Changelog ========= 0.6.0 (2017-10-20) -------------------- * Added verification and docs for additional Crossref search filters (#62) * Big improvement to docs on readthedocs (#59) * Added `mailto` support (#68) (#63) and related added docs about polite pool (#66) * Added support for `select` parameter (#65) * Added all new `/works` route filters, and simplified filter option handling within library (#60) 0.5.0 (2017-07-20) -------------------- * Now using `vcrpy` to mock all unit tests (#54) * Can now set your own base URL for content negotation (#37) * Some field queries with `works()` were failing, but now seem to be working, likely due to fixes in Crossref API (#53) * style input to `content_negotiation` was fixed (#57) (#58) thanks @talbertc-usgs * Fix to `content_negotiation` when inputting a DOI as a unicode string (#56) 0.3.0 (2017-05-21) -------------------- * Added more documentation for field queries, describing available fields that support field queries, and how to do field queries (#50) * `sample` parameter maximum value is 100 - has been for a while, but wasn't updated in Crossref docs (#44) * Updated docs that `facet` parameter can be a string query in addition to a boolean (#49) * Documented new 10,000 max value for `/works` requests - that is, for the `offset` parameter - if you need more results than that use `cursor` (see (#47) * Added to docs a bit about rate limiting, their current values, that they can change, and how to show them in verbose curl responses (#45) * Now using `` for `cn.content_negotation` - and function gains new parameter `url` to specify different base URLs for content negotiation (#36) * Fixes to kwargs and fix docs for what can be passed to kwargs (#41) * Duplicated names passed to `filter` were not working - fixed now (#48) * Raise proper HTTP errors when appropriate for `cn.content_negotiation` thanks @jmaupetit (#55) 0.2.6 (2016-06-24) -------------------- * fixed problem with `` where DOIs passed weren't making the correct API request to Crossref (#40) * added support for field queries to all methods that support `/works` () (#38) 0.2.2 (2016-03-09) -------------------- * fixed some example code that included non-working examples (#34) * fixed bug in `registration_agency()` method, works now! (#35) * removed redundant `filter_names` and `filter_details` bits in docs 0.2.0 (2016-02-10) -------------------- * user-agent strings now passed in every http request to Crossref, including a `X-USER-AGENT` header in case the `User-Agent` string is lost (#33) * added a disclaimer to docs about what is actually searched when searching the Crossref API - that is, only what is returned in the API, so no full text or abstracts are searched (#32) * improved http error parsing - now passes on the hopefully meaningful error messages from the Crossref API (#31) * more tests added (#30) * habanero now supports cursor for deep paging. note that cursor only works with requests to the `/works` route (#18) 0.1.3 (2015-12-02) -------------------- * Fix wheel file to be a universal to install on python2 and python3 (#25) * Added method `csl_styles` to get CSL styles for use in content negotiation (#27) * More documentation for content negotiation (#26) * Made note in docs that `sample` param ignored unless `/works` used (#24) * Made note in docs that funders without IDs don't show up on the `/funders` route (#23) 0.1.1 (2015-11-17) -------------------- * Fix readme 0.1.0 (2015-11-17) -------------------- * Now compatible with Python 2x and 3x * `agency()` method changed to `registration_agency()` * New method `citation_count()` - get citation counts for DOIs * New method `crosscite()` - get a citation for DOIs, only supports simple text format * New method `random_dois()` - get a random set of DOIs * Now importing `xml.dom` to do small amount of XML parsing * Changed library structure, now with module system, separated into modules for the main Crossref search API (i.e., ``) including higher level methods (e.g., `registration_agency`), content negotiation, and citation counts. 0.0.6 (2015-11-09) -------------------- * First pypi release