# Maintainer (Arch): kikadf # Contributor (Arch): Jameson Pugh # Maintainer (Hyperbola): André Silva # Contributor (Hyperbola): Márcio Silva # Maintainer: Omar Vega Ramos # Default notifier is use simply qt5 # To use with Knotifications support, uncomment line below #USE_NOTIFIER='1' # Default source is the latest release tarball # To use a specified git version, uncomment line below and set to the git commit hash #USE_SOURCE='251822c88747c216c6ebb9a342a80097ee744117' # Default build with qtermwidget support # To disable, uncomment line below #DISABLE_QTERMWIDGET='1' pkgname=octopi pkgver=0.9.0 pkgrel=1.parabola1 pkgdesc="This is Octopi, a powerful Pacman frontend using Qt libs, without nonfree pacaur, pikaur, trizen, and yaourt recommendation" url="http://octopiproject.wordpress.com" arch=('i686' 'x86_64' 'armv7h') license=('GPL2') depends=('qtermwidget' 'pkgfile' 'alpm_octopi_utils' 'qt5-declarative' 'pacman-contrib') [[ ${USE_NOTIFIER} == "1" ]] && depends+=('knotifications') [[ ${DISABLE_QTERMWIDGET} == "1" ]] && unset depends[0] makedepends=('git') optdepends=('pacmanlogviewer: to view pacman log files' 'gksu: for XFCE, Gnome, LXDE, Cinnamon' 'lxqt-sudo: for LXQT') [[ ${USE_NOTIFIER} == "1" ]] && optdepends+=('kdesu: for KDE') provides=('octopi-kde-git') conflicts=('octopi-git' 'octopi-kde-git') source=('octopi-repoeditor.desktop' "https://code.chakralinux.org/packages/desktop/raw/master/octopi/0001-remove-qtermwidget.patch" "icons::git+https://gitlab.com/kikadf/octopicons.git") sha256sums=('131f16745df685430db55e54ede6da66aed9b02ca00d6d873a002b2a3e1c90ef' 'bdf668ae3bcbac4bf908d96ce4115bac77bf8d4e58796d12fc2cd4e8ee8294e7' 'SKIP') if [ "${USE_SOURCE}" = "" ]; then source+=("https://github.com/aarnt/${pkgname}/archive/v${pkgver}.tar.gz") sha256sums+=('f6c7fe6bbcc26a79b1e455a42a8dc906bee4edd1b386b4f76178f006f4d7f822') _cd_path="${pkgname}-${pkgver}" else source+=("${pkgname}-${USE_SOURCE}.tar.gz::https://github.com/aarnt/octopi/archive/${USE_SOURCE}.tar.gz") sha256sums+=('SKIP') _cd_path="${pkgname}-${USE_SOURCE}" fi prepare() { cd ${_cd_path} # disable lxqt qtermwidget [[ ${DISABLE_QTERMWIDGET} == "1" ]] && patch -Np1 -i ../0001-remove-qtermwidget.patch && rm -rfv src/termwidget.{cpp,h} # enable the kstatus switch to build with Plasma/knotifications support [[ ${USE_NOTIFIER} == "1" ]] && sed -e "s|DEFINES += ALPM_BACKEND #KSTATUS|DEFINES += ALPM_BACKEND KSTATUS|" -i notifier/octopi-notifier/octopi-notifier.pro # set version [[ ${USE_SOURCE} != "" ]] && sed -e "s|${pkgver}|${pkgver} (${USE_SOURCE})|g" -i src/strconstants.cpp cp resources/images/octopi_green.png resources/images/octopi.png } build() { cd ${_cd_path} [[ ${DISABLE_QTERMWIDGET} == "1" ]] && export QTERMWIDGET=off msg "Building octopi..." qmake-qt5 octopi.pro make cd notifier/pacmanhelper msg "Building pacmanhelper..." qmake-qt5 pacmanhelper.pro make cd ../octopi-notifier msg "Building octopi-notifier..." qmake-qt5 octopi-notifier.pro make cd ../../repoeditor msg "Building octopi-repoeditor..." qmake-qt5 octopi-repoeditor.pro make cd ../cachecleaner msg "Building octopi-cachecleaner..." qmake-qt5 octopi-cachecleaner.pro make } package() { cd ${_cd_path} make INSTALL_ROOT=${pkgdir} install cd notifier/pacmanhelper make INSTALL_ROOT=${pkgdir} install cd ../.. cd notifier/octopi-notifier make INSTALL_ROOT=${pkgdir} install cd ../.. cd repoeditor make INSTALL_ROOT=${pkgdir} install install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/octopi-repoeditor.desktop" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/octopi-repoeditor.desktop" cd .. cd cachecleaner make INSTALL_ROOT=${pkgdir} install cd .. #speedup files install -D -m755 "speedup/speedup-octopi.sh" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/speedup-octopi.sh" install -D -m644 "speedup/octopi.service" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/octopi.service" # Add some icons to customize notifier mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/share/octopi/icons/" cp ../icons/*.png "${pkgdir}/usr/share/octopi/icons/" }