# Maintainer: flan_suse pkgname=xfce-theme-greybird pkgver=1.0.7 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="A grey and blue Xfce theme, introduced in the release of Xubuntu 11.04 and updated for 12.04; includes the classic low saturation theme" arch=('any') url="http://shimmerproject.org/projects/greybird/" license=('GPL2' 'CC-BY-SA-3.0') groups=('xfce-themes-shimmer-collection') depends=('gtk-engine-murrine') optdepends=('shimmer-wallpapers: contains the Greybird wallpaper, among others' 'gtk3: required for CSS/GTK3 theme' 'elementary-xfce-icons: matching icon set; use the dark icon theme' 'lightdm-gtk-greeter: required for the LightDM GTK theme' 'lightdm-unity-greeter: required for the LightDM Unity theme' 'gtk-engine-unico: required for gtk3 support for the classic theme; not required for the current theme') source=($pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz::https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird/tarball/v${pkgver}) package() { cd "${srcdir}/shimmerproject-Greybird"* # Create installation directories install -d -m755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/themes/Greybird"{,\ Compact} # Install the current theme cp -a * "${pkgdir}/usr/share/themes/Greybird/" # Make a symbolic link for the compact version of the xfwm4 theme cd "${pkgdir}/usr/share/themes/Greybird Compact" ln -s "../${_pkgname}/xfwm4_compact" "xfwm4" } md5sums=('d7c291408cd644e102cf811ee62e7a37')