diff options
authorDavid P <>2022-01-05 15:12:18 -0500
committerDavid P <>2022-01-05 15:12:18 -0500
commit13571a574374ecdc1e0aa9c5f19e1a36f6ef02d1 (patch)
parent5a46532946760ffb7b836da1f4b5e32421b77e0e (diff)
updpkg: libre/nextcloud-client 2:3.4.1-1.parabola1
Signed-off-by: David P <>
5 files changed, 81 insertions, 429 deletions
diff --git a/libre/nextcloud-client/Nextcloud.conf b/libre/nextcloud-client/Nextcloud.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 232a67665..000000000
--- a/libre/nextcloud-client/Nextcloud.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/libre/nextcloud-client/PKGBUILD b/libre/nextcloud-client/PKGBUILD
index 9afa9b0fb..36df69a52 100644
--- a/libre/nextcloud-client/PKGBUILD
+++ b/libre/nextcloud-client/PKGBUILD
@@ -1,101 +1,112 @@
# Maintainer (Arch): Chih-Hsuan Yen <>
# Contributor (Arch): Tyler Dence <>
# Contributor (Arch): Konstantin Shalygin <>
-# Contributor: Theo von Arx <>
+# Maintainer: David P. <>
# parabola changes and rationale:
-# - removed qt5-webengine dependency
+# - removed qt5-webengine dependency
+# - no changes necessary - simply rebuild without qt5-webengine in the environment
+# Put config files for libcloudproviders integration in a separate package as
+# there is no simple way yet to disable it.
+# See:
+pkgname=(nextcloud-client nextcloud-client-cloudproviders)
+# Upstream does not provide signed tarballs (yet)
+# `git rev-parse v$pkgver`
-pkgdesc='Nextcloud desktop client'
-pkgdesc+=', without nonfree qt5-webengine dependency'
arch+=(i686 armv7h)
-depends=(openssl sqlite qtkeychain qt5-svg xdg-utils libcloudproviders)
-makedepends=(doxygen extra-cmake-modules kio python-sphinx qt5-tools git cmocka)
- 'kio: integration with Dolphin'
- 'nemo-python: integration with Nemo'
- 'python-nautilus: integration with Nautilus'
- 'python2-caja: integration with Caja'
- issue1458-workaround.patch::
- issue1458-2.patch::
- $pkgname-fix-build.diff
- Nextcloud.conf)
+makedepends=(libcloudproviders openssl sqlite
+ qt5-quickcontrols2 qt5-svg qt5-tools qt5-websockets qtkeychain-qt5
+ extra-cmake-modules kio
+ cmocka doxygen git inkscape python-sphinx)
+ fix-translations.patch)
A26B951528EA1BA1678C7AE5D406C75CEE1A36D6 # one of keys controlled by
42E775EAA3E47F9E0D5CDB0E00819E3BF4177B28 # controlled by
+ 17166A5275C5FA6F1A48FD78074BBBCB8DECC9E2 #
+ 01D736173523DFC7A7B55258C2FBEF0E1C7E72D0 #
+ 267BF70F7905C2723B0243267D0F74F05C22F553 #
+ 3A877D9A896A057948059DEDAD2C27357B2CB11D #
- '07cd68f54c004175b4a09cce25830a357d0ebaafaf4e4cabfb8b0d4deeded2f3'
- '157c87a789219a3442ca5947c48dcd1ef3898612ff32070bf8842a42bfbe857a'
- '8b257a0554ceb54a7ed320dbfa3becb97d6845338e28a8aa0a4f6239f3141645'
- '5f51e41ef01d4e5b88a4735531105b84b4fb5317adc2a2996117c03fe5a44fc7')
- 'etc/Nextcloud/Nextcloud.conf')
+ 'd112358031ddf79c08acde1f1b5e39aad9e3ee84ba161817d4f6e0259f9a5832')
+pkgver() {
+ cd $pkgbase
+ git describe --tags | sed 's/^v//;s/-/+/g'
prepare() {
# tmpdir for check()
- mkdir tmpdir $pkgname/build
- # Use system GNUInstallDirs.cmake so that we can benefit from
- #
- rm -v $pkgname/cmake/modules/GNUInstallDirs.cmake
+ mkdir tmpdir
- cd $pkgname
- patch -Np1 -i ../issue1458-workaround.patch
- patch -Np1 -i ../issue1458-2.patch
- #
- # "Rename owncloud tests to nextcloud" - actually breaks building of tests
- patch -Np1 -i ../$pkgname-fix-build.diff
- # Remove qt5-webengine dependency
- patch -Np1 -i ../remove-qtwebengine.patch
+ patch -d $pkgbase -p1 < fix-translations.patch # Fix loading translations
build() {
- cd $pkgname/build
+ cd $pkgbase
# bundled breakpad in libcrashreporter-qt submodule is too old and does not build with glibc >= 2.26
# Upstream fix:
- cmake \
+ cmake -B build -S . \
- ..
