path: root/pcr/paraboley/paraboley
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pcr/paraboley/paraboley')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 865 deletions
diff --git a/pcr/paraboley/paraboley b/pcr/paraboley/paraboley
deleted file mode 100755
index 3f7667faf..000000000
--- a/pcr/paraboley/paraboley
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,865 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Paraboley is a forked made by Aurélien DESBIRÈRES <>
-# of archey3 to present the Parabola GNU / Linux-libre logo and informations
-# paraboley [version 0.2]
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.
-# See for the full license text.
-# Simple python script to display an Parabola logo in ASCII art
-# Along with basic system information.
-# Import libraries
-import collections
-import subprocess, optparse, re, sys, configparser
-from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
-from optparse import OptionParser
-from getpass import getuser
-from time import ctime, sleep
-from os import getenv
-from datetime import datetime
-import re
-import os.path
-import multiprocessing
- from logbook import Logger, lookup_level
-except ImportError:
- class Logger(object):
- def __init__(self, name, level=0):
- = name
- self.level = level
- debug = info = warn = warning = notice = error = exception = \
- critical = log = lambda *a, **kw: None
- def lookup_level(_):
- return 0
- 'a': 'System Infomation',
- 's': 'Kernel Name',
- 'n': 'Hostname',
- 'r': 'Kernel Release',
- 'v': 'Kernel Version',
- 'm': 'Machine Hardware name',
- 'p': 'Processor Type',
- 'i': 'Hardware Platform',
-LOGOS = {'Parabola': '''{c1}
-{c1} ## ### {results[0]}
-{c1} ## ## ##### {results[1]}
-{c1} ## ## ## ####### {results[2]}
-{c1} # ## ## ## ######## {results[3]}
-{c1} ### # ######### {results[4]}
-{c1} ### ######### {results[5]}
-{c1} ## ######## {results[6]}
-{c1} ####### {results[7]}
-{c1} ###### {results[8]}
-{c1} ###### {results[9]}
-{c1} ##### {results[10]}
-{c1} ##### {results[11]}
-{c1} #### {results[12]}
-{c1} #### {results[13]}
-{c1} ### {results[14]}
-{c1} ### {results[15]}
-{c1} ## {results[16]}
-{c1} # {results[17]}
-def module_register(name):
- """
- Registers the class in the CLASS_MAPPING global.
- """
- def decorator(cls):
- CLASS_MAPPINGS[name] = cls
- return cls
- return decorator
-DE_DICT = collections.OrderedDict([
- ('cinnamon', 'Cinnamon'),
- ('gnome-session', 'GNOME'),
- ('ksmserver', 'KDE'),
- ('mate-session', 'MATE'),
- ('xfce4-session', 'Xfce'),
- ('lxsession', 'LXDE'),
- ('', 'None'),
- ])
-WM_DICT = collections.OrderedDict([
- ('awesome', 'Awesome'),
- ('beryl', 'Beryl'),
- ('blackbox', 'Blackbox'),
- ('dwm', 'DWM'),
- ('enlightenment', 'Enlightenment'),
- ('fluxbox', 'Fluxbox'),
- ('fvwm', 'FVWM'),
- ('herbstluftwm', 'herbstluftwm'),
- ('i3', 'i3'),
- ('icewm', 'IceWM'),
- (re.compile('kwin(_x11|_wayland)?'), 'KWin'),
- ('metacity', 'Metacity'),
- ('musca', 'Musca'),
- ('openbox', 'Openbox'),
- ('pekwm', 'PekWM'),
- ('ratpoison', 'ratpoison'),
- ('scrotwm', 'ScrotWM'),
- ('subtle', 'subtle'),
- ('monsterwm', 'MonsterWM'),
- ('wmaker', 'Window Maker'),
- ('wmfs', 'Wmfs'),
- ('wmii', 'wmii'),
- ('xfwm4', 'Xfwm'),
- ('emerald', 'Emerald'),
- ('compiz', 'Compiz'),
- (re.compile('xmonad-*'), 'xmonad'),
- ('qtile', 'QTile'),
- ('wingo', 'Wingo'),
- ('', 'None'),
- ])
- 'black': '0',
- 'red': '1',
- 'green': '2',
- 'yellow': '3',
- 'blue': '4',
- 'magenta': '5',
- 'cyan': '6',
- 'white': '7'
-class ArgumentError(Exception):
- def __init__(self, caller, message):
- msg = "{0}: {1}".format(caller.__class__.__name__, message)
- super().__init__(msg)
-# State must be serializable
-State = collections.namedtuple("State", "color config logger")
-class display(object):
- command_line = ''
- stdindata = ''
- def __init__(self, state, args=()):
- self.state = state
- # Python3 unpacking is awesome
- self.arg1, self.arg2, self.arg3, *_ = tuple(args) + ('', '', '')
- @staticmethod
- def call_command(command):
- """
- Calls a command, waits for it to exit and returns all text from stdout.
