path: root/subsonic-main/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jsp/playQueue.jsp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'subsonic-main/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jsp/playQueue.jsp')
1 files changed, 617 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/subsonic-main/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jsp/playQueue.jsp b/subsonic-main/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jsp/playQueue.jsp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5ac4ac46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subsonic-main/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jsp/playQueue.jsp
@@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
+<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8" pageEncoding="iso-8859-1"%>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
+ <%@ include file="head.jsp" %>
+ <%@ include file="jquery.jsp" %>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value="/dwr/interface/nowPlayingService.js"/>"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value="/dwr/interface/playQueueService.js"/>"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value="/dwr/interface/playlistService.js"/>"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value="/dwr/engine.js"/>"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value="/dwr/util.js"/>"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value="/script/swfobject.js"/>"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value="/script/webfx/range.js"/>"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value="/script/webfx/timer.js"/>"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value="/script/webfx/slider.js"/>"></script>
+ <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="<c:url value="/script/webfx/luna.css"/>">
+<body class="bgcolor2 playlistframe" onload="init()">
+<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
+ var player = null;
+ var songs = null;
+ var currentAlbumUrl = null;
+ var currentStreamUrl = null;
+ var startPlayer = false;
+ var repeatEnabled = false;
+ var slider = null;
+ function init() {
+ dwr.engine.setErrorHandler(null);
+ startTimer();
+ $("#dialog-select-playlist").dialog({resizable: true, height: 220, position: 'top', modal: true, autoOpen: false,
+ buttons: {
+ "<fmt:message key="common.cancel"/>": function() {
+ $(this).dialog("close");
+ }
+ }});
+ <c:choose>
+ <c:when test="${model.player.web}">
+ createPlayer();
+ </c:when>
+ <c:otherwise>
+ getPlayQueue();
+ </c:otherwise>
+ </c:choose>
+ }
+ function startTimer() {
+ <!-- Periodically check if the current song has changed. -->
+ nowPlayingService.getNowPlayingForCurrentPlayer(nowPlayingCallback);
+ setTimeout("startTimer()", 10000);
+ }
+ function nowPlayingCallback(nowPlayingInfo) {
+ if (nowPlayingInfo != null && nowPlayingInfo.streamUrl != currentStreamUrl) {
+ getPlayQueue();
+ if (currentAlbumUrl != nowPlayingInfo.albumUrl && top.main.updateNowPlaying) {
+ top.main.location.replace("nowPlaying.view?");
+ currentAlbumUrl = nowPlayingInfo.albumUrl;
+ }
+ <c:if test="${not model.player.web}">
+ currentStreamUrl = nowPlayingInfo.streamUrl;
+ updateCurrentImage();
+ </c:if>
+ }
+ }
+ function createPlayer() {
+ var flashvars = {
+ backcolor:"<spring:theme code="backgroundColor"/>",
+ frontcolor:"<spring:theme code="textColor"/>",
+ id:"player1"
+ };
+ var params = {
+ allowfullscreen:"true",
+ allowscriptaccess:"always"
+ };
+ var attributes = {
+ id:"player1",
+ name:"player1"
+ };
