/* This file is part of Subsonic. Subsonic is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Subsonic is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Subsonic. If not, see . Copyright 2015 (C) Scott Jackson */ package github.daneren2005.dsub.util; import android.app.Activity; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import androidx.appcompat.app.AlertDialog; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import android.widget.RatingBar; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import github.daneren2005.dsub.R; import github.daneren2005.dsub.domain.Artist; import github.daneren2005.dsub.domain.MusicDirectory.Entry; import github.daneren2005.dsub.service.DownloadFile; import github.daneren2005.dsub.service.DownloadService; import github.daneren2005.dsub.service.MusicService; import github.daneren2005.dsub.service.MusicServiceFactory; import github.daneren2005.dsub.service.OfflineException; import github.daneren2005.dsub.service.ServerTooOldException; import github.daneren2005.dsub.view.UpdateView; public final class UpdateHelper { private static final String TAG = UpdateHelper.class.getSimpleName(); public static void toggleStarred(Context context, Entry entry) { toggleStarred(context, entry, null); } public static void toggleStarred(final Context context, final Entry entry, final OnStarChange onStarChange) { toggleStarred(context, Arrays.asList(entry), onStarChange); } public static void toggleStarred(Context context, List entries) { toggleStarred(context, entries, null); } public static void toggleStarred(final Context context, final List entries, final OnStarChange onStarChange) { if(entries.isEmpty()) { return; } final Entry firstEntry = entries.get(0); final boolean starred = !firstEntry.isStarred(); for(Entry entry: entries) { entry.setStarred(starred); } if(onStarChange != null) { onStarChange.entries = entries; onStarChange.starChange(starred); } new SilentBackgroundTask(context) { @Override protected Void doInBackground() throws Throwable { MusicService musicService = MusicServiceFactory.getMusicService(context); List songs = new ArrayList(); List artists = new ArrayList(); List albums = new ArrayList(); for(Entry entry: entries) { if(entry.isDirectory() && Util.isTagBrowsing(context)) { if(entry.isAlbum()) { albums.add(entry); } else { artists.add(entry); } } else { songs.add(entry); } } musicService.setStarred(songs, artists, albums, starred, this, context); for(Entry entry: entries) { new UpdateHelper.EntryInstanceUpdater(entry) { @Override public void update(Entry found) { found.setStarred(starred); } }.execute(); } return null; } @Override protected void done(Void result) { // UpdateView int starMsgId = starred ? R.string.starring_content_starred : R.string.starring_content_unstarred; String starMsgBody = (entries.size() > 1) ? Integer.toString(entries.size()) : firstEntry.getTitle(); Util.toast(context, context.getResources().getString(starMsgId, starMsgBody)); if(onStarChange != null) { onStarChange.starCommited(starred); } } @Override protected void error(Throwable error) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to star", error); for(Entry entry: entries) { entry.setStarred(!starred); } if(onStarChange != null) { onStarChange.starChange(!starred); } String msg; if (error instanceof OfflineException || error instanceof ServerTooOldException) { msg = getErrorMessage(error); } else { String errorBody = (entries.size() > 1) ? Integer.toString(entries.size()) : firstEntry.getTitle(); msg = context.getResources().getString(R.string.starring_content_error, errorBody) + " " + getErrorMessage(error); } Util.toast(context, msg, false); } }.execute(); } public static void toggleStarred(final Context context, final Artist entry) { final boolean starred = !entry.isStarred(); entry.setStarred(starred); new SilentBackgroundTask(context) { @Override protected Void doInBackground() throws Throwable { MusicService musicService = MusicServiceFactory.getMusicService(context); if(Util.isTagBrowsing(context) && !Util.isOffline(context)) { musicService.setStarred(null, Arrays.asList(new Entry(entry)), null, starred, null, context); } else { musicService.setStarred(Arrays.asList(new Entry(entry)), null, null, starred, null, context); } return null; } @Override protected void done(Void result) { // UpdateView Util.toast(context, context.getResources().getString(starred ? R.string.starring_content_starred : R.string.starring_content_unstarred, entry.getName())); } @Override protected void error(Throwable error) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to star", error); entry.setStarred(!starred); String msg; if (error instanceof OfflineException || error instanceof ServerTooOldException) { msg = getErrorMessage(error); } else { msg = context.getResources().getString(R.string.starring_content_error, entry.getName()) + " " + getErrorMessage(error); } Util.toast(context, msg, false); } }.execute(); } public static void setRating(Activity context, Entry entry) { setRating(context, entry, null); } public static void setRating(final Activity context, final Entry entry, final OnRatingChange onRatingChange) { View layout = context.getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.rating, null); final RatingBar ratingBar = (RatingBar) layout.findViewById(R.id.rating_bar); ratingBar.setRating((float) entry.getRating()); AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(context); builder.setTitle(context.getResources().getString(R.string.rating_title, entry.getTitle())) .setView(layout) .setPositiveButton(R.string.common_ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { int rating = (int) ratingBar.getRating(); setRating(context, entry, rating, onRatingChange); } }) .setNegativeButton(R.string.common_cancel, null); AlertDialog dialog = builder.create(); dialog.show(); } public static void setRating(Context context, Entry entry, int rating) { setRating(context, entry, rating, null); } public static void setRating(final Context context, final Entry entry, final int rating, final OnRatingChange onRatingChange) { final int oldRating = entry.getRating(); entry.setRating(rating); if(onRatingChange != null) { onRatingChange.ratingChange(rating); } new SilentBackgroundTask(context) { @Override protected Void doInBackground() throws Throwable { MusicService musicService = MusicServiceFactory.getMusicService(context); musicService.setRating(entry, rating, context, null); new EntryInstanceUpdater(entry) { @Override public void update(Entry found) { found.setRating(rating); } }.execute(); return null; } @Override protected void done(Void result) { Util.toast(context, context.getResources().getString(rating > 0 ? R.string.rating_set_rating : R.string.rating_remove_rating, entry.getTitle())); } @Override protected void error(Throwable error) { entry.setRating(oldRating); if(onRatingChange != null) { onRatingChange.ratingChange(oldRating); } String msg; if (error instanceof OfflineException || error instanceof ServerTooOldException) { msg = getErrorMessage(error); } else { msg = context.getResources().getString(rating > 0 ? R.string.rating_set_rating_failed : R.string.rating_remove_rating_failed, entry.getTitle()) + " " + getErrorMessage(error); } Log.e(TAG, "Failed to setRating", error); Util.toast(context, msg, false); } }.execute(); } public static abstract class EntryInstanceUpdater { private Entry entry; protected int metadataUpdate = DownloadService.METADATA_UPDATED_ALL; public EntryInstanceUpdater(Entry entry) { this.entry = entry; } public EntryInstanceUpdater(Entry entry, int metadataUpdate) { this.entry = entry; this.metadataUpdate = metadataUpdate; } public abstract void update(Entry found); public void execute() { DownloadService downloadService = DownloadService.getInstance(); if(downloadService != null && !entry.isDirectory()) { boolean serializeChanges = false; List downloadFiles = downloadService.getDownloads(); DownloadFile currentPlaying = downloadService.getCurrentPlaying(); for(DownloadFile file: downloadFiles) { Entry check = file.getSong(); if(entry.getId().equals(check.getId())) { update(check); serializeChanges = true; if(currentPlaying != null && currentPlaying.getSong() != null && currentPlaying.getSong().getId().equals(entry.getId())) { downloadService.onMetadataUpdate(metadataUpdate); } } } if(serializeChanges) { downloadService.serializeQueue(); } } Entry find = UpdateView.findEntry(entry); if(find != null) { update(find); } } } public static abstract class OnStarChange { protected List entries; public abstract void starChange(boolean starred); public abstract void starCommited(boolean starred); } public static abstract class OnRatingChange { public abstract void ratingChange(int rating); } }