# Maintainer (Arch): Ray Rashif # Contributor (Arch): Tobias Powalowski # Contributor (Hyperbola): André Silva # Contributor (Hyperbola): Márcio Silva # Maintainer: Omar Vega Ramos pkgbase=opencv pkgname=opencv pkgver=4.0.0 pkgrel=4 pkgrel+=.par1 pkgdesc="Free Computer Vision Library, without nonfree SIFT and SURF algorithms, nonfree Milky icons and lena images" arch=(x86_64) arch+=(i686 armv7h) license=(BSD) url="http://opencv.org/" depends=(intel-tbb openexr gst-plugins-base libdc1394 cblas lapack libgphoto2 jasper ffmpeg) makedepends=(cmake python-numpy python-setuptools mesa eigen hdf5 lapacke gtk3 vtk glew) optdepends=('opencv-samples: samples' 'gtk3: for the HighGUI module' 'vtk: for the viz module' 'hdf5: support for HDF5 format' 'opencl-icd-loader: For coding with OpenCL' 'python-numpy: Python 3 interface') mksource=("$pkgbase-$pkgver.zip::https://github.com/opencv/opencv/archive/$pkgver.zip" "opencv_contrib-$pkgver.tar.gz::https://github.com/opencv/opencv_contrib/archive/$pkgver.tar.gz") source=("https://repo.parabola.nu/other/$pkgname-libre/$pkgname-libre-$pkgver.zip") mksha256sums=('86fd08fc02893e05e2944fa7b0daa7d02643232450f020b475e1b2f24587b99a' '4fb0681414df4baedce6e3f4a01318d6f4fcde6ee14854d761fd4e397a397763') sha256sums=('71fd849ccbf648876bb8288f05591a5314082761a4028a4953b4cccc81f325e3') mksource() { cd "$srcdir/opencv_contrib-$pkgver" # remove nonfree SIFT and SURF algorithms that are patented in some countries and have some other limitations on the use rm -v modules/xfeatures2d/src/{sift,surf}.cpp cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver" # remove nonfree Milky icons rm -rv modules/highgui/src/files_Qt/Milky # remove nonfree lena.png and lena.jpg images rm -v $(find . -iname '*lena*') } prepare() { cd "$srcdir/opencv_contrib-$pkgver" # remove nonfree SIFT and SURF references rm -rv modules/xfeatures2d mkdir -p ../build } build() { cd build # SSE only available from Pentium 3 onwards (i686 is way older) # SSE only available x86 hardware and ARM uses NEON case "$CARCH" in i686) extra='-DCPU_BASELINE_DISABLE=SSE,SSE2' ;; x86_64) extra='-DCPU_BASELINE_DISABLE=SSE3 -DCPU_BASELINE_REQUIRE=SSE2' ;; *) extra='' ;; esac # cmake's FindLAPACK doesn't add cblas to LAPACK_LIBRARIES, so we need to specify them manually _pythonpath=`python -c "from sysconfig import get_path; print(get_path('platlib'))"` cmake ../$pkgname-$pkgver \ -DWITH_OPENCL=ON \ -DWITH_OPENGL=ON \ -DWITH_TBB=ON \ -DOpenGL_GL_PREFERENCE=GLVND \ -DBUILD_WITH_DEBUG_INFO=OFF \ -DBUILD_TESTS=OFF \ -DBUILD_PERF_TESTS=OFF \ -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=ON \ -DINSTALL_C_EXAMPLES=ON \ -DINSTALL_PYTHON_EXAMPLES=ON \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=lib \ $extra \ -DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH="$srcdir/opencv_contrib-$pkgver/modules" \ -DOPENCV_SKIP_PYTHON_LOADER=ON \ -DOPENCV_PYTHON3_INSTALL_PATH=$_pythonpath \ -DLAPACK_LIBRARIES="/usr/lib/liblapack.so;/usr/lib/libblas.so;/usr/lib/libcblas.so" \ -DLAPACK_CBLAS_H="/usr/include/cblas.h" \ -DLAPACK_LAPACKE_H="/usr/include/lapacke.h" \ -DOPENCV_GENERATE_PKGCONFIG=ON # -DWITH_IPP=OFF make } package_opencv() { cd build make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install # install license file install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver/LICENSE -t "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname # separate samples package cd "$pkgdir"/usr/share rm -r opencv4/samples # install missing headers https://github.com/opencv/opencv/issues/13201 for _module in imgcodecs videoio photo; do cp -r "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver/modules/$_module/include/opencv2/$_module/legacy \ "$pkgdir"/usr/include/opencv4/opencv2/$_module done }