+ -DPLUGINDIR=lib/qt/plugins # Fix vfs plugin install dir
- make
# TODO: fix installation of PDF and HTML documents
# WIP at
- make doc-man
+ make -C build all doc-man
check() {
- cd $pkgname/build
+ cd $pkgbase/build
# Tests fail if $TMPDIR is too small; specify an alternative for machines
# with a small /tmp partition.
- TMPDIR="$srcdir/tmpdir" make test ARGS="-V"
+ # Use UTC as TestCookies is sensitive to the timezone
+ #
+ QT_QPA_PLATFORM=offscreen TMPDIR="$srcdir/tmpdir" TZ=UTC ARGS="--rerun-failed --output-on-failure" make test
-package() {
- cd $pkgname/build
+package_nextcloud-client() {
+ pkgdesc='Nextcloud desktop client'
+ pkgdesc+=', without nonfree qt5-webengine dependency'
+ depends=(openssl sqlite qtkeychain-qt5 qt5-svg qt5-websockets xdg-utils libcloudproviders
+ qt5-graphicaleffects qt5-quickcontrols2)
+ optdepends=(
+ 'kio: integration with Dolphin'
+ 'nemo-python: integration with Nemo'
+ 'python-nautilus: integration with Nautilus'
+ 'python-caja: integration with Caja'
+ 'nextcloud-client-cloudproviders: cloudproviders support'
+ )
+ backup=('etc/Nextcloud/sync-exclude.lst')
+ cd $pkgbase/build
make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
- # Disables built-in update checker
- install -Dm644 "$srcdir/Nextcloud.conf" -t "$pkgdir"/etc/Nextcloud
+ rm -v "$pkgdir"/usr/share/cloud-providers/com.nextcloudgmbh.Nextcloud.ini
+ rm -v "$pkgdir"/usr/share/dbus-1/services/com.nextcloudgmbh.Nextcloud.service
+ cd "$pkgdir"/usr/share && rmdir -p cloud-providers dbus-1/services
+package_nextcloud-client-cloudproviders() {
+ pkgdesc='cloudproviders support for the Nextcloud desktop client'
+ depends=(nextcloud-client)
+ cd $pkgbase/build
+ make -C shell_integration/libcloudproviders DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
diff --git a/libre/nextcloud-client/fix-translations.patch b/libre/nextcloud-client/fix-translations.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e7472bef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libre/nextcloud-client/fix-translations.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
+index ec65cd595..930e5a9e7 100644
+--- a/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ endif()
+ message(STATUS "GIT_SHA1 ${GIT_SHA1}")
+ # Build MacOS app bundle if wished
diff --git a/libre/nextcloud-client/nextcloud-client-fix-build.diff b/libre/nextcloud-client/nextcloud-client-fix-build.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 40e6f361f..000000000
--- a/libre/nextcloud-client/nextcloud-client-fix-build.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/test/testnextcloudpropagator.cpp b/test/testnextcloudpropagator.cpp
-index 6ad1a6b37..dc2e476ad 100644
---- a/test/testnextcloudpropagator.cpp
-+++ b/test/testnextcloudpropagator.cpp
-@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
- #include <QDebug>
- #include "propagatedownload.h"
--#include "nextcloudpropagator_p.h"
-+#include "owncloudpropagator_p.h"
- using namespace OCC;
- namespace OCC {
diff --git a/libre/nextcloud-client/remove-qtwebengine.patch b/libre/nextcloud-client/remove-qtwebengine.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a480f4ad4..000000000
--- a/libre/nextcloud-client/remove-qtwebengine.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
-index 9f854b006..6f3546353 100644
---- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ endif()
--find_package(Qt5 5.6 COMPONENTS Core Network Xml Concurrent WebEngineWidgets WebEngine REQUIRED)
-+find_package(Qt5 5.6 COMPONENTS Core Network Xml Concurrent REQUIRED)
- if (Qt5Core_VERSION VERSION_LESS 5.9.0)
- message(STATUS "For HTTP/2 support, compile with Qt 5.9 or higher.")
