path: root/libre/icecat/PKGBUILD
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libre/icecat/PKGBUILD')
1 files changed, 165 insertions, 120 deletions
diff --git a/libre/icecat/PKGBUILD b/libre/icecat/PKGBUILD
index 2f7936603..eb7983dd3 100644
--- a/libre/icecat/PKGBUILD
+++ b/libre/icecat/PKGBUILD
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer (Arch): Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <>
+# Contributor (Arch): Ionut Biru <>
+# Contributor (Arch): Jakub Schmidtke <>
# Maintainer: Andreas Grapentin <>
# Contributor: André Silva <>
# Contributor: Márcio Silva <>
@@ -5,86 +9,127 @@
# Contributor: Luke Shumaker <>
# Contributor: fauno <>
# Contributor: vando <>
-# Contributor (Arch): Jakub Schmidtke <>
# Contributor: Figue <ffigue at gmail>
-# Thank you very much to the older contributors:
# Contributor: evr <evanroman at gmail>
# Contributor: Muhammad 'MJ' Jassim <>
+# parabola changes and rationale:
+# - based on the PKGBUILD of iceweasel, sans rebranding
-pkgdesc="GNU IceCat, the standalone web browser based on Mozilla Firefox."
-arch=(i686 x86_64 armv7h)
+pkgdesc="GNU Icecat - a libre standalone web browser based on Mozilla Firefox."
+arch=(x86_64 i686 armv7h)
license=(MPL GPL LGPL)
-depends=(alsa-lib dbus-glib desktop-file-utils ffmpeg gtk2 gtk3 hicolor-icon-theme hunspell libvpx libxt mime-types mozilla-common nss sqlite startup-notification ttf-font)
+depends=(gtk3 gtk2 mozilla-common libxt startup-notification mime-types dbus-glib ffmpeg
+ nss hunspell sqlite ttf-font libpulse libvpx icu)
depends_x86_64=("icu>=60" "icu<61")
depends_i686=("icu>=60" "icu<61")
depends_armv7h=("icu>=60" "icu<61")
-makedepends=(autoconf2.13 diffutils gconf imake inetutils libpulse mesa mozilla-searchplugins python2 unzip yasm zip)
-options=(!emptydirs !makeflags debug)
-if $_pgo; then
- makedepends+=(xorg-server-xvfb)
- options+=(!ccache)
+makedepends=(unzip zip diffutils python2 yasm mesa imake gconf inetutils xorg-server-xvfb
+ autoconf2.13 rust clang llvm jack mozilla-searchplugins)
optdepends=('networkmanager: Location detection via available WiFi networks'
'libnotify: Notification integration'
'upower: Battery API')
+options=(!emptydirs !makeflags !strip)
- mozconfig
- libre.patch
- gnu_headshadow.png
- $pkgname-install-dir.patch
- vendor.js
+ $pkgname-install-dir.patch no-crmf.diff
- mozilla-8904705.patch
- mozilla-8909448.patch
+ mozilla-8904705.patch mozilla-8909448.patch
- no-crmf.patch
- no-neon.patch)
+ gnu_headshadow.png
+ libre.patch)
- '04952e0910c7c0d24faaa1ffa486dc3dae9f2c52548ff977858bec08ccb400f3'
- '76a657a90371e637e7c4b371b71a15c85acafcece6277455e9ede84ffe104d3e'
- '93e3001ce152e1d142619e215a9ef07dd429943b99d21726c25da9ceb31e31cd'
- '977aa49b940f1da049cefa2878a63ac6669a78e63e9d55bb11db7b8f8fb64c33'
+ 'cf224d69e89f37f92202061669014b99fbf7b1fec38fd8ba9f957711fa095729'
- 'cf224d69e89f37f92202061669014b99fbf7b1fec38fd8ba9f957711fa095729'
- '6d0c1c9ca28b20d206ce24ca84f4d4e3f5d062a2e9cb7445fcb6c2cfea959b4a')
- 'A57369A8BABC2542B5A0368C3C76EED7D7E04784' # Ruben Rodriguez
+ '93e3001ce152e1d142619e215a9ef07dd429943b99d21726c25da9ceb31e31cd'
+ '76a657a90371e637e7c4b371b71a15c85acafcece6277455e9ede84ffe104d3e')
+validpgpkeys=('A57369A8BABC2542B5A0368C3C76EED7D7E04784') # Ruben Rodriguez
prepare() {
- export GNU_BUILD="gnuzilla-release"
+ mkdir path
+ ln -s /usr/bin/python2 path/python
+ cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-${pkgver%_*}"
+ patch -Np1 -i ../$pkgname-install-dir.patch
+ #
+ patch -Np1 -i ../no-crmf.diff
+ cat >.mozconfig <<END
+. \$topsrcdir/browser/config/mozconfig
+ac_add_options --prefix=/usr
+ac_add_options --enable-release
+ac_add_options --enable-gold
+ac_add_options --enable-pie
+ac_add_options --enable-optimize="-O2"
+ac_add_options --enable-default-toolkit=cairo-gtk3
+# Branding
+ac_add_options --enable-official-branding
+ac_add_options --with-app-basename=icecat
+ac_add_options --with-app-name=icecat
+ac_add_options --enable-update-channel=release
+ac_add_options --with-distribution-id=org.gnu
+# System libraries
+ac_add_options --with-system-zlib
+ac_add_options --with-system-bz2
+ac_add_options --with-system-icu
+ac_add_options --with-system-jpeg