- Discards all other information.
- """
- proc = Popen(command.split(), stdout=PIPE)
- proc.wait()
- return proc.communicate()[0].decode()
- def run_command(self):
- if self.command_line:
- if '{arg3}' in self.command_line:
- cmd = self.command_line.format(arg1=self.arg1, arg2=self.arg2,
- arg3=self.arg3)
- elif '{arg2}' in self.command_line:
- cmd = self.command_line.format(arg1=self.arg1, arg2=self.arg2)
- elif '{arg1}' in self.command_line:
- cmd = self.command_line.format(arg1=self.arg1)
- else:
- cmd = self.command_line
- try:
- self.process = Popen(cmd.split(), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE,
- stderr=PIPE)
- except Exception as e:
- self.state.logger.error("Could not run command {0}".format(cmd))
- def render(self):
- (stdoutdata, stderrdata) = self.process.communicate(self.stdindata
- or None)
- return self.format_output(stdoutdata.decode())
- def color_me(self, output, number=None, low=30, low_color='green',
- medium=60, medium_color='yellow', high_color='red'):
- if number is None and output.isdigit():
- number = int(output)
- elif number is None:
- return output
- if number <= low:
- color_= low_color
- elif low < number <= medium:
- color_ = medium_color
- elif medium < number:
- color_ = high_color
- return '{0}{1}{2}'.format(color(self.state, color_), output,
- color(self.state, 'clear'))
- regex_class = re.compile("").__class__
- def process_exists(self, key):
- global PROCESSES
- if isinstance(key, self.regex_class):
- for proc in PROCESSES._processes:
- if
- return True
- return PROCESSES(key)
-class fsDisplay(display):
- command_line = "df -TPh {arg1}"
- conversions = {
- 'binary': {
- 'K': 2 ** 10,
- 'M': 2 ** 20,
- 'G': 2 ** 30,
- 'T': 2 ** 40,
- },
- 'si': {
- 'K': 10 ** 3,
- 'M': 10 ** 6,
- 'G': 10 ** 9,
- 'T': 10 ** 12,
- },
- }
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(**kwargs)
- if not self.arg1:
- msg = "Did not any arguments, require one, the fs to display"
- self.state.logger.error(msg)
- raise ArgumentError(self, msg)
- def format_output(self, instring):
- try:
- decimal_point = self.call_command(
- 'locale -ck decimal_point').split('\n')[1].split('=')[1]
- except Exception as e:
- self.state.logger.warning('Could not determine locale decimal point,' +
- 'defaulting to \'.\', failed with error {0}'.format(e))
- decimal_point = '.'
- values = [line for line in instring.split('\n') if line][1].split()
- used = values[3].replace(decimal_point, '.')
- total = values[2].replace(decimal_point, '.')
