# $Id: PKGBUILD 291120 2017-03-20 15:54:10Z arojas $ # Maintainer (Arch): Felix Yan # Contributor (Arch): Andrea Scarpino # Contributor (Arch): Yichao Yu # Contributor (Arch): Douglas Soares de Andrade # Contributor (Arch): riai Ben # Maintainer: André Silva # Contributor: Isaac David # Rationale: build without support for nonfree qt5-webengine. # # Differences between extra/pyqt5 and this: # - We a apply opengles-hack.patch on ARM # - We don't list qt5-webengine as a dependency. The configure # script will pick up on it not being there, and automatically # disable that module. # - We apply a patch to the configure to make it print which modules # it decides to enable/disable, so the package maintainer can tell # if something went wrong earlier. pkgbase=pyqt5 pkgname=('pyqt5-common' 'python-pyqt5' 'python2-pyqt5') pkgver=5.8 _pkgver=$pkgver pkgrel=2.parabola2 arch=('i686' 'x86_64' 'armv7h') url="http://riverbankcomputing.co.uk/software/pyqt/intro" license=('GPL') makedepends=('python-sip' 'python2-sip' 'python-opengl' 'python2-opengl' 'python2-dbus' 'python-dbus' 'qt5-connectivity' 'qt5-multimedia' 'qt5-tools' 'qt5-serialport' 'qt5-svg' 'qt5-webkit' 'qt5-websockets' 'qt5-x11extras') source=("http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyqt/files/PyQt5/PyQt-$pkgver/PyQt5_gpl-$pkgver.tar.gz" "pyqt-5.8-segfault.patch") md5sums=('ac04c0bfc1f05f5a1c2a1edd2640235c' 'de7b2781874ff0c7c0d710f718cfa01a') source+=('pyqt5-verbose-configure.patch') md5sums+=('741c4b3ed85e4bf306ae2e73826d8a8b') source_armv7h=('opengles-hack.patch') md5sums_armv7h=('ad09b1c84c26d5e92de192477cb3a2d1') prepare() { pushd PyQt5_gpl-${_pkgver} patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/pyqt-5.8-segfault.patch" case "$CARCH" in armv7h) patch -p1 -i ../opengles-hack.patch;; esac patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/pyqt5-verbose-configure.patch" popd # The additional include path was removed due to this line, I don't really know why they are doing this... sed -i '/target_config.dbus_inc_dirs = \[\]/d' PyQt5_gpl-${_pkgver}/configure.py cp -a PyQt5_gpl-${_pkgver}{,-py2} } build() { cd "$srcdir"/PyQt5_gpl-${_pkgver} python configure.py \ --confirm-license \ --no-sip-files \ --qsci-api \ -q /usr/bin/qmake-qt5 # Thanks Gerardo for the rpath fix find -name 'Makefile' | xargs sed -i 's|-Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib||g;s|-Wl,-rpath,.* ||g' make cd "$srcdir"/PyQt5_gpl-${_pkgver}-py2 python2 configure.py \ --confirm-license \ --no-sip-files \ --qsci-api \ -q /usr/bin/qmake-qt5 # Thanks Gerardo for the rpath fix find -name 'Makefile' | xargs sed -i 's|-Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib||g;s|-Wl,-rpath,.* ||g' make } package_pyqt5-common(){ pkgdesc="Common PyQt files shared between python-pyqt5 and python2-pyqt5" depends=('qt5-base') cd PyQt5_gpl-${_pkgver} install -Dm644 PyQt5.api "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/qt/qsci/api/python/PyQt5.api install -d "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/sip/PyQt5 cp -a sip/* "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/sip/PyQt5 } package_python-pyqt5(){ pkgdesc="A set of Python 3.x bindings for the Qt5 toolkit" depends=('python-sip' 'pyqt5-common') optdepends=('python-opengl: enable OpenGL 3D graphics in PyQt applications' 'python-dbus: for python-dbus mainloop support' 'qt5-multimedia: QtMultimedia, QtMultimediaWidgets' 'qt5-tools: QtHelp, QtDesigner' 'qt5-svg: QtSvg' 'qt5-webkit: QtWebKit, QtWebKitWidgets' 'qt5-xmlpatterns: QtXmlPatterns' 'qt5-declarative: QtQml, qmlplugin' 'qt5-serialport: QtSerialPort') cd PyQt5_gpl-${_pkgver} # INSTALL_ROOT is needed for the QtDesigner module, the other Makefiles use DESTDIR make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" INSTALL_ROOT="${pkgdir}" install # Provided by pyqt-common rm "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/qt/qsci/api/python/PyQt5.api } package_python2-pyqt5(){ pkgdesc="A set of Python 2.x bindings for the Qt5 toolkit" depends=('python2-sip' 'pyqt5-common') optdepends=('python2-opengl: enable OpenGL 3D graphics in PyQt applications' 'python-dbus: for python-dbus mainloop support' 'qt5-multimedia: QtMultimedia, QtMultimediaWidgets' 'qt5-tools: QtHelp, QtDesigner' 'qt5-svg: QtSvg' 'qt5-webkit: QtWebKit, QtWebKitWidgets' 'qt5-xmlpatterns: QtXmlPatterns' 'qt5-declarative: QtQml, qmlplugin' 'qt5-serialport: QtSerialPort') cd PyQt5_gpl-${_pkgver}-py2 # INSTALL_ROOT is needed for the QtDesigner module, the other Makefiles use DESTDIR make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" INSTALL_ROOT="${pkgdir}" install # Fix conflicts with python-pyqt5 mv "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/{,python2-}pyuic5 mv "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/{,python2-}pylupdate5 mv "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/{,python2-}pyrcc5 rm "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/qt/plugins/designer/libpyqt5.so rm "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/qt/plugins/PyQt5/libpyqt5qmlplugin.so rm "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/qt/qsci/api/python/PyQt5.api }