+ac_add_options --with-system-libvpx
+ac_add_options --with-system-nspr
+ac_add_options --with-system-nss
+ac_add_options --enable-system-hunspell
+ac_add_options --enable-system-sqlite
+ac_add_options --enable-system-ffi
+# Features
+ac_add_options --enable-alsa
+ac_add_options --enable-startup-notification
+ac_add_options --disable-crashreporter
+ac_add_options --disable-updater
+ac_add_options --disable-safe-browsing
+ac_add_options --disable-url-classifier
+ac_add_options --disable-eme
- mv $pkgname-${pkgver%_*} "$srcdir/$GNU_BUILD"
- cd "$srcdir/$GNU_BUILD"
+ if [[ "$CARCH" == arm* ]]; then
+ sed -i \
+ -e '/enable-gold/s/^/#/' \
+ -e '/enable-pie/s/^/#/' \
+ -e '/enable-optimize/d' \
+ .mozconfig
+ cat >> .mozconfig << END
+ac_add_options --disable-webrtc
+ac_add_options --disable-elf-hack
+ac_add_options --enable-optimize="-g -O2 -fno-schedule-insns"
+ fi
# Put gnu_headshadow.png in the source code
install -m644 "$srcdir/gnu_headshadow.png" \
- # Install to /usr/lib/$pkgname
- patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir/$pkgname-install-dir.patch"
# Patch and remove anything that's left
patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir/libre.patch"
@@ -92,18 +137,6 @@ prepare() {
sed -i '\|abouthome/snippet|d
' browser/base/
- # Load our build config, disable SafeSearch
- cp "$srcdir/mozconfig" .mozconfig
- mkdir "$srcdir/path"
- # WebRTC build tries to execute "python" and expects Python 2
- ln -s /usr/bin/python2 "$srcdir/path/python"
- # Configure script misdetects the preprocessor without an optimization level
- #
- sed -i '/ac_cpp=/s/$CPPFLAGS/& -O2/' configure
# Fix tab loading icon (doesn't work with libpng 1.6)
cp "$srcdir/$pkgname-fixed-loading-icon.png" \
@@ -125,91 +158,103 @@ prepare() {
# Disable spoofSource referer since it breaks referer function used by some sites
patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir/disable-spoofSource-referer.patch"
- #
- patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir/no-crmf.patch"
- # ARM-specific changes:
- if [[ "$CARCH" == arm* ]]; then
- sed -i '/ac_add_options --enable-rust/d' .mozconfig
- echo "ac_add_options --disable-ion" >> .mozconfig
- echo "ac_add_options --disable-elf-hack" >> .mozconfig
- echo "ac_add_options --disable-webrtc" >> .mozconfig
- # Disable gold linker, reduce memory consumption at link time
- sed -i '/ac_add_options --enable-gold/d' .mozconfig
- LDFLAGS+=" -Wl,--no-keep-memory -Wl,--reduce-memory-overheads"
- echo "ac_add_options --disable-tests" >> .mozconfig
- echo "ac_add_options --disable-debug" >> .mozconfig
- echo "ac_add_options --disable-neon" >> .mozconfig
- patch -Np0 -i ../no-neon.patch
- fi
build() {
- export GNU_BUILD="gnuzilla-release"
- cd "$srcdir/$GNU_BUILD"
+ cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-${pkgver%_*}"
# _FORTIFY_SOURCE causes configure failures
- # Hardening
- LDFLAGS+=" -Wl,-z,now"
- # GCC 6
- CFLAGS+=" -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks -fno-lifetime-dse -fno-schedule-insns2"
- CXXFLAGS+=" -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks -fno-lifetime-dse -fno-schedule-insns2"
export PATH="$srcdir/path:$PATH"
- export PYTHON="/usr/bin/python2"
- if $_pgo; then
- # Do PGO
- xvfb-run -a -s "-extension GLX -screen 0 1280x1024x24" \
- make -f build MOZ_PGO=1
- else
- make -f build
- fi
+ # Do PGO
+ #xvfb-run -a -n 95 -s "-extension GLX -screen 0 1280x1024x24" \
+ # make -f build MOZ_PGO=1
+ make -f build
package() {
- export GNU_BUILD="gnuzilla-release"
- cd "$srcdir/$GNU_BUILD"
+ cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-${pkgver%_*}"
make -f DESTDIR="$pkgdir" INSTALL_SDK= install
- # fix permissions on extensions folders
- chmod 755 "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/$pkgname/browser/extensions/*/icons
+ _vendorjs="$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/browser/defaults/preferences/vendor.js"
+ install -Dm644 /dev/stdin "$_vendorjs" <<END
+// Use LANG environment variable to choose locale
+pref("intl.locale.matchOS", true);
- install -Dm644 ../vendor.js "$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/browser/defaults/preferences/vendor.js"
+// Disable default browser checking.
