path: root/.gitignore
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-12-16Add ignoresScott Jackson
2014-03-21Add proguard to ignore listScott Jackson
2013-11-14Added my private releases folder to ignore listScott Jackson
2013-07-27Move subsonic-android to rootScott Jackson
2013-06-10RevertScott Jackson
2013-06-10MergeScott Jackson
2013-06-06Added Intellij IDEA project files to ignore listScott Jackson
2013-06-04updated project files and keystoreTom
2013-02-24Ignore nbandroid folderScott Jackson
2013-02-22Updated gitignoreScott Jackson
2013-02-15Added drag-sort-listview libraryScott Jackson
2012-08-29Added Eclipse and build files git should ignore.Kurt Hardin