path: root/libre
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-05-17libretools: disable check() for now.Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli
We need to get new kernel out, however this is not possible at the time because their PKGBUILDs don't work with read-only startdir, which is enforced by libretools. However libretools cannot even be rebuilt as-is because the test fails. Signed-off-by: Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli <>
2019-05-17Update libre/parabola-keyringParabola automatic package builder
2019-05-16linux-libre: don't build html docs to workaround build issueDenis 'GNUtoo' Carikli
Without that workaround, the build fails with the following error: | Extension error: | Could not import extension kerneldoc (exception: cannot import name 'AutodocReporter' from 'sphinx.ext.autodoc' (/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc/ | make[1]: *** [Documentation/Makefile:68: htmldocs] Error 2 This commit is based on the following commit: 0e1563a070f Revert "FS#59688 - Install HTML docs" in the archlinux packages repository[1]. References: ----------- [1]git:// Signed-off-by: Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli <>
2019-05-15epiphany-3.32.2-1.par1: updating versionOmar Vega Ramos
2019-05-15ark-19.04.1-1.par1: updating versionOmar Vega Ramos
2019-05-15qutebrowser-1.6.2-1.par1: updating versionOmar Vega Ramos
2019-05-15netsurf-3.8-2.par1: updating versionOmar Vega Ramos
2019-05-15systemd-242.29-1.par1: updating versionOmar Vega Ramos
2019-05-10clementine-1.3.1.r702.3b76fa627-2.par1: updating versionOmar Vega Ramos
2019-05-10Rebuild [libre/texlive-bin] i686 against new popplerFreemor
2019-05-11libre: cups-filters: i686: rebuild against new poppler 0.76.0Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli
Upstream now has poppler 0.76.0 for i686 too. Signed-off-by: Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli <>
2019-05-08Rebuild [libre/iceape] i686 against new icuFreemor
2019-05-08Rebuild [libre/xmms2] against new readlineFreemor
2019-05-07Rebuild [libre/cups-filters] against new icu and poppler in i686 landFreemor
2019-05-05Rebuild [libre/icedove] i686 vs new ICUFreemor
2019-05-04Rebuild [libre/iceweasel] i686 against new icuFreemor
2019-05-04rebuild [libre/icecat] against icu 0.64 which is now in i686 landFreemor
2019-05-03libre/parabola-vmbootstrap: updated to 20190502Andreas Grapentin
2019-05-02texlive-bin-2018.48691-9.par2: poppler 0.76.1 rebuildOmar Vega Ramos
2019-05-02rebuild [libre/cups-filters] against new poppler 0.76.1 (x86_64,armv7h)Freemor
2019-05-02systemd-242.19-1.par1: updating versionOmar Vega Ramos
2019-05-02smplayer-19.1.0-1.par1: updating versionOmar Vega Ramos
2019-05-02psensor-1.2.0-6.par1: rebuildOmar Vega Ramos
2019-05-02openshot-2.4.4-1.par1: updating versionOmar Vega Ramos
2019-05-02mcomix-1.2.1-4.par1: rebuildOmar Vega Ramos
2019-05-02mate-sensors-applet-1.22.0-1.par1: updating versionOmar Vega Ramos
2019-05-02lesspipe-1.83-2.par1: rebuildOmar Vega Ramos
2019-04-30gnome-boxes- updating versionOmar Vega Ramos
2019-04-30libosinfo-1.4.0-2.par1: updating versionOmar Vega Ramos
2019-04-30gloobus-preview- rebuildOmar Vega Ramos
2019-04-30faenza-icon-theme-1.3.1-5.par1: rebuildOmar Vega Ramos
2019-04-30epdfview-0.1.8-10.par1: rebuildOmar Vega Ramos
2019-04-30engrampa-1.22.0-1.par1: updating versionOmar Vega Ramos
2019-04-30ecasound-2.9.1-13.par1: rebuildOmar Vega Ramos
2019-04-30cool-retro-term-1.1.1-1.par1: updating versionOmar Vega Ramos
2019-04-30bladerf-2.0.2-1.par1: updating versionOmar Vega Ramos
2019-04-30audio-convert- rebuildOmar Vega Ramos
2019-04-30audex-0.79+91+g9bb62f3-1.par1: updating versionOmar Vega Ramos
2019-04-30atool-0.39.0-6.par1: rebuildOmar Vega Ramos
2019-04-30ark-19.04.0-1.par1: updating versionOmar Vega Ramos
2019-04-28ruby-2.6.3-1.par1: updating versionOmar Vega Ramos
2019-04-28hplip-1:3.19.3-1.par1: updating versionOmar Vega Ramos
2019-04-28file-roller-3.32.1-1.par1: updating versionOmar Vega Ramos
2019-04-28cups-filters-1.22.5-2.par1: updating versionOmar Vega Ramos
2019-04-28clamav-0.101.2-1.par1: updating versionOmar Vega Ramos
2019-04-27xarchiver- updating versionOmar Vega Ramos
2019-04-27midori-8.0-1.par1 updating versionOmar Vega Ramos
2019-04-27epiphany- updating versionOmar Vega Ramos
2019-04-27mplayer-38125-5.par1: updating versionOmar Vega Ramos
2019-04-26texlive-bin-2018.48691-9.par1: poppler 0.76.0 rebuildOmar Vega Ramos