+ swfobject.embedSWF("<c:url value="/flash/jw-player-5.6.swf"/>", "placeholder", "340", "24", "9.0.0", false, flashvars, params, attributes);
+ }
+ function playerReady(thePlayer) {
+ player = document.getElementById("player1");
+ player.addModelListener("STATE", "stateListener");
+ getPlayQueue();
+ }
+ function stateListener(obj) { // IDLE, BUFFERING, PLAYING, PAUSED, COMPLETED
+ if (obj.newstate == "COMPLETED") {
+ onNext(repeatEnabled);
+ }
+ }
+ function getPlayQueue() {
+ playQueueService.getPlayQueue(playQueueCallback);
+ }
+ function onClear() {
+ var ok = true;
+ <c:if test="${model.partyMode}">
+ ok = confirm("<fmt:message key="playlist.confirmclear"/>");
+ </c:if>
+ if (ok) {
+ playQueueService.clear(playQueueCallback);
+ }
+ }
+ function onStart() {
+ playQueueService.start(playQueueCallback);
+ }
+ function onStop() {
+ playQueueService.stop(playQueueCallback);
+ }
+ function onGain(gain) {
+ playQueueService.setGain(gain);
+ }
+ function onSkip(index) {
+ <c:choose>
+ <c:when test="${model.player.web}">
+ skip(index);
+ </c:when>
+ <c:otherwise>
+ currentStreamUrl = songs[index].streamUrl;
+ playQueueService.skip(index, playQueueCallback);
+ </c:otherwise>
+ </c:choose>
+ }
+ function onNext(wrap) {
+ var index = parseInt(getCurrentSongIndex()) + 1;
+ if (wrap) {
+ index = index % songs.length;
+ }
+ skip(index);
+ }
+ function onPrevious() {
+ skip(parseInt(getCurrentSongIndex()) - 1);
+ }
+ function onPlay(id) {
+ startPlayer = true;
+ playQueueService.play(id, playQueueCallback);
+ }
+ function onPlayPlaylist(id) {
+ startPlayer = true;
+ playQueueService.playPlaylist(id, playQueueCallback);
+ }
+ function onPlayRandom(id, count) {
+ startPlayer = true;
+ playQueueService.playRandom(id, count, playQueueCallback);
+ }
+ function onAdd(id) {
+ startPlayer = false;
+ playQueueService.add(id, playQueueCallback);
+ }
+ function onShuffle() {
+ playQueueService.shuffle(playQueueCallback);
+ }
+ function onStar(index) {
+ playQueueService.toggleStar(index, playQueueCallback);
+ }
+ function onRemove(index) {
+ playQueueService.remove(index, playQueueCallback);
+ }
+ function onRemoveSelected() {
+ var indexes = new Array();
+ var counter = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
+ var index = i + 1;
+ if ($("#songIndex" + index).is(":checked")) {
+ indexes[counter++] = i;
+ }
+ }
+ playQueueService.removeMany(indexes, playQueueCallback);
+ }
+ function onUp(index) {
+ playQueueService.up(index, playQueueCallback);
+ }
+ function onDown(index) {
+ playQueueService.down(index, playQueueCallback);
+ }
+ function onToggleRepeat() {
+ playQueueService.toggleRepeat(playQueueCallback);
+ }
+ function onUndo() {
+ playQueueService.undo(playQueueCallback);
+ }
+ function onSortByTrack() {
+ playQueueService.sortByTrack(playQueueCallback);
+ }
+ function onSortByArtist() {
+ playQueueService.sortByArtist(playQueueCallback);
+ }
+ function onSortByAlbum() {
+ playQueueService.sortByAlbum(playQueueCallback);
+ }
+ function onSavePlaylist() {
+ playQueueService.savePlaylist(function () {top.left.updatePlaylists();});
+ }
+ function onAppendPlaylist() {
+ playlistService.getWritablePlaylists(playlistCallback);
+ }
+ function playlistCallback(playlists) {
+ $("#dialog-select-playlist-list").empty();
+ for (var i = 0; i < playlists.length; i++) {
+ var playlist = playlists[i];
+ $("<p class='dense'><b><a href='#' onclick='appendPlaylist(" + playlist.id + ")'>" + playlist.name + "</a></b></p>").appendTo("#dialog-select-playlist-list");
+ }
+ $("#dialog-select-playlist").dialog("open");
+ }
+ function appendPlaylist(playlistId) {
+ $("#dialog-select-playlist").dialog("close");
