diff -Nur atool-0.39.0.orig/atool atool-0.39.0/atool
--- atool-0.39.0.orig/atool	2012-04-02 15:09:10.000000000 -0300
+++ atool-0.39.0/atool	2014-05-06 04:33:46.263005816 -0300
@@ -111,16 +111,13 @@
 $::cfg_path_pbzip2          = 'pbzip2';           # pbzip2 program
 $::cfg_path_pigz            = 'pigz';             # pigz program
 $::cfg_path_plzip           = 'plzip';            # plzip program
-$::cfg_path_rar             = 'rar';              # rar program
 $::cfg_path_rpm             = 'rpm';              # rpm program
 $::cfg_path_rpm2cpio        = 'rpm2cpio';         # rpm2cpio program
 $::cfg_path_rzip            = 'rzip';             # rzip program
 $::cfg_path_syscfg          = File::Spec->catfile($::SYSCONFDIR, $::PROGRAM.'.conf');  # system-wide configuration file
 $::cfg_path_tar             = 'tar';              # tar program
-$::cfg_path_unace           = 'unace';            # unace program
 $::cfg_path_unalz           = 'unalz';            # unalz program
 $::cfg_path_unarj           = 'unarj';            # unarj program
-$::cfg_path_unrar           = 'unrar';            # unrar program
 $::cfg_path_unzip           = 'unzip';            # unzip program
 $::cfg_path_usercfg         = '.'.$::PROGRAM.'rc';  # user configuration file
 $::cfg_path_xargs           = 'xargs';            # xargs program
@@ -141,7 +138,6 @@
 $::cfg_use_pbzip2           = 0;                  # use pbzip2 instead of bzip2
 $::cfg_use_pigz             = 0;                  # use pigz instead of gzip
 $::cfg_use_plzip            = 0;                  # use plzip instead of lzip
-$::cfg_use_rar_for_unpack   = 0;                  # use rar to unpack rar files?
 $::cfg_use_tar_bzip2_option = 1;                  # does tar support --bzip2?
 $::cfg_use_tar_lzma_option  = 1;                  # does tar support --lzma?
 $::cfg_use_tar_lzip_option  = 0;                  # does tar support --lzip?
@@ -592,26 +588,6 @@
     @cmd = handle_empty_add(@cmd) if ($mode eq 'add' && @args == 0);
     return multiarchivecmd($archive, $outdir, $mode, 0, 0, \@args, @cmd);
-  elsif ($format eq 'rar') {
-    return undef if ($mode eq 'extract' && !defined ($outdir = makeoutdir()));
-    if ($mode eq 'add' || $::cfg_use_rar_for_unpack) {
-      push @cmd, $::cfg_path_rar;
-    } else {
-      push @cmd, $::cfg_path_unrar;
-    }
-    push @cmd, 'a' if $mode eq 'add';
-    push @cmd, 'vt' if $mode eq 'list' && $::opt_verbosity >= 3;
-    push @cmd, 'v' if $mode eq 'list' && $::opt_verbosity == 2;
-    push @cmd, 'l' if $mode eq 'list' && $::opt_verbosity <= 1;
-    push @cmd, 'x' if ($mode eq 'extract' || $mode eq 'extract-to');
-    push @cmd, '-ierr', 'p' if $mode eq 'cat';
-    push @cmd, '-r0' if ($mode eq 'add');
-    push @cmd, $archive, @args;
-    push @cmd, tailslash($outdir) if $mode eq 'extract';
-    push @cmd, tailslash($::opt_cmd_extract_to) if $mode eq 'extract-to';
-    @cmd = handle_empty_add(@cmd) if ($mode eq 'add' && @args == 0);
-    return multiarchivecmd($archive, $outdir, $mode, 0, 0, \@args, @cmd);
-  }
   elsif ($format eq '7z') {
     # 7z has the -so option for writing data to stdout, but it doesn't
     # write data to terminal even if the file is designed to be
@@ -673,23 +649,6 @@
     @cmd = handle_empty_add(@cmd) if ($mode eq 'add' && @args == 0);
     return multiarchivecmd($archive, $outdir, $mode, 0, 0, \@args, @cmd);
-  elsif ($format eq 'ace') {
-    return undef if ($mode eq 'extract' && !defined ($outdir = makeoutdir()));
-    push @cmd, $::cfg_path_unace;
