# $Id$ # Maintainer (Parabola): Márcio Silva spacenav=true pkgbase=blender-libre pkgflag=-libre if [ $spacenav == true ]; then pkgname=( blender-spacenav-libre ) spndesc=' (with spacenav support)' else pkgname=( blender-libre ) spndesc='' fi pkgdesc="A fully integrated 3D graphics creation suite, without nonfree cuda-toolkit and redcode image format support$spndesc" pkgver=2.64a pkgrel=2 pkgaev=5 arch=( i686 x86_64 mips64el ) license=( GPL ) url="http://www.${pkgbase%$pkgflag}.org" depends=( # used by ldd software "glibc package software" # dependencies tree of binaries software (root) # ffmpeg fftw freetype2 jack libpng libtiff openal openimageio opencolorio # external softwares dependencies # opencollada # softwares dependencies for desktop files and mime types # desktop-file-utils hicolor-icon-theme shared-mime-info xdg-utils # dependencies tree of binaries software (child) # #alsa-lib #boost-libs #bzip2 #celt #dbus-core #flac #gcc-libs #glew #glibc #glu #gsm #icu #ilmbase #json-c #lame #libasyncns #libdrm #libgl #libglapi #libice #libjpeg-turbo #libogg #libpulse #libsndfile #libsm #libtheora #libva #libvorbis #libvpx #libx11 #libxau #libxcb #libxdamage #libxdmcp #libxext #libxfixes #libxi #libxml2 #libxmu #libxt #libxxf86vm #ocr #openexr #opencore-amr #openjpeg #openssl #pcre #python #rtmpdump #sdl-libre #schroedinger #speex #util-linux #x264 #xvidcore #xz #v4l-utils #zlib ) if [ $spacenav == true ]; then depends+=( # dependencies tree of binaries software (root) # libspnav ) fi optdepends=( 'bullet: for Physics Simulation in BGE' ) makedepends=( # make dependencies tree (root) # mesa boost cmake subversion ) provides=( ${pkgbase%$pkgflag}=$pkgaev:$pkgver ) conflicts=( ${pkgbase%$pkgflag} ) replaces=( ${pkgbase%$pkgflag} ) install=$pkgbase.install source=( "http://download.${pkgbase%$pkgflag}.org/source/${pkgbase%$pkgflag}-$pkgver.tar.gz" ) sha512sums=( 77d171a36f1c87a82613ed7601df9cef444069a2a6600e05260607e9a2009c292068a2b4753f3cbd53d820cdc8d9ed88ddd1685f20647b943f75bfbeb905b9b5 ) build() { cd $srcdir/${pkgbase%$pkgflag}-$pkgver mkdir build cd build [[ $CARCH == i686 ]] && DSUPPORT_SSE2_BUILD='-DSUPPORT_SSE2_BUILD=OFF' cmake .. \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS=/usr/include/python3.3m \ -DPYTHON_LIBPATH=/usr/lib \ -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=python3.3m \ -DPYTHON_VERSION=3.3 \ $DSUPPORT_SSE2_BUILD \ -DWITH_CODEC_FFMPEG=ON \ -DWITH_CODEC_SNDFILE=ON \ -DWITH_CYCLES=ON \ -DWITH_CYCLES_CUDA_BINARIES=OFF \ -DWITH_FFTW3=ON \ -DWITH_GAMEENGINE=ON \ -DWITH_IMAGE_REDCODE=OFF \ -DWITH_INSTALL_PORTABLE=OFF \ -DWITH_JACK=ON \ -DWITH_MOD_OCEANSIM=ON \ -DWITH_OPENCOLLADA=ON \ -DWITH_PLAYER=ON \ -DWITH_PYTHON_INSTALL=OFF \ -DWITH_SYSTEM_GLEW=ON make $MAKEFLAGS make } package() { cd $srcdir/${pkgbase%$pkgflag}-$pkgver/build make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install python -m compileall $pkgdir/usr/share/${pkgbase%$pkgflag} }