+ var mediaFileIds = new Array();
+ for (var i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
+ if ($("#songIndex" + (i + 1)).is(":checked")) {
+ mediaFileIds.push(songs[i].id);
+ }
+ }
+ playlistService.appendToPlaylist(playlistId, mediaFileIds, function (){top.left.updatePlaylists();});
+ }
+ function playQueueCallback(playQueue) {
+ songs = playQueue.entries;
+ repeatEnabled = playQueue.repeatEnabled;
+ if ($("#start")) {
+ if (playQueue.stopEnabled) {
+ $("#start").hide();
+ $("#stop").show();
+ } else {
+ $("#start").show();
+ $("#stop").hide();
+ }
+ }
+ if ($("#toggleRepeat")) {
+ var text = repeatEnabled ? "<fmt:message key="playlist.repeat_on"/>" : "<fmt:message key="playlist.repeat_off"/>";
+ $("#toggleRepeat").html(text);
+ }
+ if (songs.length == 0) {
+ $("#empty").show();
+ } else {
+ $("#empty").hide();
+ }
+ // Delete all the rows except for the "pattern" row
+ dwr.util.removeAllRows("playlistBody", { filter:function(tr) {
+ return (tr.id != "pattern");
+ }});
+ // Create a new set cloned from the pattern row
+ for (var i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
+ var song = songs[i];
+ var id = i + 1;
+ dwr.util.cloneNode("pattern", { idSuffix:id });
+ if ($("#trackNumber" + id)) {
+ $("#trackNumber" + id).html(song.trackNumber);
+ }
+ if (song.starred) {
+ $("#starSong" + id).attr("src", "<spring:theme code='ratingOnImage'/>");
+ } else {
+ $("#starSong" + id).attr("src", "<spring:theme code='ratingOffImage'/>");
+ }
+ if ($("#currentImage" + id) && song.streamUrl == currentStreamUrl) {
+ $("#currentImage" + id).show();
+ }
+ if ($("#title" + id)) {
+ $("#title" + id).html(truncate(song.title));
+ $("#title" + id).attr("title", song.title);
+ }
+ if ($("#titleUrl" + id)) {
+ $("#titleUrl" + id).html(truncate(song.title));
+ $("#titleUrl" + id).attr("title", song.title);
+ $("#titleUrl" + id).click(function () {onSkip(this.id.substring(8) - 1)});
+ }
+ if ($("#album" + id)) {
+ $("#album" + id).html(truncate(song.album));
+ $("#album" + id).attr("title", song.album);
+ $("#albumUrl" + id).attr("href", song.albumUrl);
+ }
+ if ($("#artist" + id)) {
+ $("#artist" + id).html(truncate(song.artist));
+ $("#artist" + id).attr("title", song.artist);
+ }
+ if ($("#genre" + id)) {
+ $("#genre" + id).html(song.genre);
+ }
+ if ($("#year" + id)) {
+ $("#year" + id).html(song.year);
+ }
+ if ($("#bitRate" + id)) {
+ $("#bitRate" + id).html(song.bitRate);
+ }
+ if ($("#duration" + id)) {
+ $("#duration" + id).html(song.durationAsString);
+ }
+ if ($("#format" + id)) {
+ $("#format" + id).html(song.format);
+ }
+ if ($("#fileSize" + id)) {
+ $("#fileSize" + id).html(song.fileSize);
+ }
+ $("#pattern" + id).show();
+ $("#pattern" + id).addClass((i % 2 == 0) ? "bgcolor1" : "bgcolor2");
+ }
+ if (playQueue.sendM3U) {
+ parent.frames.main.location.href="play.m3u?";
+ }
+ if (slider) {
+ slider.setValue(playQueue.gain * 100);
+ }
+ <c:if test="${model.player.web}">
+ triggerPlayer();
+ </c:if>
+ }
+ function triggerPlayer() {
+ if (startPlayer) {
+ startPlayer = false;
+ if (songs.length > 0) {
+ skip(0);
+ }
+ }
+ updateCurrentImage();
+ if (songs.length == 0) {
+ player.sendEvent("LOAD", new Array());
+ player.sendEvent("STOP");
+ }
+ }
+ function skip(index) {
+ if (index < 0 || index >= songs.length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var song = songs[index];
+ currentStreamUrl = song.streamUrl;
+ updateCurrentImage();
+ var list = new Array();
+ list[0] = {
+ file:song.streamUrl,
+ title:song.title,
+ provider:"sound"
+ };
+ if (song.duration != null) {
+ list[0].duration = song.duration;