- endif()
-diff --git a/src/gui/CMakeLists.txt b/src/gui/CMakeLists.txt
-index 285057992..8e61531bd 100644
---- a/src/gui/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ b/src/gui/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -35,14 +35,12 @@ set(client_UI_SRCS
- addcertificatedialog.ui
- proxyauthdialog.ui
- mnemonicdialog.ui
-- wizard/flow2authwidget.ui
- wizard/owncloudadvancedsetuppage.ui
- wizard/owncloudconnectionmethoddialog.ui
- wizard/owncloudhttpcredspage.ui
- wizard/owncloudoauthcredspage.ui
- wizard/owncloudsetupnocredspage.ui
- wizard/owncloudwizardresultpage.ui
-- wizard/webview.ui
- )
- set(client_SRCS
-@@ -108,24 +106,17 @@ set(client_SRCS
- creds/credentialsfactory.cpp
- creds/httpcredentialsgui.cpp
- creds/oauth.cpp
-- creds/flow2auth.cpp
- creds/keychainchunk.cpp
-- creds/webflowcredentials.cpp
-- creds/webflowcredentialsdialog.cpp
- wizard/postfixlineedit.cpp
- wizard/abstractcredswizardpage.cpp
- wizard/owncloudadvancedsetuppage.cpp
- wizard/owncloudconnectionmethoddialog.cpp
- wizard/owncloudhttpcredspage.cpp
- wizard/owncloudoauthcredspage.cpp
-- wizard/flow2authcredspage.cpp
-- wizard/flow2authwidget.cpp
- wizard/owncloudsetuppage.cpp
- wizard/owncloudwizardcommon.cpp
- wizard/owncloudwizard.cpp
- wizard/owncloudwizardresultpage.cpp
-- wizard/webviewpage.cpp
-- wizard/webview.cpp
- wizard/slideshow.cpp
- )
-@@ -298,7 +289,7 @@ else()
- endif()
- add_library(updater STATIC ${updater_SRCS})
--target_link_libraries(updater ${synclib_NAME} Qt5::Widgets Qt5::Network Qt5::Xml Qt5::WebEngineWidgets)
-+target_link_libraries(updater ${synclib_NAME} Qt5::Widgets Qt5::Network Qt5::Xml)
- target_include_directories(updater PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
-diff --git a/src/gui/accountmanager.cpp b/src/gui/accountmanager.cpp
-index eec375180..c8ae72bda 100644
---- a/src/gui/accountmanager.cpp
-+++ b/src/gui/accountmanager.cpp
-@@ -253,20 +253,6 @@ AccountPtr AccountManager::loadAccountHelper(QSettings &settings)
- acc->setUrl(urlConfig.toUrl());
- }
-- // Migrate to webflow
-- if (authType == QLatin1String("http")) {
-- authType = "webflow";
-- settings.setValue(QLatin1String(authTypeC), authType);
-- foreach(QString key, settings.childKeys()) {
-- if (!key.startsWith("http_"))
-- continue;
-- auto newkey = QString::fromLatin1("webflow_").append(key.mid(5));
-- settings.setValue(newkey, settings.value((key)));
-- settings.remove(key);
-- }
-- }
- qCInfo(lcAccountManager) << "Account for" << acc->url() << "using auth type" << authType;
- acc->_serverVersion = settings.value(QLatin1String(serverVersionC)).toString();
-diff --git a/src/gui/creds/credentialsfactory.cpp b/src/gui/creds/credentialsfactory.cpp
-index 6062f70eb..52e003b57 100644
---- a/src/gui/creds/credentialsfactory.cpp
-+++ b/src/gui/creds/credentialsfactory.cpp
-@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
- #include "creds/shibbolethcredentials.h"
- #endif
--#include "creds/webflowcredentials.h"
- namespace OCC {
-@@ -40,8 +39,6 @@ namespace CredentialsFactory {
- } else if (type == "shibboleth") {
- return new ShibbolethCredentials;
- #endif
-- } else if (type == "webflow") {
-- return new WebFlowCredentials;
- } else {
- qCWarning(lcGuiCredentials, "Unknown credentials type: %s", qPrintable(type));
- return new DummyCredentials;