-    if ($mode eq 'add' || $mode eq 'cat') {
-      warn "$::basename: ".quote($archive).": $mode command not supported for $format archives\n";
-      return undef;
-    }
-    push @cmd, 'v', '-c' if $mode eq 'list' && $::opt_verbosity >= 3;
-    push @cmd, 'v' if $mode eq 'list' && $::opt_verbosity == 2;
-    push @cmd, 'l' if $mode eq 'list' && $::opt_verbosity <= 1;
-    push @cmd, 'x' if ($mode eq 'extract' || $mode eq 'extract-to');
-    push @cmd, $archive, @args;
-    push @cmd, tailslash($outdir) if $mode eq 'extract';
-    push @cmd, tailslash($::opt_cmd_extract_to) if $mode eq 'extract-to';
-    @cmd = handle_empty_add(@cmd) if ($mode eq 'add' && @args == 0);
-    return multiarchivecmd($archive, $outdir, $mode, 0, 0, \@args, @cmd);
-  }
   elsif ($format eq 'arj') {
     return undef if ($mode eq 'extract' && !defined ($outdir = makeoutdir()));
     if ($mode eq 'cat') {
@@ -1321,9 +1280,7 @@
   return $file if ($file =~ s/\.jar$//);
   return $file if ($file =~ s/\.war$//);
   return $file if ($file =~ s/\.Z$//);
-  return $file if ($file =~ s/\.rar$//);
   return $file if ($file =~ s/\.(lha|lzh)$//);
-  return $file if ($file =~ s/\.ace$//);
   return $file if ($file =~ s/\.arj$//);
   return $file if ($file =~ s/\.a$//);
   return $file if ($file =~ s/\.lzma$//);
@@ -1363,8 +1320,6 @@
   return '.zip'      if $format eq 'zip';
   return '.jar'      if $format eq 'jar';
   return '.Z'        if $format eq 'compress';
-  return '.rar'      if $format eq 'rar';
-  return '.ace'      if $format eq 'ace';
   return '.a'        if $format eq 'ar';
   return '.arj'      if $format eq 'arj';
   return '.lha'      if $format eq 'lha';
@@ -1411,7 +1366,6 @@
     ['zip',            qr/ \(Zip archive data[^)]*\)$/],
     ['zip',            qr/^Zip archive data(\W|$)/],
     ['zip',            qr/^MS-DOS executable (.*), ZIP self-extracting archive(\W|$)/],
-    ['rar',            qr/^RAR archive data(\W|$)/],
     ['lha',            qr/^LHa \(2\.x\) archive data /],
     ['lha',            qr/^LHa 2\.x\? archive data /],
     ['lha',            qr/^LHarc 1\.x archive data /],
@@ -1453,7 +1407,6 @@
     ['tar+xz',         qr/(\.tar\.xz|\.txz)$/],
     ['7z',             qr/\.7z$/],
-    ['ace',            qr/\.ace$/],
     ['alzip',          qr/\.alz$/],
     ['ar',             qr/\.a$/],
     ['arc',            qr/\.arc$/],
@@ -1471,7 +1424,6 @@
     ['lzip',           qr/\.lz$/],
     ['lzma',           qr/\.lzma$/],
     ['lzop',           qr/\.lzo$/],
-    ['rar',            qr/\.rar$/],
     ['rpm',            qr/\.rpm$/],
     ['rzip',           qr/\.rz$/],
     ['tar',            qr/\.tar$/],
@@ -1620,15 +1572,12 @@
     'path_pbzip2'             => [ 'option', \$::cfg_path_pbzip2, qr/.*/ ],
     'path_pigz'               => [ 'option', \$::cfg_path_pigz, qr/.*/ ],
     'path_plzip'              => [ 'option', \$::cfg_path_plzip, qr/.*/ ],
-    'path_rar'                => [ 'option', \$::cfg_path_rar, qr/.*/ ],
     'path_rpm'                => [ 'option', \$::cfg_path_rpm, qr/.*/ ],
     'path_rpm2cpio'           => [ 'option', \$::cfg_path_rpm2cpio, qr/.*/ ],
     'path_rzip'               => [ 'option', \$::cfg_path_rzip, qr/.*/ ],
     'path_tar'                => [ 'option', \$::cfg_path_tar, qr/.*/ ],
-    'path_unace'              => [ 'option', \$::cfg_path_unace, qr/.*/ ],
     'path_unalz'              => [ 'option', \$::cfg_path_unalz, qr/.*/ ],
     'path_unarj'              => [ 'option', \$::cfg_path_unarj, qr/.*/ ],
