# Maintainer: Andreas Grapentin # Contributor: André Silva # Maintainer (Arch): Felix Yan pkgname=debootstrap pkgver=1.0.92 pkgrel=1.parabola1 arch=(any) pkgdesc="Bootstrap a basic gNewSense and Trisquel system, without Debian support" url="https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/debootstrap" license=(GPL) depends=(wget binutils) makedepends=(git) optdepends=('gnupg: check release signatures') replaces=(${pkgname}-libre) conflicts=(${pkgname}-libre) source=("git+https://anonscm.debian.org/git/d-i/debootstrap.git#tag=$pkgver" arch-detect.patch debootstrap.8 gnewsense trisquel) sha256sums=('SKIP' '1ac9a1426c365ea0c04ca17b54aeaea7c376fa8327df241a94e5f7dfa0a5796f' '87bd2802e9fb1b31cfb7bf118dbfd6fe81b1036c17c247755369580963cb83fe' '03e019a67130b8c0c5b7c966082f717ef735fb2b01979fab70064f3a476408b5' 'b499eb3f04f77a83da0600f32976b038b7c80e09c66217e6f9a1b71f7ca9ebc5') prepare() { cd debootstrap sed -i 's/sbin/bin/g' Makefile # gNewSense/Trisquel defaults sed -i 's|export PATH|export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"|' debootstrap # Detect Architecture patch -p1 -i ../arch-detect.patch # Remove Debian files rm -v debootstrap.8 # Add rebranded man install -m644 ../debootstrap.8 . # Remove Debian scripts rm -v scripts/* # Add gNewSense script install -m644 $srcdir/gnewsense scripts # Add Trisquel script install -m644 $srcdir/trisquel scripts # Enter to scripts dir cd scripts # Create gNewSense symlinks ln -s gnewsense ucclia ln -s gnewsense parkes # Create Trisquel symlinks ln -s trisquel awen ln -s trisquel belenos ln -s trisquel brigantia ln -s trisquel dagda ln -s trisquel dwyn ln -s trisquel robur ln -s trisquel slaine ln -s trisquel taranis ln -s trisquel toutatis } package() { cd debootstrap make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install install -Dm644 debootstrap.8 "$pkgdir"/usr/share/man/man8/debootstrap.8 }