-diff --git a/src/gui/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp b/src/gui/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp
-index 875dacf55..65dea6619 100644
---- a/src/gui/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp
-+++ b/src/gui/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp
-@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ void OwncloudSetupWizard::slotAuthError()
- // bring wizard to top
- _ocWizard->bringToTop();
-- if (_ocWizard->currentId() == WizardCommon::Page_ShibbolethCreds || _ocWizard->currentId() == WizardCommon::Page_OAuthCreds || _ocWizard->currentId() == WizardCommon::Page_Flow2AuthCreds) {
-+ if (_ocWizard->currentId() == WizardCommon::Page_ShibbolethCreds || _ocWizard->currentId() == WizardCommon::Page_OAuthCreds) {
- _ocWizard->back();
- }
- _ocWizard->displayError(errorMsg, _ocWizard->currentId() == WizardCommon::Page_ServerSetup && checkDowngradeAdvised(reply));
-diff --git a/src/gui/wizard/owncloudsetuppage.cpp b/src/gui/wizard/owncloudsetuppage.cpp
-index 9a6ced74b..101b5dae5 100644
---- a/src/gui/wizard/owncloudsetuppage.cpp
-+++ b/src/gui/wizard/owncloudsetuppage.cpp
-@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ void OwncloudSetupPage::slotLogin()
- void OwncloudSetupPage::slotGotoProviderList()
- {
- _ocWizard->setRegistration(true);
-- _ocWizard->setAuthType(DetermineAuthTypeJob::AuthType::WebViewFlow);
-+ _ocWizard->setAuthType(DetermineAuthTypeJob::AuthType::OAuth);
- _authTypeKnown = true;
- _checking = false;
- emit completeChanged();
-@@ -259,12 +259,8 @@ int OwncloudSetupPage::nextId() const
- return WizardCommon::Page_HttpCreds;
- case DetermineAuthTypeJob::OAuth:
- return WizardCommon::Page_OAuthCreds;
-- case DetermineAuthTypeJob::LoginFlowV2:
-- return WizardCommon::Page_Flow2AuthCreds;
- case DetermineAuthTypeJob::Shibboleth:
- return WizardCommon::Page_ShibbolethCreds;
-- case DetermineAuthTypeJob::WebViewFlow:
-- return WizardCommon::Page_WebView;
- }
- return WizardCommon::Page_HttpCreds;
- }
-diff --git a/src/gui/wizard/owncloudwizard.cpp b/src/gui/wizard/owncloudwizard.cpp
-index 2076136ff..5f3480340 100644
---- a/src/gui/wizard/owncloudwizard.cpp
-+++ b/src/gui/wizard/owncloudwizard.cpp
-@@ -27,8 +27,6 @@
- #endif
- #include "wizard/owncloudadvancedsetuppage.h"
- #include "wizard/owncloudwizardresultpage.h"
--#include "wizard/webviewpage.h"
--#include "wizard/flow2authcredspage.h"
- #include "QProgressIndicator.h"
-@@ -47,14 +45,12 @@ OwncloudWizard::OwncloudWizard(QWidget *parent)
- , _setupPage(new OwncloudSetupPage(this))
- , _httpCredsPage(new OwncloudHttpCredsPage(this))
- , _browserCredsPage(new OwncloudOAuthCredsPage)
-- , _flow2CredsPage(new Flow2AuthCredsPage)
- , _shibbolethCredsPage(new OwncloudShibbolethCredsPage)
- #endif
- , _advancedSetupPage(new OwncloudAdvancedSetupPage)
- , _resultPage(new OwncloudWizardResultPage)
- , _credentialsPage(nullptr)
-- , _webViewPage(new WebViewPage(this))
- , _setupLog()
- , _registration(false)
- {
-@@ -62,13 +58,11 @@ OwncloudWizard::OwncloudWizard(QWidget *parent)
- setPage(WizardCommon::Page_ServerSetup, _setupPage);
- setPage(WizardCommon::Page_HttpCreds, _httpCredsPage);
- setPage(WizardCommon::Page_OAuthCreds, _browserCredsPage);
-- setPage(WizardCommon::Page_Flow2AuthCreds, _flow2CredsPage);
- setPage(WizardCommon::Page_ShibbolethCreds, _shibbolethCredsPage);
- #endif