-    'path_unrar'              => [ 'option', \$::cfg_path_unrar, qr/.*/ ],
     'path_unzip'              => [ 'option', \$::cfg_path_unzip, qr/.*/ ],
     'path_usercfg'            => [ 'option', \$::cfg_path_usercfg, qr/.*/ ],
     'path_xargs'              => [ 'option', \$::cfg_path_xargs, qr/.*/ ],
@@ -1649,8 +1598,6 @@
     'use_pbzip2'              => [ 'option', \$::cfg_use_pbzip2, qr/^(0|1)$/ ],
     'use_pigz'                => [ 'option', \$::cfg_use_pigz, qr/^(0|1)$/ ],
     'use_plzip'               => [ 'option', \$::cfg_use_plzip, qr/^(0|1)$/ ],
-    'use_rar_for_unpack'      => [ 'option', \$::cfg_use_rar_for_unpack, qr/^(0|1)$/ ],
-    'use_rar_for_unrar'       => [ 'obsolete', 'use_rar_for_unpack' ],
     'use_tar_bzip2_option'    => [ 'option', \$::cfg_use_tar_bzip2_option, qr/^(0|1)$/ ],
     'use_tar_lzma_option'     => [ 'option', \$::cfg_use_tar_lzma_option, qr/^(0|1)$/ ],
     'use_tar_lzop_option'     => [ 'option', \$::cfg_use_tar_lzop_option, qr/^(0|1)$/ ],
diff -Nur atool-0.39.0.orig/atool.1 atool-0.39.0/atool.1
--- atool-0.39.0.orig/atool.1	2012-03-15 04:31:41.000000000 -0300
+++ atool-0.39.0/atool.1	2014-05-06 04:34:36.830099616 -0300
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
 When extracting from files, allow overwriting of local files.
 When creating an archive, allow the archive file to be overwritten
 if it already exists. Note that it is possible to add files to
-existing RAR and Zip archives (this is not possible for many
+existing Zip archives (this is not possible for many
 other formats).
 .B \-D, \-\-subdir
@@ -262,9 +262,6 @@
 List, extract, and add commands are supported.
 Cat is supported if use_jar_program is disabled.
-.RI \fBrar\fP " " ( .rar )
-All commands are supported.
 .RI \fBlha\fP " " ( .lha ", " .lzh )
 All commands are supported.
@@ -274,9 +271,6 @@
 .RI \fBalzip\fP " " ( .alz )
 Extract command is supported.
-.RI \fBace\fP " " ( .ace )
-Extract and list commands are supported.
 .RI \fBar\fP " " ( .a )
 All commands are supported.
@@ -406,11 +400,6 @@
 Enable this if you want to use gzip instead of uncompress when
 decompressing compress'ed files (`.Z' files).
-.B use_rar_for_unpack \fR(default: 0)\fR
-Enable this if you want to always use rar instead of unrar
-when possible. This makes atool use the rar command
-(path_rar) even when listing and extracting RAR files.
 .B use_arc_for_unpack \fR(default: 0)\fR
 Enable this if you want to always use arc instead of nomarch
 when possible. This makes atool use the arc command
@@ -530,10 +519,6 @@
 .B path_lzip \fR(default: lzip)\fR
-.B path_rar \fR(default: rar)\fR
-.B path_unrar \fR(default: unrar)\fR
 .B path_lbzip2 \fR(default: lbzip2)\fR
 .B path_pigz \fR(default: pigz)\fR
@@ -546,8 +531,6 @@
 .B path_lha \fR(default: lha)\fR
-.B path_unace \fR(default: unace)\fR
 .B path_ar \fR(default: ar)\fR
 .B path_arj \fR(default: arj)\fR
@@ -661,10 +644,6 @@
 	\fBacat \-p myarchive.zip baz\fP
-To list contents of the rar archive `stuff.rar':
-	\fBals stuff.rar\fP
 To create three archives, `dir1.tar.gz', `dir2.tar.gz' and `dir3.tar.gz',
 so that the first one contains all files in dir1, the second all
 in dir2 and the third all dir3:
diff -Nur atool-0.39.0.orig/atool.1.in atool-0.39.0/atool.1.in
--- atool-0.39.0.orig/atool.1.in	2012-03-15 04:31:39.000000000 -0300
+++ atool-0.39.0/atool.1.in	2014-05-06 04:35:30.100547318 -0300
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
 When extracting from files, allow overwriting of local files.
