# Maintainer (Artix): artoo # Maintainer: Omar Vega Ramos # Maintainer: David P. # Contributor: Luke Shumaker # Note: have libelogind-manpages as a separate package, so that # systemd-libsystemd (which also includes the same manpages) and # libelogind don't conflict. pkgbase=elogind pkgname=('elogind' 'libelogind' 'libelogind-manpages') pkgver=238.1.0 _commit='8bb4695ef79404b6731b20dee58115c313444754' pkgrel=2 pkgdesc="The systemd project's logind, extracted to a standalone package" arch=('i686' 'x86_64' 'armv7h') url="https://github.com/elogind/elogind" license=('GPL2' 'LGPL2.1') # Mostly LGPL2.1, only the single `src/uaccess-command/uaccess-command.c` file is GPL2 makedepends=('acl' 'docbook-xsl' 'gperf' 'pam' 'libcap' 'polkit' 'dbus' 'udev' 'meson' 'git') validpgpkeys=('0C4DF110D49D911C593050BF5FC1DF9CEC74BA48') # Sven Eden source=(# fragment is latest tag for source verification, final merge in prepare() "git+https://github.com/elogind/elogind#tag=v${pkgver%.*}?signed") sha256sums=('SKIP') prepare() { cd "$pkgbase" # merge the latest stable commit (fast-foward only to make sure # the verified tag is in) git merge --ff-only "${_commit}" } pkgver() { local version count cd "$pkgbase" version="$(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags)" count="$(git rev-list --count ${version}..)" printf '%s.%s' "${version#v}" "${count}" } build() { local meson_options=( -Drootlibdir=/usr/lib -Drootlibexecdir=/usr/lib/elogind -Ddbuspolicydir=/usr/share/dbus-1/system.d -Ddefault-hierarchy=hybrid -Dcgroup-controller=openrc ) arch-meson "$pkgbase" build "${meson_options[@]}" ninja -C build # Go ahead and split the package now. It's easier this way, because # we can use mv instead of awkward, error-prone rm/cp pairs. rm -rf "$srcdir/dest" # Put things in the main systemd package by default DESTDIR="$srcdir/dest/elogind" ninja -C build install install -d "$srcdir/dest/libelogind"/usr/lib mv -T "$srcdir/dest"/{elogind,libelogind}/usr/lib/pkgconfig mv -T "$srcdir/dest"/{elogind,libelogind}/usr/include mv -t "$srcdir/dest/libelogind"/usr/lib -- "$srcdir/dest/elogind"/usr/lib/libelogind* install -d "$srcdir/dest"/libelogind-manpages/usr/share/man mv -T "$srcdir/dest"/{elogind,libelogind-manpages}/usr/share/man/man3 } package_elogind() { depends=('acl' 'pam' 'dbus' 'udev' 'libelogind') conflicts=('systemd-tools') # because both provide org.freedesktop.login1, say 'systemd-tools' instead of 'systemd' to avoid hitting systemd-dummy optdepends=('elogind-openrc: elogind initscript' 'polkit-elogind: polkit support') backup=('etc/elogind/logind.conf') cp -rT -d --no-preserve=ownership,timestamp "$srcdir/dest/$pkgname" "$pkgdir" } package_libelogind(){ pkgdesc="elogind client libraries" provides=('libelogind.so') optdepends=('libelogind-manpages') cp -rT -d --no-preserve=ownership,timestamp "$srcdir/dest/$pkgname" "$pkgdir" } package_libelogind-manpages() { pkgdesc='Manual pages for libelogind' depends=('libelogind') conflicts=('systemd-libsystemd') # because both provide the same manpages cp -rT -d --no-preserve=ownership,timestamp "$srcdir/dest/$pkgname" "$pkgdir" }