# Maintainer (Arch): Chris Salzberg pkgname=neomutt pkgver=20170206 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='The New Mutt: powerful text-based mail client with all the best feature patches' url='http://www.neomutt.org/' license=('GPL') source=("https://github.com/neomutt/neomutt/archive/neomutt-$pkgver.tar.gz") md5sums=('e3d67be3d63a1fd55c249649dfbed1cb') arch=('i686' 'x86_64') depends=('openssl' 'gdbm' 'mime-types' 'libsasl' 'gnupg' 'gpgme' 'libidn' 'krb5' 'notmuch-runtime') optdepends=('urlview: for url menu') makedepends=('git' 'gnupg' 'libxslt') conflicts=('mutt') provides=('mutt') build() { cd $srcdir mv "$pkgname-neomutt-$pkgver" "$pkgname-$pkgver" cd "$pkgname-$pkgver" # Configure the build. ./prepare \ --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --enable-debug \ --enable-pgp \ --enable-gpgme \ --enable-notmuch \ --enable-pop \ --enable-imap \ --enable-smtp \ --enable-sidebar \ --enable-compressed \ --with-gss=/usr \ --with-ssl=/usr \ --with-sasl \ --with-curses=/usr \ --with-regex \ --with-idn \ --with-gdbm # Build it! make } package() { cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver" # Install the program. make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install # Cruft we don't want. rm "${pkgdir}"/etc/mime.types{,.dist} } # vim: ft=sh ts=2 sw=2 et