+ }
+ if (song.format == "aac" || song.format == "m4a") {
+ list[0].provider = "video";
+ }
+ player.sendEvent("LOAD", list);
+ player.sendEvent("PLAY");
+ }
+ function updateCurrentImage() {
+ for (var i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
+ var song = songs[i];
+ var id = i + 1;
+ var image = $("#currentImage" + id);
+ if (image) {
+ if (song.streamUrl == currentStreamUrl) {
+ image.show();
+ } else {
+ image.hide();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function getCurrentSongIndex() {
+ for (var i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
+ if (songs[i].streamUrl == currentStreamUrl) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ function truncate(s) {
+ if (s == null) {
+ return s;
+ }
+ var cutoff = ${model.visibility.captionCutoff};
+ if (s.length > cutoff) {
+ return s.substring(0, cutoff) + "...";
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ <!-- actionSelected() is invoked when the users selects from the "More actions..." combo box. -->
+ function actionSelected(id) {
+ if (id == "top") {
+ return;
+ } else if (id == "savePlaylist") {
+ onSavePlaylist();
+ } else if (id == "downloadPlaylist") {
+ location.href = "download.view?player=${model.player.id}";
+ } else if (id == "sharePlaylist") {
+ parent.frames.main.location.href = "createShare.view?player=${model.player.id}&" + getSelectedIndexes();
+ } else if (id == "sortByTrack") {
+ onSortByTrack();
+ } else if (id == "sortByArtist") {
+ onSortByArtist();
+ } else if (id == "sortByAlbum") {
+ onSortByAlbum();
+ } else if (id == "selectAll") {
+ selectAll(true);
+ } else if (id == "selectNone") {
+ selectAll(false);
+ } else if (id == "removeSelected") {
+ onRemoveSelected();
+ } else if (id == "download") {
+ location.href = "download.view?player=${model.player.id}&" + getSelectedIndexes();
+ } else if (id == "appendPlaylist") {
+ onAppendPlaylist();
+ }
+ $("#moreActions").prop("selectedIndex", 0);
+ }
+ function getSelectedIndexes() {
+ var result = "";
+ for (var i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
+ if ($("#songIndex" + (i + 1)).is(":checked")) {
+ result += "i=" + i + "&";
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ function selectAll(b) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
+ if (b) {
+ $("#songIndex" + (i + 1)).attr("checked", "checked");
+ } else {
+ $("#songIndex" + (i + 1)).removeAttr("checked");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+<div class="bgcolor2" style="position:fixed; top:0; width:100%;padding-top:0.5em">
+ <table style="white-space:nowrap;">
+ <tr style="white-space:nowrap;">
+ <c:if test="${model.user.settingsRole}">
+ <td><select name="player" onchange="location='playQueue.view?player=' + options[selectedIndex].value;">
+ <c:forEach items="${model.players}" var="player">
+ <option ${player.id eq model.player.id ? "selected" : ""} value="${player.id}">${player.shortDescription}</option>
+ </c:forEach>
+ </select></td>
+ </c:if>
+ <c:if test="${model.player.web}">
+ <td style="width:340px; height:24px;padding-left:10px;padding-right:10px"><div id="placeholder">
+ <a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer" target="_blank"><fmt:message key="playlist.getflash"/></a>
+ </div></td>
+ </c:if>
+ <c:if test="${model.user.streamRole and not model.player.web}">
+ <td style="white-space:nowrap;" id="stop"><b><a href="#" onclick="onStop()"><fmt:message key="playlist.stop"/></a></b> | </td>
+ <td style="white-space:nowrap;" id="start"><b><a href="#" onclick="onStart()"><fmt:message key="playlist.start"/></a></b> | </td>
