pre_install() { echo "Cleaning any old chroots before installing a new one..." rm -rf /opt/torchroot } post_install() { echo "Installing a new chroot ... " /usr/bin/sh -c "/opt/tor-hardened-scripts/" wait echo "Done!" echo "=====" echo "To use this service please disable tor.service" echo "then enable/start tor-hardened.service via systemctl." echo "----" echo "You may now use stream isolated ports for added security." echo "Please configure your applications as follows:" echo "Default Port: 9050" echo "Mail Client isolated port: 9061" echo "Browser isolated port: 9150" echo "Other applications you want isolated: 9062" echo "----" echo "To use TOR as your DNS resolver:" echo "Place ONLY this line into /etc/resolv.conf:" echo "nameserver" echo "Apply the following firewall rules:" echo "iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p TCP --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination" echo "iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p UDP --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination" echo "----" echo "To request new IP from TOR:" echo "killall -HUP tor" echo "---" echo "Advanced usage, not recommended:" echo "To torify ALL TCP traffic, you can use TorTransport without stream isolation:" echo "iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p TCP -m owner ! --uid-owner tor -j DNAT --to-destination" echo "WARNING: UDP traffic may still leak! All traffic goes through single port. Apply additional iptables rules as you see fit." echo "=====" } post_upgrade() { systemctl stop tor-hardened echo "Cleaning old chroot and putting in a new one..." rm -rf /opt/torchroot wait /usr/bin/sh -c "/opt/tor-hardened-scripts/" wait echo "Done!" echo "=====" echo "To use this service please disable tor.service" echo "then enable/start tor-hardened.service via systemctl." echo "----" echo "You may now use stream isolated ports for added security." echo "Please configure your applications as follows:" echo "Default Port: 9050" echo "Mail Client isolated port: 9061" echo "Browser isolated port: 9150" echo "Other applications you want isolated: 9062" echo "----" echo "To use TOR as your DNS resolver:" echo "Place ONLY this line into /etc/resolv.conf:" echo "nameserver" echo "Apply the following firewall rules:" echo "iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p TCP --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination" echo "iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p UDP --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination" echo "----" echo "To request new IP from TOR:" echo "killall -HUP tor" echo "---" echo "Advanced usage, not recommended:" echo "To torify ALL TCP traffic, you can use TorTransport without stream isolation:" echo "iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p TCP -m owner ! --uid-owner tor -j DNAT --to-destination" echo "WARNING: UDP traffic may still leak! All traffic goes through single port. Apply additional iptables rules as you see fit." echo "=====" systemctl daemon-reload } post_remove() { echo "Deleting chroot..." rm -rf /opt/torchroot wait echo "Done!" }