based on tags. Zip and unzip fails with accented characters. Use commons vfs, or some other lib. Log when zipping individual files. Add online help to search index update. Vis "lignende" album. HOW TO RELEASE =============================== Update version number in pom.xml, version.html, Update changelog.jsp, download.jsp Commit svn up mvn clean -P full mvn install -P full cd subsonic-assembly; mvn assembly:assembly; cd .. Deploy Check that correct local version is displayed. Upload files to SourceForge (in separate shell, REMEMBER TO CHANGE VERSION BELOW). rsync -avP -e ssh subsonic-installer-windows/target/subsonic*-setup.exe sindre_mehus, rsync -avP -e ssh subsonic-assembly/target/subsonic* sindre_mehus, rsync -avP -e ssh subsonic-installer-mac/target/subsonic*.pkg subsonic-installer-debian/target/subsonic*.deb subsonic-installer-rpm/target/subsonic*.rpm sindre_mehus, Modify FRS properties Upload site (OLD): rsync -avP -e ssh --exclude ".*" subsonic-web/ sindre_mehus, Upload site (NEW): rsync -avP -e ssh --exclude ".*" subsonic-site/src/main/webapp/ svn copy -m "Tagging 4.7.beta2" Register at freshmeat. Post message on forum. Update version number in pom.xml etc. Take backup of forum. Upgrade Subsonic backend: CHANGE DATE BELOW Backup backend database. Checkpoint database (db.view) cd /var/subsonic-backend tar cvf db-backup-2012-06-09.tar db cd subsonic-backend mvn clean install mkdir /usr/local/jakarta/tomcat/webapps-2012-06-09/ scp subsonic-site/src/main/webapp/apps.jsp scp subsonic-backend/target/subsonic-backend-*.war scp subsonic-main/target/subsonic.war rsync -rlptDvP -e ssh --exclude .svn subsonic-site/src/main/webapp/ Blacklist abusers of my email. Checkpoint database (db.view) ssh cd /usr/local/jakarta/tomcat ps -elf | grep jsvc /usr/sbin/stoptomcat rm webapps ln -s webapps-2012-06-09 webapps rm -rf work logs/* /usr/sbin/starttomcat rsync -rlptDvP -e ssh --exclude .svn subsonic-site/src/main/webapp/ godaddy ip: cancaca ip: - test https - add test videos (and ffmpeg, lame) - update transcodings HOW TO RELEASE TO ANDROID MARKET ================================ Build against Android 1.5 (, set API level to 3) Update versionCode and versionName in AndroidManifest.xml Commit cd subsonic-android ant clean ant release ### keytool -genkey -v -keystore subsonic.keystore -alias subsonic -keyalg RSA -validity 100000 -dname "CN=Active Objects" ### jarsigner -verbose -keystore subsonic.keystore -signedjar bin/subsonic.apk bin/SubsonicActivity-unsigned.apk subsonic Upload to market Update amazon Update svn copy -m "Tagging Android 3.3" Create new directory in FRS Upload files to SourceForge (in separate shell, REMEMBER TO CHANGE VERSION BELOW). rsync -avP -e ssh subsonic-android/bin/subsonic-release.apk sindre_mehus, HOW TO RELEASE TRANSCODING PACK =============================== Create and release it in SourceForge FRS. rsync -avP -e ssh sindre_mehus, HOW TO CREATE subsonic.keystore ================================ keytool -genkey -v -keystore subsonic.keystore -alias subsonic -storepass subsonic -keyalg RSA -validity 100000 -dname ", O=Subsonic" keytool -list -v -keystore subsonic.keystore -storepass subsonic wget -S --tries=1 'http://localhost:8080/rest/stream.view?u=admin&p=admin&v=1.6&c=android&id=2f55736572732f73696e6472652f4d757369632f44696d6d7520426f726769722f41627261686164616272612f3036202d2052697475616c6973742e6d7033&maxBitRate=96' wget 'http://localhost:4040/rest/jukeboxControl.view?u=admin&p=admin&v=1.6&c=android&action=get' -O - wget 'http://localhost:4040/rest/jukeboxControl.view?u=admin&p=admin&v=1.6&c=android&action=start' -O - wget 'http://localhost:4040/rest/jukeboxControl.view?u=admin&p=admin&v=1.6&c=android&action=status' -O - wget 'http://localhost:4040/rest/jukeboxControl.view?u=admin&p=admin&v=1.6&c=android&action=add&id=683a5c6d757369632e6576656e5c4169725c54616c6b69652057616c6b6965202d20323030345c3032202d2043686572727920426c6f73736f6d204769726c2e6d7033&id=683a5c6d757369632e6576656e5c4169725c54616c6b69652057616c6b6965202d20323030345c3039202d2042696f6c6f676963616c2e6d7033' -O - wget 'http://localhost:8080/rest/jukeboxControl.view?u=admin&p=admin&v=1.6&c=android&action=add&id=2f55736572732f73696e6472652f4d757369632f44696d6d7520426f726769722f41627261686164616272612f3035202d2044696d6d7520426f726769722e6d7033' -O - SEARCH ------ Calculate artist/album count from cachedArtists/cachedAlbums. Replace isFile, isAlbum, isDirectory with one char. Test paging. Fuzzy search? Create development branch Create schemas for artist/album/song tables (tmp and master) Populate with some dummy data. Extract SearchService interface. Populate master tables from music_file_info. Remove music_file_info table. Make ID columns count 1, 2, 3,... Implement algorithm for updating tmp-tables on scan. _artist_ id path name created last_modified comment _album_ id path name artist created last_modified comment play_count last_played _song_ id path title album artist year genre created last_modified play_count last_played MISCELLANEOUS ============= Photos: IBAN number: NO7297223688407 SWIFT/BIC code: DNBANOKK My address: Sindre Mehus Saturnveien 9 0492 Oslo Norway Bank address: DnB NOR 0021 Oslo Norway RipNAS, QNAP Netgear ReadyNAS, SqueezeCenter can run on a number of NAS devices, such as QNAP TS-101, Synology Diskstation, NETGEAR ReadyNAS, Buffalo Linkstation, Linksys NSLU2 and any device running FreeNAS software. rsync -avP -e ssh music.demo/ -Dsubsonic.war=subsonic-main/target/subsonic -Dsubsonic.createLinkFile=true -Dsubsonic.windowsInstall=true -Dsubsonic.port=8080 -Dsubsonic.contextPath=/ GIMP ---- Creating xxx_focused.png Farger > Farg > Kulør 34, Metning 97, Lysverdi -50 Creating xxx_pressed.png Use brush: radius 23, spisser 2, hardhet 0.95, sideforhold 1.0, vinkel 0.0, mellomrom 1.0 Use color: #ff8200 Getting started, yellow marker Use brush: circle fuzzy 17, transparency 67.3 Use color: #ffe200