path: root/libre/foomatic/PKGBUILD
diff options
authorAndré Fabian Silva Delgado <andre@pc-01.localdomain>2012-05-19 13:49:10 -0300
committerAndré Fabian Silva Delgado <andre@pc-01.localdomain>2012-05-19 13:49:10 -0300
commitba8c82851a5db540abd8cda4e644fcba34205113 (patch)
tree1cc6d26b01e170d833497b8bfb8c6eac1d2d8f22 /libre/foomatic/PKGBUILD
parent9867794d2edcb23d24ebfc271b045f652bd29c2c (diff)
deleting foomatic pkgbuild due that now we have a pkgbuild to compile only foomatic-filters-libre for foomatic base
Diffstat (limited to 'libre/foomatic/PKGBUILD')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/libre/foomatic/PKGBUILD b/libre/foomatic/PKGBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 5446bb579..000000000
--- a/libre/foomatic/PKGBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: PKGBUILD 155771 2012-04-06 10:09:10Z andyrtr $
-# Maintainer: Andreas Radke <>
-pkgname=('foomatic-db' 'foomatic-filters-libre' 'foomatic-db-engine')
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64' 'mips64el') # needs to be changed in the subpackages when makepkg will support it
-makedepends=('cups' 'perl' 'libxml2' 'enscript' 'perl' 'net-snmp' 'bash')
-#_url= # switch after build
- ${_url}/$pkgbase-db-engine-${_enginever}.tar.gz
- ${_url}/$pkgbase-db-4.0-${_snapdate}.tar.gz)
-mksource() {
- if [ ! -d ${pkgbase}-filters-libre-${_filtersver}/ ]; then
- wget -O -${_filtersver}.tar.gz | \
- bsdtar xzf -
- mv ${pkgbase}-filters{,-libre}-${_filtersver}/
- fi
- rm -rfv ${pkgbase}-filters-libre-${_filtersver}/test/{lsbfuncs,shfuncs,tcm,tetapi}.sh
- bsdtar cvzf ${pkgbase}-filters-libre-${_filtersver}.tar.gz ${pkgbase}-filters-libre-${_filtersver}/
-package_foomatic-db() {
- pkgdesc="Foomatic - The collected knowledge about printers, drivers, and driver options in XML files, used by foomatic-db-engine to generate PPD files."
-# arch=('any')
- license=('GPL' 'custom')
- depends=('perl' 'libxml2')
- replaces=('foomatic-db-ppd' 'foomatic-db-hpijs')
- conflicts=('foomatic-db-ppd' 'foomatic-db-hpijs')
- provides=('foomatic-db-hpijs')
- cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${_snapdate}
- ./configure --prefix=/usr
- make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install
- install -v -Dm644 ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${_snapdate}/COPYING ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/COPYING
-package_foomatic-filters-libre() {
- pkgdesc="Foomatic - Filter scripts used by the printer spoolers to convert the incoming PostScript data into the printer's native format."
-# arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
- license=('GPL')
- backup=(etc/foomatic/filter.conf)
- depends=('glibc')
- provides=("foomatic-filters=${pkgver}")
- replaces=('foomatic-filters')
- conflicts=('foomatic-filters')
- optdepends=('perl: for the "beh" Backend End Handler used by cups'
- 'net-snmp: certain (mostly HP) printers need it to work')
- cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${_filtersver}
- ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc
- make
- make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install
-package_foomatic-db-engine() {
- pkgdesc="Foomatic - Foomatic's database engine generates PPD files from the data in Foomatic's XML database. It also contains scripts to directly generate print queues and handle jobs."
-# arch=(i686 x86_64)
- license=('GPL')
- depends=('perl' 'libxml2' 'foomatic-filters' 'bash')
- cd ${srcdir}/foomatic-db-engine-${_enginever}
- ./configure --prefix=/usr
- make
- eval `perl -V:archname`
- make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} \
- INSTALLARCHLIB=/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/ \
- INSTALLSITELIB=/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/ \
- INSTALLSITEARCH=/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/ install
- /usr/bin/find ${pkgdir} -name '.packlist' -delete
- # fix permissions
- chmod 755 ${pkgdir}/usr/lib{,/perl5,/perl5/vendor_perl}
- '5283cd5125a96dc0b35d896326512b1a'
- 'ccb72c201e14bfc5eb23ea839ecc0623')