path: root/app/src/main/java/github/daneren2005/dsub/fragments/SelectArtistFragment.java
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-07-27Fixes #714: Add different options for action when pressing a songScott Jackson
2016-06-13Fixes #707: Fix artists not showing up with First Level ArtistsScott Jackson
2016-05-30Remove "Root" folder concept now that we can trivially display artists and so...Scott Jackson
2016-02-11Fixes #642: fix First Level Artist interefering with Show Artist/AlbumScott Jackson
2016-02-08Subsonic was corrected to be API verison 1.14 for Subsonic 6.0Scott Jackson
2016-02-05#641: Expose music folders for tag modeScott Jackson
2015-12-14Sort artists on every view since second level artists are otherwise not sorte...Scott Jackson
2015-11-14Fix artist header not changing when already on artist fragment and switching ...Scott Jackson
2015-10-22Fix broken preference saving on Admin tabScott Jackson
2015-10-01Add ability to star/rate albums in root folderScott Jackson
2015-06-25#517 Replace ContextMenu with PopupMenuScott Jackson
2015-06-05Fix folders with empty data setsScott Jackson
2015-05-28#509 Convert search to use RecyclerViewScott Jackson
2015-05-28Convert artist fragments over to RecyclerViewScott Jackson
2015-04-25Update to gradleScott Jackson