- fstype = values[1]
- conversion_type = self.state.config.get('fs', 'unit', fallback="si").lower()
- conversions = self.conversions[conversion_type]
- mount = '/root' if self.arg1 == '/' else self.arg1
- title = mount.split('/')[-1].title()
- low = self.state.config.getint('fs', 'low_bound', fallback=40)
- medium = self.state.config.getint('fs', 'medium_bound', fallback=70)
- try:
- #convert to straight float
- used_ = float(used[:-1]) * conversions[used[-1].upper()]
- total_ = float(total[:-1]) * conversions[total[-1].upper()]
- persentage = used_ / total_ * 100
- except Exception as e:
- self.state.logger.error(
- "Could not colorize output, errored with {0}".format(e))
- return
- else:
- used = self.color_me(used, persentage, low=low, medium=medium)
- if self.state.config.getboolean("fs", "persentage", fallback=True):
- part = '{used} / {total} ({persentage}%) ({fstype})'.format(
- used=used, total=total, persentage=int(persentage),
- fstype=fstype)
- else:
- part = '{used} / {total} ({fstype})'.format(
- used=used, total=total, fstype=fstype)
- return title, part
-class ramDisplay(display):
- command_line = "free -m"
- def format_output(self, instring):
- ram = ''.join(line for line in str(instring).split('\n') if\
- line.startswith('Mem:')).split()
- used = int(ram[2])
- total = int(ram[1])
- title = 'RAM'
- try:
- persentage = (used / total * 100)
- except:
- used += ' MB'
- else:
- used = self.color_me(number=persentage, output=str(used) + ' MB')
- part = '{used} / {total} MB'.format(used=used, total=total)
- return title, part
-class sensorDisplay(display):
- command_line = "sensors {arg1}"
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(**kwargs)
- arg_from_conf = self.state.config.get('sensor', 'sensor',
- fallback='coretemp-*')
- try:
- arg_from_arg = kwargs["args"][0]
- except IndexError:
- self.state.logger.error(
- "Did not get any arguments, require one, the sensor to display.")
- raise
- if arg_from_arg:
- self.arg1 = arg_from_arg
- else:
- self.arg1 = arg_from_conf
- def format_output(self, instring):
- tempinfo = instring.split('\n')[2::4]
- out = []
- for line in tempinfo:
- info = [re.sub("\s\s+", "", line) for line in line.split(' ') if\
- line]
- value = info[1]
- intvalue = int(value[:3])
- if intvalue > 45:
- temp = (color(self.state, "red") + info[1] +
- color(self.state, "clear"))
- elif intvalue in range(30, 45):
- temp = (color(self.state, "magenta") + info[1] +
- color(self.state, "clear"))
- else:
- temp = (color(self.state, "green") + info[1] +
- color(self.state, "clear"))
- out.append((info[0], temp))
- return out
-class envDisplay(display):
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- try:
- self.arg1 = kwargs["args"][0]
- except IndexError:
- self.state.logger.error("Did not get any arguments, require one," +
- " the env variable to display.")
- raise
- super().__init__(**kwargs)
- def render(self):
- argvalue = getenv(self.arg1.upper())
- return ('$' + self.arg1.upper(), argvalue)
-class unameDisplay(display):
- command_line = "uname {arg1}"
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(**kwargs)
- try:
- flag = kwargs["args"][0]
- except IndexError:
- self.state.logger.error("Did not get any arguments, require one," +
- " the flag to pass to uname")
- raise
- arg_from_conf = self.state.config.get('uname', 'argument', fallback="")
- arg_from_arg = flag
- if arg_from_arg:
- self.arg1 = '-' + arg_from_arg
- elif arg_from_conf:
- self.arg1 = '-' + arg_from_conf
- else:
- self.arg1 = ''
- def format_output(self, instring):
- return (UNAME_FLAG_MEANINGS[self.arg1[1]], instring)
-class cpuDisplay(display):
- command_line = "cat /proc/cpuinfo"
- def format_output(self, instring):
- kv = [line.split(":") for line in instring.split("\n") if line]
- infodict = {}
- for k, v in kv:
- infodict[k.strip()] = v.strip()
- return "Processor Type", infodict["model name"]
-class uptimeDisplay(display):
- def render(self):
- with open("/proc/uptime") as upfile:
- raw =
- fuptime = int(raw.split('.')[0])
- day = int(fuptime / 86400)
- fuptime = fuptime % 86400
- hour = int(fuptime / 3600)
- fuptime = fuptime % 3600
- minute = int(fuptime / 60)
- uptime = '{daystring}{hours}:{mins:02d}'.format(
- daystring='{days} day{s}, '.format(days=day, s=('s' if day > 1
- else '')) if day else '',
- hours = hour, mins = minute
- )
- return "Uptime", uptime
-class packageDisplay(display):
- command_line = "pacman -Q"
- def format_output(self, instring):
- return "Packages", len(instring.rstrip('\n').split('\n'))
-class distroCheck(display):
- def render(self):
- try:
- _ = open("/etc/pacman.conf")
- except IOError:
- distro = self.call_command("uname -o")
- else:
- distro = "Parabola"
- distro = '{0} {1}'.format(distro, self.call_command("uname -m"))
- return "OS", distro
-class processCheck(display):
- command_line = "ps -u " + getuser()
- render = lambda self: self
- def run_command(self):
- super().run_command()
- out = str(self.process.communicate()[0])
- self._processes = set()
- for line in out.split("\\n"):
- words = line.split()
- if len(words) <= 3:
- continue
- self._processes.add(words[3])
- def __call__(self, proc):
- if proc in self._processes:
- return True
- return False
-class wmDisplay(display):
- def render(self):
- if self.state.config.get('wm', 'manual', fallback=False):
- return "WM", self.state.config.get('wm', 'manual')
- wm = ''
- for key in WM_DICT.keys():
- if self.process_exists(key):
- wm = key
- break
- return "WM", WM_DICT[wm]
-class deDisplay(display):
- def render(self):
- if self.state.config.get('de', 'manual', fallback=False):
- return "DE", self.state.config.get('de', 'manual')
- de = ''
- for key in DE_DICT.keys():
- if self.process_exists(key):
- de = key
- break
- return "DE", DE_DICT[de]
-class mpdDisplay(display):
- """
- Displays certain stat about MPD database. If mpd not installed, output
- nothing.
- """
- command_line = "mpc stats --host {arg1} --port {arg2}"
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(**kwargs)
- try:
- self.stat = kwargs["args"][0]
- except IndexError:
- self.state.logger.error("Did not get any arguments, require one," +
- " the stat to display.")
- self.arg1 = self.state.config.get('mpd', 'host', fallback='localhost')
- self.arg2 = self.state.config.getint('mpd', 'port', fallback=6600)
- def format_output(self, instring):
- lines = instring.split('\n')
- stats = {}
- try:
- stats['artists'] = lines[0].split(':')[1].strip()
- stats['albums'] = lines[1].split(':')[1].strip()
- stats['songs'] = lines[2].split(':')[1].strip()
- #if people don't have mpc installed then return None)
- except:
- self.state.logger.error(
- "Could not parse mpc output, is mpc installed?")
- return
- return ('{statname} in MPD database'.format(statname=self.stat.title()),
- stats[self.stat])
-class systemUpgrade(display):
- _upgrade_message = 'starting full system upgrade'
- def render(self):
- try:
- datestr = None
- for line in reversed(list(open('/var/log/pacman.log'))):
- if line.rstrip().endswith(self._upgrade_message):
- datestart = line.find('[')
- dateend = line.find(']')
- if datestart != -1 and dateend != -1:
- datestr = line[datestart + 1 : dateend]
- break
- except Exception as err:
- print(err)
- if not datestr:
- datestr = 'Unknown'
- else:
- currenttime =
- updatetime = datetime.strptime(datestr, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
- numdays = (currenttime - updatetime).days
- datestr = '{0} ({1} days ago)'.format(datestr, numdays)
- return "Last Upgrade", datestr
-#------------ Config -----------
-class ArcheyConfigParser(configparser.SafeConfigParser):
- """
- A parser for the archey config file.
- """
- defaults = {'core': {'align': 'top',
- 'color': 'blue',
- 'display_modules':
- """\
-distro(), uname(n), uname(r), uptime(), wm(), de(), packages(), ram(),\
- cpu(), env(editor), fs(/), mpd(albums)"""
- },
- }
- def read(self, file_location=None):
- """
- Loads the config options stored in at file_location. If file_location
- does not exist, it will attempt to load from the default config location
- ($XDG_CONFIG_HOME/archey3.cfg). If that does not exist, it will write a
- default config file to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/archey3.cfg.
- """
- if file_location is None and "XDG_CONFIG_HOME" not in os.environ:
- config_location = os.path.expanduser("~/.archey3.cfg")
- elif file_location is None:
- config_location = os.path.expandvars("$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/archey3.cfg")
- else:
- config_location = \
- os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(file_location))
- loaded = super(ArcheyConfigParser, self).read(config_location)
- if file_location == None and not loaded:
- self.load_default_config()
- self.write_config(config_location)
- return [config_location]
- if not loaded:
- #Try with default
- loaded = super(ArcheyConfigParser, self).read()
- return loaded
- def load_default_config(self):
- """
- Loads the config options stored at self.defaults.
- """
- for section, values in self.defaults.items():
- if not self.has_section(section):
- self.add_section(section)
- for option, value in values.items():
- #strip any excess spaces
- value = re.sub("( +)", " ", value)
- self.set(section, option, value)
- def write_config(self, location):
- """
- Writes the current config to the given location.
- """
- with open(location, 'w') as configfile:
- self.write(configfile)
-#------------ Functions -----------
-def screenshot(state):
- print('Screenshotting in')
- screenshot_time = state.config.getint("core", "screenshotwait", fallback=5)
- for x in sorted(range(1, screenshot_time + 1), reverse=True):
- print('%s' % x, end='')
- sys.stdout.flush()
- sleep(1.0/3)
- for x in range(3):
- print('.', end='')
- sys.stdout.flush()
- sleep(1.0/3)
- print('Say Cheese!')
- sys.stdout.flush()
- screenshot_command = state.config.get('core', 'screenshot_command',
- fallback="import -window root <datetime>.jpg")
- try:
- subprocess.check_call(
- screenshot_command.replace('<datetime>',
- ctime().replace(' ','_')).split(" "))
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
- state.logger.critical('Screenshot failed with return code {0}.'.format(
- e.returncode))
- raise
- except subprocess.FileNotFoundError:
- print("Could not find import command, install imagemagick")
-def color(state, code, bold=False):
- """
- Returns a character color sequence acording to the code given, and the
- color theme in the state argument.
- """
- if code == 2:
- bold = True
- first_bitty_bit = '\x1b[{0};'.format(int(not bold))
- if code in range(3):
- second_bitty_bit = '3{0}m'.format(state.color)
- elif code == "clear":
- return '\x1b[0m'
- else:
- second_bitty_bit = '3{0}m'.format(COLORS[code])
- return first_bitty_bit + second_bitty_bit
-def _mp_render_helper(container):
- """
- A little helper to get round the one iterator argument with
- """
- state = container["state"]
- cls_name = container["cls_name"]
- args = container["args"]
- cls = CLASS_MAPPINGS[cls_name]
- return render_class(state, cls, args)
-def render_class(state, cls, args):
- """
- Returns the result of the run_command method for the class passed.
- """
- try:
- instance = cls(args=args, state=State(
- logger=Logger(cls.__name__, state.logger.level),
- color=state.color,
- config=state.config))
- except Exception as e:
- state.logger.error(
- "Could not instantiate {0}, failed with error {1}".format(
- cls.__name__, e))
- return
- try:
- instance.run_command()
- return instance.render()
- except Exception as e:
- state.logger.error(
- "Could not render line for {0}, failed with error {1}".format(
- cls.__name__, e))
-#------------ Display object ---------
-class Archey(object):
- DISPLAY_PARSING_REGEX = "(?P<func>\w+)\((|(?P<args>[\w, /]+))\)"
- def __init__(self, config, options):
- log_level = lookup_level(options.log_level)
- logger = Logger("Core", log_level)
- self.display = config.get("core", "display_modules")
- colorscheme = options.color or config.get(
- "core", "color", fallback="blue")
- for key in COLORS.keys():
- if key == colorscheme:
- colorcode = COLORS[key]
- self.state = State(colorcode, config, logger)
- global PROCESSES
- PROCESSES = render_class(self.state, processCheck, ())
- distro_out = render_class(self.state, distroCheck, ())
- if not distro_out:
- self.state.logger.critical(
- "Unrecognised distribution.")