- setPage(WizardCommon::Page_AdvancedSetup, _advancedSetupPage);
- setPage(WizardCommon::Page_Result, _resultPage);
-- setPage(WizardCommon::Page_WebView, _webViewPage);
- connect(this, &QDialog::finished, this, &OwncloudWizard::basicSetupFinished);
-@@ -80,11 +74,9 @@ OwncloudWizard::OwncloudWizard(QWidget *parent)
- connect(_setupPage, &OwncloudSetupPage::determineAuthType, this, &OwncloudWizard::determineAuthType);
- connect(_httpCredsPage, &OwncloudHttpCredsPage::connectToOCUrl, this, &OwncloudWizard::connectToOCUrl);
- connect(_browserCredsPage, &OwncloudOAuthCredsPage::connectToOCUrl, this, &OwncloudWizard::connectToOCUrl);
-- connect(_flow2CredsPage, &Flow2AuthCredsPage::connectToOCUrl, this, &OwncloudWizard::connectToOCUrl);
- connect(_shibbolethCredsPage, &OwncloudShibbolethCredsPage::connectToOCUrl, this, &OwncloudWizard::connectToOCUrl);
- #endif
-- connect(_webViewPage, &WebViewPage::connectToOCUrl, this, &OwncloudWizard::connectToOCUrl);
- connect(_advancedSetupPage, &OwncloudAdvancedSetupPage::createLocalAndRemoteFolders,
- this, &OwncloudWizard::createLocalAndRemoteFolders);
- connect(this, &QWizard::customButtonClicked, this, &OwncloudWizard::skipFolderConfiguration);
-@@ -103,15 +95,6 @@ OwncloudWizard::OwncloudWizard(QWidget *parent)
- setButtonText(QWizard::CustomButton1, tr("Skip folders configuration"));
-- // Connect styleChanged events to our widgets, so they can adapt (Dark-/Light-Mode switching)
-- connect(this, &OwncloudWizard::styleChanged, _setupPage, &OwncloudSetupPage::slotStyleChanged);
-- connect(this, &OwncloudWizard::styleChanged, _advancedSetupPage, &OwncloudAdvancedSetupPage::slotStyleChanged);
-- connect(this, &OwncloudWizard::styleChanged, _flow2CredsPage, &Flow2AuthCredsPage::slotStyleChanged);
-- customizeStyle();
-- // allow Flow2 page to poll on window activation
-- connect(this, &OwncloudWizard::onActivate, _flow2CredsPage, &Flow2AuthCredsPage::slotPollNow);
- }
- void OwncloudWizard::setAccount(AccountPtr account)
-@@ -180,20 +163,12 @@ void OwncloudWizard::successfulStep()
- _browserCredsPage->setConnected();
- break;
-- case WizardCommon::Page_Flow2AuthCreds:
-- _flow2CredsPage->setConnected();
-- break;
- case WizardCommon::Page_ShibbolethCreds:
- _shibbolethCredsPage->setConnected();
- break;
- #endif
-- case WizardCommon::Page_WebView:
-- _webViewPage->setConnected();
-- break;
- case WizardCommon::Page_AdvancedSetup:
- _advancedSetupPage->directoriesCreated();
- break;
-@@ -217,10 +192,6 @@ void OwncloudWizard::setAuthType(DetermineAuthTypeJob::AuthType type)
- #endif
- if (type == DetermineAuthTypeJob::OAuth) {
- _credentialsPage = _browserCredsPage;
-- } else if (type == DetermineAuthTypeJob::LoginFlowV2) {
-- _credentialsPage = _flow2CredsPage;
-- } else if (type == DetermineAuthTypeJob::WebViewFlow) {
-- _credentialsPage = _webViewPage;
- } else { // try Basic auth even for "Unknown"
- _credentialsPage = _httpCredsPage;
- }
-@@ -245,7 +216,7 @@ void OwncloudWizard::slotCurrentPageChanged(int id)
- }
- setOption(QWizard::HaveCustomButton1, id == WizardCommon::Page_AdvancedSetup);
-- if (id == WizardCommon::Page_AdvancedSetup && (_credentialsPage == _browserCredsPage || _credentialsPage == _flow2CredsPage)) {
-+ if (id == WizardCommon::Page_AdvancedSetup) {
- // For OAuth, disable the back button in the Page_AdvancedSetup because we don't want
- // to re-open the browser.