 When creating an archive, allow the archive file to be overwritten
 if it already exists. Note that it is possible to add files to
-existing RAR and Zip archives (this is not possible for many
+existing Zip archives (this is not possible for many
 other formats).
 .B \-D, \-\-subdir
@@ -262,9 +262,6 @@
 List, extract, and add commands are supported.
 Cat is supported if use_jar_program is disabled.
-.RI \fBrar\fP " " ( .rar )
-All commands are supported.
 .RI \fBlha\fP " " ( .lha ", " .lzh )
 All commands are supported.
@@ -274,9 +271,6 @@
 .RI \fBalzip\fP " " ( .alz )
 Extract command is supported.
-.RI \fBace\fP " " ( .ace )
-Extract and list commands are supported.
 .RI \fBar\fP " " ( .a )
 All commands are supported.
@@ -406,11 +400,6 @@
 Enable this if you want to use gzip instead of uncompress when
 decompressing compress'ed files (`.Z' files).
-.B use_rar_for_unpack \fR(default: 0)\fR
-Enable this if you want to always use rar instead of unrar
-when possible. This makes atool use the rar command
-(path_rar) even when listing and extracting RAR files.
 .B use_arc_for_unpack \fR(default: 0)\fR
 Enable this if you want to always use arc instead of nomarch
 when possible. This makes atool use the arc command
@@ -530,10 +519,6 @@
 .B path_lzip \fR(default: lzip)\fR
-.B path_rar \fR(default: rar)\fR
-.B path_unrar \fR(default: unrar)\fR
 .B path_lbzip2 \fR(default: lbzip2)\fR
 .B path_pigz \fR(default: pigz)\fR
@@ -546,8 +531,6 @@
 .B path_lha \fR(default: lha)\fR
-.B path_unace \fR(default: unace)\fR
 .B path_ar \fR(default: ar)\fR
 .B path_arj \fR(default: arj)\fR
@@ -661,10 +644,6 @@
 	\fBacat \-p myarchive.zip baz\fP
-To list contents of the rar archive `stuff.rar':
-	\fBals stuff.rar\fP
 To create three archives, `dir1.tar.gz', `dir2.tar.gz' and `dir3.tar.gz',
 so that the first one contains all files in dir1, the second all
 in dir2 and the third all dir3:
diff -Nur atool-0.39.0.orig/extra/bash-completion-atool_0.1-1 atool-0.39.0/extra/bash-completion-atool_0.1-1
--- atool-0.39.0.orig/extra/bash-completion-atool_0.1-1	2007-12-10 20:01:38.000000000 -0200
+++ atool-0.39.0/extra/bash-completion-atool_0.1-1	2014-05-06 04:36:01.504143499 -0300
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
                 --quiet --verbose --page --null --explain --simulate --config=' -- $cur ) )
-		_filedir '@(rar|RAR|zip|ZIP|tar.gz|tgz|tar.bz|tbz|tar.Z|tZ|tar.lzo|tzo|tar.7z|t7z|tar|jar|JAR|war|lha|lzh|7z|ace|ACE|arj|ARJ|a|arc|ARC|rpm|deb|gz|bz|bz2|Z|lzo|cpio)'
+		_filedir '@(zip|ZIP|tar.gz|tgz|tar.bz|tbz|tar.Z|tZ|tar.lzo|tzo|tar.7z|t7z|tar|jar|JAR|war|lha|lzh|7z|arj|ARJ|a|arc|ARC|rpm|deb|gz|bz|bz2|Z|lzo|cpio)'