##Basic Instructions
Grab dependent libraries
git submodule init
git submodule update
Go to DragSortListView/library and ServerProxy and build project files
android update project --path ./
Add both projects and all .jar's in the libs folder
##SDK Project Dependencies
Under sdk -> extras:
android -> support -> v7 -> appcompat
android -> support -> v7 -> mediarouter
google -> google_play_services -> libproject -> google-play-services_lib
##SDK Library Dependencies
android -> support -> v4 -> android-support-v4.jar
android -> support -> v7 -> appcompat -> libs android-support-v7-appcompat.jar
android -> support -> v7 -> mediarouter -> libs -> android-support-v7-mediarouter.jar
google -> google_play_services -> libproject -> google-play-services_lib -> lib -> google-play-services.jar