path: root/pcr/i2p/
diff options
authorGaming4JC <>2017-03-04 08:49:53 -0500
committerGaming4JC <>2017-03-04 08:49:53 -0500
commit0252d3f29a493d834121df40f2e16298e20f949e (patch)
tree20bdffa7f41db69895d93671fe6fde02e71fe15c /pcr/i2p/
parentd2a10d19460a35fbe7f75dc408791dbbfe7edc6d (diff)
add i2p to pcr
Diffstat (limited to 'pcr/i2p/')
1 files changed, 192 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pcr/i2p/ b/pcr/i2p/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1af0a35b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pcr/i2p/
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+fail() {
+ printf "\e[1;31m>>> ERROR:\033[0m %s\n" "$*"
+ exit 1
+debug() {
+ printf "\e[1;33m>>> DEBUG:\033[0m %s\n" "$*"
+check_user() {
+ if [[ "$(id -un)" != "$I2P_USER" ]]; then
+ #debug "current user: $(id -un) dropping to user: $I2P_USER"
+ if [[ ! -d "$PIDDIR" ]]; then
+ mkdir -p "$PIDDIR"
+ chown ${I2P_USER}:${I2P_USER} "$PIDDIR"
+ fi
+ SCRIPT_PATH="$(cd $(dirname $0) && pwd)/$(basename $0)"
+ su - "$I2P_USER" -c "${SCRIPT_PATH} $@"
+ exit $?
+ fi
+init_vars() {
+ [[ ! -r "$WRAPPER_CONF" ]] &&
+ fail "Unable to read \$WRAPPER_CONF: ${WRAPPER_CONF}"
+ [[ ! -x "$WRAPPER_CMD" ]] &&
+ fail "Unable to find or execute \$WRAPPER_CMD: ${WRAPPER_CMD}"
+ [[ ! $(grep -E ^I2P_USER $0) && "$EUID" = "0" ]] &&
+ fail "Attempting to start as root! Please edit $(basename $0) and set the variable \$I2P_USER"
+ [[ "$(id -un "$I2P_USER")" != "$I2P_USER" ]] &&
+ fail "\$I2P_USER does not exist: $I2P_USER"
+ COMMAND_LINE="\"$WRAPPER_CMD\" \"$WRAPPER_CONF\" wrapper.syslog.ident=\"i2prouter\"\"i2prouter\""
+get_wrapper_pid() {
+ pgrep -u "$I2P_USER" -f ''
+get_pid() {
+ pgrep -u "$I2P_USER" -f 'jar'
+check_if_running() {
+ unset pid
+ if [[ -f "$PIDFILE" ]]; then
+ if [[ -r "$PIDFILE" ]]; then
+ pid=$(cat "$PIDFILE")
+ #debug "pid:$pid get_pid:$(get_pid)"
+ if [[ ! "$pid" ]]; then
+ pid=$(get_pid)
+ if [[ ! "$pid" ]]; then
+ echo "Removing stale pid file: $PIDFILE"
+ rm -f "$PIDFILE"
+ fi
+ else
+ [[ "$pid" != "$(get_pid)" ]] &&
+ fail "\$PIDFILE $PIDFILE differs from what is actually running!"
+ fi
+ else
+ fail "Cannot read \$PIDFILE: $PIDFILE"
+ fi
+ fi
+_console() {
+ if [[ ! "$pid" ]]; then
+ trap '' INT QUIT
+ [[ $? != 0 ]] && fail "Failed to launch the wrapper!"
+ else
+ echo "I2P Service is already running"
+ fi
+_start() {
+ if [[ ! "$pid" ]]; then
+ echo -n "Starting I2P Service"
+ COMMAND_LINE+=" wrapper.daemonize=TRUE"
+ [[ $? != 0 ]] && fail "Failed to launch the wrapper!"
+ i=0
+ while [[ ! "$pid" || $i < $TIMEOUT ]]; do
+ echo -n "."
+ sleep 1
+ check_if_running
+ ((i++))
+ done
+ [[ $(get_pid) ]] &&
+ echo " done (pid $pid)" || fail "timeout: Failed to start wrapper!"
+ else
+ echo "I2P Service is already running"
+ fi
+_restart() {
+ [[ "$pid" ]] &&
+ kill -USR1 $(get_wrapper_pid) || echo "I2P Service is not running"
+_stop() {
+ if [[ "$pid" ]]; then
+ echo -n "Stopping I2P Service"
+ kill -TERM "$pid"
+ [[ $? != 0 ]] && fail "Unable to stop I2P Service: kill -TERM $pid"
+ i=0
+ while [[ "$pid" || $i > $TIMEOUT ]]; do
+ echo -n "."
+ sleep 1
+ [[ ! $(get_pid) ]] && unset pid
+ ((i++))
+ done
+ if [[ "$pid" ]]; then
+ fail "timeout: Failed to stop wrapper! (pid: $pid)"
+ else
+ echo " done"
+ [[ "$1" = 'start' ]] && _start
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "I2P Service is not running."
+ fi
+_graceful() {
+ if [[ "$pid" ]]; then
+ echo "Stopping I2P Service gracefully..."
+ kill -HUP "$pid"
+ [[ $? != 0 ]] && fail "Unable to stop I2P Service."
+ else
+ echo "I2P Service is not running."
+ fi
+_status() {
+ [[ "$pid" ]] &&
+ echo "I2P Service is running: PID:$pid" || echo "I2P Service is not running."
+_dump() {
+ if [[ "$pid" ]]; then
+ echo "Dumping threads..."
+ kill -QUIT "$pid"
+ [[ $? != 0 ]] &&
+ fail "Failed to dump threads" || echo "Thread Dump is available in wrapper.log"
+ else
+ echo "I2P Service is not running."
+ fi
+check_user "$@"
+case "$1" in
+ 'console') _console
+ ;;
+ 'start') _start
+ ;;
+ 'stop') _stop
+ ;;
+ 'graceful') _graceful
+ ;;
+ 'restart') _restart
+ ;;
+ 'status') _status
+ ;;
+ 'dump') _dump
+ ;;
+ *) echo "Usage: $(basename $0) [command]"
+ echo
+ echo "Commands:"
+ echo " console Launch in the current console"
+ echo " start Start in the background as a daemon process"
+ echo " stop Stop if running as a daemon or in another console"
+ echo " graceful Stop gracefully, may take up to 11 minutes for all tunnels to close"
+ echo " restart Restart the JVM"
+ echo " status Query the current status"
+ echo " dump Request a Java thread dump if running"
+ echo
+ ;;
+exit 0