# Maintainer (arch): Antonio Rojas # Contributor: Sven-Hendrik Haase # Contributor: Imanol Celaya # Contributor: Lukas Jirkovsky # Contributor: Dan Vratil # Contributor: thotypous # Contributor: delor # Maintainer: bill-auger # Contributor: André Silva # Contributor: Theo von Arx # parabola changes and rationale: # - removed support for qt5-webengine (help GUI is unavailable) # - disable 'googletest' tests - requires internet access - libretools does not allow that pkgname=qtcreator pkgver=6.0.0 _clangver=13.0.0 [[ "${CARCH}" == 'i686' ]] && _clangver=12.0.1 pkgrel=1 pkgrel+=.parabola1 pkgdesc='Lightweight, cross-platform integrated development environment' pkgdesc+=', without non-free qt5-webengine help viewer' arch=(x86_64) arch+=(armv7h i686) url='https://www.qt.io' license=(GPL3) depends=(qt6-tools qt6-svg qt6-quick3d qt6-webengine qt6-serialport qt6-shadertools qt6-5compat clang=$_clangver clazy yaml-cpp) # syntax-highlighting depends=( $( sed -E 's/(qt5-webengine|yaml-cpp)//g' <<<${depends[@]} ) ) depends_i686=(icu-compat) # this build requires v69 on i686 makedepends=(cmake llvm python) options=(docs) optdepends=('qt6-doc: integrated Qt documentation' 'qt6-examples: welcome page examples' 'qt6-translations: for other languages' 'gdb: debugger' 'cmake: cmake project support' 'x11-ssh-askpass: ssh support' 'git: git support' 'mercurial: mercurial support' 'bzr: bazaar support' 'valgrind: analyze support' 'perf: performer analyzer' 'mlocate: locator filter') source=(https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qtcreator/${pkgver%.*}/$pkgver/qt-creator-opensource-src-$pkgver.tar.xz) sha256sums=('6beb7802f6ab339f0ea947530e6902245057ec161b2b6d2ed9053e1bee1be0bf') _enable_tests=OFF # 'OFF' or 'ON' - 'ON' requires internet access build() { cmake -B build -S qt-creator-opensource-src-$pkgver \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBEXECDIR=lib \ -DWITH_DOCS=ON \ -DBUILD_DEVELOPER_DOCS=ON \ -DBUILD_QBS=OFF \ -DBUILD_TESTING=$_enable_tests \ -DBUILD_HELPVIEWERBACKEND_QTWEBENGINE=OFF \ -DQTC_CLANG_BUILDMODE_MATCH=ON cmake --build build cmake --build build --target docs } package() { DESTDIR="$pkgdir" cmake --install build # Install docs cp -r build/share/doc "$pkgdir"/usr/share install -Dm644 qt-creator-opensource-src-$pkgver/LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/qtcreator/LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT }