path: root/pcr/openrc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pcr/openrc')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 176 deletions
diff --git a/pcr/openrc/PKGBUILD b/pcr/openrc/PKGBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 79c606289..000000000
--- a/pcr/openrc/PKGBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Omar Vega Ramos <>
-# Maintainer: David P. <>
-# Contributor: Luke Shumaker <>
-# Maintainer (Artix): artoo <>
-# Maintainer (Artix): Chris Cromer <>
-# Contributor (Artix): williamh <>
-# Maintainer (AUR): Andrew Gregory <>
-# Maintainer (AUR): Lone_Wolf <>
-# Contributor (AUR): Bartłomiej Piotrowski <>
-pkgname=('openrc' 'openrc-init' 'openrc-sysvinit' 'openrc-net')
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64' 'armv7h')
-validpgpkeys=('D57AEC44668E2E5073A440096E5416F430C46538') # William Hubbs <>
- "${pkgbase}.logrotate")
- '690612fddfb2c4cf8f6b5ba7239b9faf29eb3d9b152ab4dcf62694aa2852780440d08cee56d98a9597607f446b3697c911269562821a8402bb5747cbbae34bd9')
- BRANDING='Parabola GNU/Linux-libre'
- PREFIX=/usr
- SBINDIR=/usr/bin
- LIBEXECDIR=/usr/lib/rc
- # Because OpenRC documentation is terrible, run this:
- # $ grep -rhoE --exclude='*.md' 'MK[^=}? ]+' | sort -u
- # If we agree with the default, list it here, but commented out
- #MKNET=yes
- MKPAM=pam
- MKTERMCAP=ncurses
- cd "$srcdir/$pkgbase"
- make "${_makeargs[@]}"
- # Go ahead and split the package now
- rm -rf "$srcdir/dest"
- # Put things in the main openrc package by default
- make DESTDIR="$srcdir/dest/openrc" "${_makeargs[@]}" install
- for file in \
- {usr,usr/lib/rc}/bin/shutdown \
- {usr,usr/lib/rc}/bin/reboot \
- {usr,usr/lib/rc}/bin/halt \
- {usr,usr/lib/rc}/bin/poweroff \
- usr/bin/openrc-shutdown \
- usr/bin/openrc-init \
- usr/bin/init \
- usr/share/man/man8/openrc-shutdown.8 \
- usr/share/man/man8/openrc-init.8
- do
- install -d -- "$srcdir/dest/openrc-init/${file%/*}"
- mv -T -- "$srcdir"/dest/{openrc,openrc-init}/"$file"
- done
- for file in etc/{init,conf}.d/{network,staticroute}; do
- install -d -- "$srcdir/dest/openrc-net/${file%/*}"
- mv -T -- "$srcdir"/dest/{openrc,openrc-net}/"$file"
- done
-package_openrc() {
- pkgdesc="A dependency based init system"
- groups=('base-openrc')
- depends=('psmisc' 'pam' 'openrc-pid1')
- optdepends=('openrc-net: OpenRC ("newnet") network management scripts'
- 'netifrc: Gentoo ("oldnet") network management scripts')
- backup=('etc/conf.d/agetty'
- 'etc/conf.d/bootmisc'
- 'etc/conf.d/consolefont'
- 'etc/conf.d/devfs'
- 'etc/conf.d/dmesg'
- 'etc/conf.d/fsck'
- 'etc/conf.d/hostname'
- 'etc/conf.d/hwclock'
- 'etc/conf.d/keymaps'
- 'etc/conf.d/killprocs'
- 'etc/conf.d/localmount'
- 'etc/conf.d/modules'
- 'etc/conf.d/mtab'
- 'etc/conf.d/net-online'
- 'etc/conf.d/netmount'
- 'etc/conf.d/swap'
- 'etc/conf.d/urandom'
- 'etc/logrotate.d/openrc'
- 'etc/pam.d/start-stop-daemon'
- 'etc/pam.d/supervise-daemon'
- 'etc/rc.conf')
- cp -rT -d --no-preserve=ownership,timestamp "$srcdir/dest/$pkgname" "$pkgdir"
- # Configuration
- sed -e 's/#unicode="NO"/unicode="YES"/' \
- -e 's/#rc_logger="NO"/rc_logger="YES"/' \
- -i "$pkgdir/etc/rc.conf"
- install -Dm644 "$srcdir/${pkgbase}.logrotate" "$pkgdir/etc/logrotate.d/${pkgbase}"
- # License
- install -Dm644 "$srcdir/$pkgbase/LICENSE" "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE"
-package_openrc-sysvinit() {
- pkgdesc="OpenRC support for using sysvinit as PID 1"
- depends=('openrc' 'sysvinit')
- provides=('openrc-pid1' 'initscripts')
- conflicts=('openrc-pid1' 'initscripts')
- backup=('etc/inittab')
- cd "$srcdir/$pkgbase"
- install -Dm644 LICENSE "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE"
- install -Dm644 support/sysvinit/inittab "$pkgdir/etc/inittab"
-package_openrc-init() {
- pkgdesc="OpenRC alternative to sysvinit"
- groups=('base-openrc')
- depends=('openrc')
- provides=('openrc-pid1' 'init')
- conflicts=('openrc-pid1' 'init')
- backup=('etc/conf.d/agetty'.tty{1..6})
- cp -rT -d --no-preserve=ownership,timestamp "$srcdir/dest/$pkgname" "$pkgdir"
- # Enable agetty.tty{1..6} by default
- install -d "$pkgdir"/etc/conf.d/ \
- "$pkgdir"/etc/init.d/ \
- "$pkgdir"/etc/runlevels/default/
- local num
- for num in {1..6}; do
- echo "# This file inherits from '/etc/conf.d/agetty'" > "$pkgdir/etc/conf.d/agetty.tty$num"
- ln -sT agetty "$pkgdir/etc/init.d/agetty.tty$num"
- ln -sT "/etc/init.d/agetty.tty$num" "$pkgdir/etc/runlevels/default/agetty.tty$num"
- done
- # License
- install -Dm644 "$srcdir/$pkgbase/LICENSE" "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE"
-package_openrc-net() {
- pkgdesc="OpenRC new-style networking"
- depends=('openrc')
- backup=('etc/conf.d/network'
- 'etc/conf.d/staticroute')
- cp -rT -d --no-preserve=ownership,timestamp "$srcdir/dest/$pkgname" "$pkgdir"
- # License
- install -Dm644 "$srcdir/$pkgbase/LICENSE" "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE"
diff --git a/pcr/openrc/openrc.logrotate b/pcr/openrc/openrc.logrotate
deleted file mode 100644
index a168f2361..000000000
--- a/pcr/openrc/openrc.logrotate
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-/var/log/rc.log {
- compress
- rotate 4
- weekly
- missingok
- notifempty