- raise RuntimeException("Unrecognised distribution.")
- self.distro_name = ' '.join(distro_out[1].split()[:-1])
- def run(self, screenshot_=False):
- """
- Actually print the logo etc, and take a screenshot if required.
- """
- print(self.render())
- if screenshot_:
- screenshot(self.state)
- def render(self):
- results = self.prepare_results()
- results = self.arrange_results(results)
- return LOGOS[self.distro_name].format(c1=color(self.state, 1),
- results = results
- )
- def prepare_results(self):
- """
- Renders all classes found in the display array, and then returns them
- as a list. The returned list will be exactly 18 items long, with any
- left over spaces being filled with empty strings.
- """
- poolsize = self.state.config.getint("core", "poolsize", fallback=5)
- pool = multiprocessing.Pool(poolsize)
- arguments = []
- for cls_name, args in self.parse_display():
- arguments.append({
- 'cls_name': cls_name,
- 'args': args,
- 'state': self.state
- })
- raw_out =, arguments)
- outputs = list(map(self.format_item,
- filter(bool, raw_out)))
- return outputs + [""] * (18 - len(outputs))
- def arrange_results(self, results):
- """
- Arranges the results as specified in the config file.
- """
- arrangement = self.state.config.get("core", "align", fallback="top")
- if arrangement == "top":
- return results
- elif arrangement == "bottom":
- actuall_res = [res for res in results if res]
- return [""] * (len(results) - len(actuall_res)) + actuall_res
- elif arrangement == "center":
- actuall_res = [res for res in results if res]
- offset = [""] * int((len(results) - len(actuall_res)) / 2)
- return (offset + actuall_res +
- [""] * (len(results) - len(actuall_res)))
- else:
- return results
- def parse_display(self):
- """
- Iterates over the display attribute of the Archey class, and tries to
- parse them using the DISPLAY_PARSING_REGEX.
- """
- for func in self.display.split(","):
- func = func.strip()
- info = re.match(self.DISPLAY_PARSING_REGEX, func)
- if not info:
- self.state.logger.error(
- "Could not parse display string {0}".format(func))
- continue
- groups = info.groupdict()
- if groups["args"]:
- args = [arg.strip() for arg in groups["args"].split(",")]
- else:
- args = ()
- yield groups["func"], args
- raise StopIteration
- def format_item(self, item):
- title = item[0].rstrip(':')
- data = str(item[1]).rstrip()
- #if we're dealing with a fraction
- if len(data.split('/')) == 2:
- numerator = data.split('/')[0]
- numerator = (color(self.state, 1, bold=True) + numerator +
- color(self.state, 'clear'))
- denominator = data.split('/')[1]
- data = '/'.join((numerator, denominator))
- return "{color}{title}:{clear} {data}".format(
- color=color(self.state, 1),
- title=title,
- data=data,
- clear=color(self.state, "clear")
- )
-def main():
- parser = OptionParser(
- usage='%prog',
- description="""%prog is a utility to display system info and take\
- screenshots""",
- version="%prog 0.3")
- parser.add_option('-c', '--color',
- action='store', type='choice', dest='color',
- choices=('black',
- 'red',
- 'green',
- 'yellow',
- 'blue',
- 'magenta',
- 'cyan',
- 'white'),
- help="""choose a color: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta,\
- cyan, white [Default: blue]""")
- parser.add_option('-s', '--screenshot',
- action='store_true', dest='screenshot', help='Take a screenshot')
- parser.add_option('--config',
- action='store', dest='config', default=None,
- help="Set the location of the config file to load.")
- parser.add_option('--debug',
- action='store', type='choice', dest='log_level',
- choices=('NOTSET',
- 'DEBUG',
- 'INFO',
- 'ERROR',
- default='CRITICAL',
- help="The level of errors you wish to display. Choices are\
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- config = ArcheyConfigParser()
- archey = Archey(config=config, options=options)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()