+ </c:if>
+ <c:if test="${model.player.jukebox}">
+ <td style="white-space:nowrap;">
+ <img src="<spring:theme code="volumeImage"/>" alt="">
+ </td>
+ <td style="white-space:nowrap;">
+ <div class="slider bgcolor2" id="slider-1" style="width:90px">
+ <input class="slider-input" id="slider-input-1" name="slider-input-1">
+ </div>
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ var updateGainTimeoutId = 0;
+ slider = new Slider(document.getElementById("slider-1"), document.getElementById("slider-input-1"));
+ slider.onchange = function () {
+ clearTimeout(updateGainTimeoutId);
+ updateGainTimeoutId = setTimeout("updateGain()", 250);
+ };
+ function updateGain() {
+ var gain = slider.getValue() / 100.0;
+ onGain(gain);
+ }
+ </script>
+ </td>
+ </c:if>
+ <c:if test="${model.player.web}">
+ <td style="white-space:nowrap;"><a href="#" onclick="onPrevious()"><b>&laquo;</b></a></td>
+ <td style="white-space:nowrap;"><a href="#" onclick="onNext(false)"><b>&raquo;</b></a> |</td>
+ </c:if>
+ <td style="white-space:nowrap;"><a href="#" onclick="onClear()"><fmt:message key="playlist.clear"/></a> |</td>
+ <td style="white-space:nowrap;"><a href="#" onclick="onShuffle()"><fmt:message key="playlist.shuffle"/></a> |</td>
+ <c:if test="${model.player.web or model.player.jukebox or model.player.external}">
+ <td style="white-space:nowrap;"><a href="#" onclick="onToggleRepeat()"><span id="toggleRepeat"><fmt:message key="playlist.repeat_on"/></span></a> |</td>
+ </c:if>
+ <td style="white-space:nowrap;"><a href="#" onclick="onUndo()"><fmt:message key="playlist.undo"/></a> |</td>
+ <c:if test="${model.user.settingsRole}">
+ <td style="white-space:nowrap;"><a href="playerSettings.view?id=${model.player.id}" target="main"><fmt:message key="playlist.settings"/></a> |</td>
+ </c:if>
+ <td style="white-space:nowrap;"><select id="moreActions" onchange="actionSelected(this.options[selectedIndex].id)">
+ <option id="top" selected="selected"><fmt:message key="playlist.more"/></option>
+ <option style="color:blue;"><fmt:message key="playlist.more.playlist"/></option>
+ <option id="savePlaylist">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<fmt:message key="playlist.save"/></option>
+ <c:if test="${model.user.downloadRole}">
+ <option id="downloadPlaylist">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<fmt:message key="common.download"/></option>
+ </c:if>
+ <c:if test="${model.user.shareRole}">
+ <option id="sharePlaylist">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<fmt:message key="main.more.share"/></option>
+ </c:if>
+ <option id="sortByTrack">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<fmt:message key="playlist.more.sortbytrack"/></option>
+ <option id="sortByAlbum">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<fmt:message key="playlist.more.sortbyalbum"/></option>
+ <option id="sortByArtist">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<fmt:message key="playlist.more.sortbyartist"/></option>
+ <option style="color:blue;"><fmt:message key="playlist.more.selection"/></option>
+ <option id="selectAll">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<fmt:message key="playlist.more.selectall"/></option>
+ <option id="selectNone">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<fmt:message key="playlist.more.selectnone"/></option>
+ <option id="removeSelected">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<fmt:message key="playlist.remove"/></option>
+ <c:if test="${model.user.downloadRole}">
+ <option id="download">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<fmt:message key="common.download"/></option>