- button(QWizard::BackButton)->setEnabled(false);
-diff --git a/src/gui/wizard/owncloudwizard.h b/src/gui/wizard/owncloudwizard.h
-index 3cbf89f71..2eecbf95a 100644
---- a/src/gui/wizard/owncloudwizard.h
-+++ b/src/gui/wizard/owncloudwizard.h
-@@ -39,8 +39,6 @@ class OwncloudAdvancedSetupPage;
- class OwncloudWizardResultPage;
- class AbstractCredentials;
- class AbstractCredentialsWizardPage;
--class WebViewPage;
--class Flow2AuthCredsPage;
- /**
- * @brief The OwncloudWizard class
-@@ -114,11 +112,9 @@ private:
- OwncloudShibbolethCredsPage *_shibbolethCredsPage;
- #endif
-- Flow2AuthCredsPage *_flow2CredsPage;
- OwncloudAdvancedSetupPage *_advancedSetupPage;
- OwncloudWizardResultPage *_resultPage;
- AbstractCredentialsWizardPage *_credentialsPage;
-- WebViewPage *_webViewPage;
- QStringList _setupLog;
-diff --git a/src/gui/wizard/owncloudwizardcommon.h b/src/gui/wizard/owncloudwizardcommon.h
-index d1f7c08be..c55ed04fd 100644
---- a/src/gui/wizard/owncloudwizardcommon.h
-+++ b/src/gui/wizard/owncloudwizardcommon.h
-@@ -38,8 +38,6 @@ namespace WizardCommon {
- Page_HttpCreds,
- Page_ShibbolethCreds,
- Page_OAuthCreds,
-- Page_Flow2AuthCreds,
-- Page_WebView,
- Page_AdvancedSetup,
- Page_Result
- };
-diff --git a/src/libsync/networkjobs.cpp b/src/libsync/networkjobs.cpp
-index 76789a8ce..06c94ea5b 100644
---- a/src/libsync/networkjobs.cpp
-+++ b/src/libsync/networkjobs.cpp
-@@ -921,7 +921,7 @@ void DetermineAuthTypeJob::start()
- });
- connect(oldFlowRequired, &JsonApiJob::jsonReceived, this, [this](const QJsonDocument &json, int statusCode) {
- if (statusCode == 200) {
-- _resultOldFlow = LoginFlowV2;
-+ _resultOldFlow = Basic;
- auto data = json.object().value("ocs").toObject().value("data").toObject().value("capabilities").toObject();
- auto gs = data.value("globalscale");
-@@ -929,7 +929,7 @@ void DetermineAuthTypeJob::start()
- auto flow = gs.toObject().value("desktoplogin");
- if (flow != QJsonValue::Undefined) {
- if (flow.toInt() == 1) {
-- _resultOldFlow = WebViewFlow;
-+ _resultOldFlow = Basic;
- }
- }
- }
-@@ -955,17 +955,17 @@ void DetermineAuthTypeJob::checkAllDone()
- // WebViewFlow > OAuth > Shib > Basic
- if (_account->serverVersionInt() >= Account::makeServerVersion(12, 0, 0)) {
-- result = WebViewFlow;
-+ result = Basic;
- }
- // LoginFlowV2 > WebViewFlow > OAuth > Shib > Basic
- if (_account->serverVersionInt() >= Account::makeServerVersion(16, 0, 0)) {
-- result = LoginFlowV2;
-+ result = Basic;
- }
- // If we determined that we need the webview flow (GS for example) then we switch to that
-- if (_resultOldFlow == WebViewFlow) {
-- result = WebViewFlow;
-+ if (_resultOldFlow == Basic) {
-+ result = Basic;
- }
- qCInfo(lcDetermineAuthTypeJob) << "Auth type for" << _account->davUrl() << "is" << result;
-diff --git a/src/libsync/networkjobs.h b/src/libsync/networkjobs.h
-index 765204c88..088c517d7 100644
---- a/src/libsync/networkjobs.h
-+++ b/src/libsync/networkjobs.h
-@@ -412,8 +412,6 @@ public:
- Basic, // also the catch-all fallback for backwards compatibility reasons
- OAuth,
- Shibboleth,
-- WebViewFlow,
-- LoginFlowV2
- };
- explicit DetermineAuthTypeJob(AccountPtr account, QObject *parent = nullptr);