+pref("", false);
+// Don't disable our bundled extensions in the application directory
+pref("extensions.autoDisableScopes", 11);
+pref("extensions.shownSelectionUI", true);
+// Disable "alt" as a shortcut key to open full menu bar. Conflicts with "alt" as a modifier
+pref("ui.key.menuAccessKeyFocuses", false);
+// Make sure that Firefox Social stuff are empty
+pref("social.whitelist", "");
+pref("social.directories", "");
+// Disable the GeoLocation API for content
+pref("geo.enabled", false);
+// Make sure that the request URL of the GeoLocation backend is empty
+pref("geo.wifi.uri", "");
+// Disable the least secure encryption protocols
+pref("security.ssl3.ecdhe_ecdsa_rc4_128_sha", false);
+pref("security.ssl3.ecdhe_rsa_rc4_128_sha", false);
+pref("security.ssl3.rsa_rc4_128_md5", false);
+pref("security.ssl3.rsa_rc4_128_sha", false);
+ _distini="$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/distribution/distribution.ini"
+ install -Dm644 /dev/stdin "$_distini" <<END
+about=Icecat for Parabola GNU/Linux-libre
- brandingdir=browser/branding/official
- icondir="$pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor"
for i in 16 22 24 32 48 256; do
- install -Dm644 "$brandingdir/default$i.png" \
- "$icondir/${i}x${i}/apps/$pkgname.png"
+ install -Dm644 "browser/branding/official/default$i.png" \
+ "$pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${i}x${i}/apps/$pkgname.png"
- install -Dm644 "$brandingdir/content/icon64.png" \
- "$icondir/64x64/apps/$pkgname.png"
- install -Dm644 "$brandingdir/mozicon128.png" \
- "$icondir/128x128/apps/$pkgname.png"
- install -Dm644 "$brandingdir/content/about-logo.png" \
- "$icondir/192x192/apps/$pkgname.png"
- install -Dm644 "$brandingdir/content/about-logo@2x.png" \
- "$icondir/384x384/apps/$pkgname.png"
- install -d "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications"
- install -m644 "$srcdir/$pkgname.desktop" \
- "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications"
+ install -Dm644 "browser/branding/official/content/icon64.png" \
+ "$pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/$pkgname.png"
+ install -Dm644 "browser/branding/official/mozicon128.png" \
+ "$pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/$pkgname.png"
+ install -Dm644 "browser/branding/official/content/about-logo.png" \
+ "$pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/192x192/apps/$pkgname.png"
+ install -Dm644 "browser/branding/official/content/about-logo@2x.png" \
+ "$pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/384x384/apps/$pkgname.png"
+ install -Dm644 ../$pkgname.desktop \
+ "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/$pkgname.desktop"
+ # fix permissions on extensions folders
+ chmod 755 "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/$pkgname/browser/extensions/*/icons
# Use system-provided dictionaries
- rm -rf "$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/"{dictionaries,hyphenation}
- ln -s /usr/share/hunspell "$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/dictionaries"
- ln -s /usr/share/hyphen "$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/hyphenation"
+ rm -r "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/$pkgname/dictionaries
+ ln -Ts /usr/share/hunspell "$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/dictionaries"
+ ln -Ts /usr/share/hyphen "$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/hyphenation"
+ # Install a wrapper to avoid confusion about binary path
+ install -Dm755 /dev/stdin "$pkgdir/usr/bin/$pkgname" <<END
+exec /usr/lib/$pkgname/$pkgname "\$@"
- # Replace duplicate binary with symlink
+ # Replace duplicate binary with wrapper
- ln -sf $pkgname "$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/$pkgname-bin"
+ ln -srf "$pkgdir/usr/bin/$pkgname" \
+ "$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/$pkgname-bin"