+ </c:if>
+ <option id="appendPlaylist">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<fmt:message key="playlist.append"/></option>
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ </tr></table>
+<div style="height:3.2em"></div>
+<p id="empty"><em><fmt:message key="playlist.empty"/></em></p>
+<table style="border-collapse:collapse;white-space:nowrap;">
+ <tbody id="playlistBody">
+ <tr id="pattern" style="display:none;margin:0;padding:0;border:0">
+ <td class="bgcolor2"><a href="#">
+ <img id="starSong" onclick="onStar(this.id.substring(8) - 1)" src="<spring:theme code="ratingOffImage"/>"
+ alt="" title=""></a></td>
+ <td class="bgcolor2"><a href="#">
+ <img id="removeSong" onclick="onRemove(this.id.substring(10) - 1)" src="<spring:theme code="removeImage"/>"
+ alt="<fmt:message key="playlist.remove"/>" title="<fmt:message key="playlist.remove"/>"></a></td>
+ <td class="bgcolor2"><a href="#">
+ <img id="up" onclick="onUp(this.id.substring(2) - 1)" src="<spring:theme code="upImage"/>"
+ alt="<fmt:message key="playlist.up"/>" title="<fmt:message key="playlist.up"/>"></a></td>
+ <td class="bgcolor2"><a href="#">
+ <img id="down" onclick="onDown(this.id.substring(4) - 1)" src="<spring:theme code="downImage"/>"
+ alt="<fmt:message key="playlist.down"/>" title="<fmt:message key="playlist.down"/>"></a></td>
+ <td class="bgcolor2" style="padding-left: 0.1em"><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="songIndex"></td>
+ <td style="padding-right:0.25em"></td>
+ <c:if test="${model.visibility.trackNumberVisible}">
+ <td style="padding-right:0.5em;text-align:right"><span class="detail" id="trackNumber">1</span></td>
+ </c:if>
+ <td style="padding-right:1.25em">
+ <img id="currentImage" src="<spring:theme code="currentImage"/>" alt="" style="display:none">
+ <c:choose>
+ <c:when test="${model.player.externalWithPlaylist}">
+ <span id="title">Title</span>
+ </c:when>
+ <c:otherwise>
+ <a id="titleUrl" href="#">Title</a>
+ </c:otherwise>
+ </c:choose>
+ </td>
+ <c:if test="${model.visibility.albumVisible}">
+ <td style="padding-right:1.25em"><a id="albumUrl" target="main"><span id="album" class="detail">Album</span></a></td>
+ </c:if>
+ <c:if test="${model.visibility.artistVisible}">
+ <td style="padding-right:1.25em"><span id="artist" class="detail">Artist</span></td>
+ </c:if>
+ <c:if test="${model.visibility.genreVisible}">
+ <td style="padding-right:1.25em"><span id="genre" class="detail">Genre</span></td>
+ </c:if>
+ <c:if test="${model.visibility.yearVisible}">
+ <td style="padding-right:1.25em"><span id="year" class="detail">Year</span></td>
+ </c:if>
+ <c:if test="${model.visibility.formatVisible}">
+ <td style="padding-right:1.25em"><span id="format" class="detail">Format</span></td>
+ </c:if>
+ <c:if test="${model.visibility.fileSizeVisible}">
+ <td style="padding-right:1.25em;text-align:right;"><span id="fileSize" class="detail">Format</span></td>
+ </c:if>
+ <c:if test="${model.visibility.durationVisible}">
+ <td style="padding-right:1.25em;text-align:right;"><span id="duration" class="detail">Duration</span></td>
+ </c:if>
+ <c:if test="${model.visibility.bitRateVisible}">
+ <td style="padding-right:0.25em"><span id="bitRate" class="detail">Bit Rate</span></td>
+ </c:if>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+<div id="dialog-select-playlist" title="<fmt:message key="main.addtoplaylist.title"/>" style="display: none;">
+ <p><fmt:message key="main.addtoplaylist.text"/></p>
+ <div id="dialog-select-playlist-list"></div>
+</body></html> \ No newline at end of file